Posted on 10/02/2024 2:05:14 PM PDT by nickcarraway
One of the students who led Columbia University’s anti-Israel encampment in the spring is suing the Ivy League school for suspending him over hateful video in which he declares, “Zionists don’t deserve to live.”
Khymani James, 21, of Boston was denied due process and fair treatment when suspended — a violation of university policy, according to his Sept. 27 Manhattan Supreme Court filing.
The decision to suspend James from campus in April was made mostly because of media pressure, and he also was unfairly targeted because his is black and pro-Palestine, the court document said.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
I hope he loses the lawsuit big time.
To counter this guy: Happy Rosh Hashanah.
Hate speech defense (for the University).
Threatening behavior, triggering Jewish students. (Not to mention, disgusted Alumni donors).
He was communicating a massive death threat.
I’m sure, to put it mildly, that I don’t like this Khymani James fellow.
That said, he did not yell “Fire” in the theater. He merely stated his opinion that “Zionists don’t deserve to live”.As Patrick Henry famously said.....”I don’t agree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it”.
I’m a free speech guy all the way, let everyone say what the hell they want.....even idiots like James.
I am sure there are a few very bright Jewish students that can sue on many issues, including harassment. Triple damages can be assigned to make sure this turd never shows up again.
I am sure that the Jewish students can prove actual damages, which is a far cry from yelling fire in a theater.
You don't have to let someone in your house to say something you don't agree with.
That's why this guy shouldn't be in jail.
I would agree if that applied both ways, but how many conservatives have been suspended in the last 10 years for a whole lot less.
Don’t mistake freedom of speech with free from consequences.
No one stopped this fool from running his fool mouth.
Anybody with a filing fee can file a lawsuit. Winning is another matter.
“I’m sure, to put it mildly, that I don’t like this Khymani James fellow.
That said, he did not yell “Fire” in the theater. He merely stated his opinion that “Zionists don’t deserve to live”.As Patrick Henry famously said.....”I don’t agree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it”.
I’m a free speech guy all the way, let everyone say what the hell they want.....even idiots like James.”
Public proclaiming that “Zionists don’t deserve to live” is not different than claiming they have no rights under our laws and Constitution. Since life itself is listed even before liberty our pursuing happiness, James is denying the basic agreements of our society.
He can certainly stand on a corner and yell to his heart’s content but he doesn’t have a “right” to do so and attend any college that prohibits such contemptuous and threatening speech.
Columbia is a private university. Your free speech rights don’t overcome private property rights.
Democrat, without a doubt. Racist, without a doubt.Uninformed, absolutely and with a doubt.
He’s “non-white”, of course!
Now, who is the bigger bigot—him or me?
I hope he loses the lawsuit big time.
in a sane world he would. We no longer live in such a world.
I’m a free speech guy all the way, let everyone say what the hell they want.....even idiots like James.
The members of Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Iranian government and military don’t deserve to live.
I wouldn’t be surprised to see Columbia make a phony-baloney out of court “settlement” that gives this creep gobs of cash. It’s the Biden-Harris way.
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