Posted on 08/08/2024 8:25:59 PM PDT by where's_the_Outrage?
There’s a good chance that his Artillery Unit was doing nuclear custodial duty, that is no picnic
He was in the National Guard in Italy as backup support for real heroes in Iraq.
I doubt he was doing anything more there than pushing papers.
He claims he was a Command Sergeant Major when he retired. He was a CSM “in training” or something and held that name/rank, but never completed the exams or whatever before he quit so he didn’t have to go to Iraq. Upon retirement he had the rank of Master Sergeant as he never completed the requirements for CSM. (I have no idea on how any of that works. I would have thought you aren’t called a CSM until you finish everything!).
The guy is shady - through and through. But his record as Governor is clear, and the Trump campaign needs to focus on that - and that Harris picked this guy BECAUSE of that far left record.
Kamala better be careful with that big horse-faced laugh around Walz.
Brave Sir Timmy of Mankato Ran Away! Sir Timmy: "NO!" Bravely Ran Away, Away! Sir Timmy: "I didn't!" When danger rears its ugly head, he bravely turned his tail and fled! Sir Timmy: "I never!" Yes, brave Sir Timmy turned about, And gallantly, he chickened out! Sir Timmy: "You're lying!" Swiftly taking to his feet, he beat a very brave retreat! Bravest of the Brave, Sir Timmy!
All this is going to get him canned.
Here I was looking forward to an easy win in November, and grateful she didn’t pick Shapiro.
Oh well. Maybe dumping him will make them look so incompetent — Biden in, Biden out, Kamala in, Walz in, Walz out — they’ll lose the illegal voters too.
There’s a lot of egg on her face. Will she back him 1000 percent?
[A CNN correspondent harshly fact-checked Gov. Tim Walz, D-Minn., on Wednesday, declaring that “there is no evidence” he carried weapons in combat as the vice presidential candidate appeared to previously imply.]
Uh oh, when the Democrats start losing CNN.......
I’d say Timmy isn’t much of a man.
He fits right in with the other liars.
Schumer made the ridiculous assertion that the Kamala coronation as the nominee without a single citizen vote, was won by her “from the grassroots up.” What grassroots are there in a closed door session in a back room of Dem elites in DC?
Walz looks like another mean face bully who will strut around telling tall tale boasts just like Biden.
But for anyone in the Us populace to allow this and accept this makes me disdain them all.
I think she has given so many recent press conferences and off the cuff interviews that she has a sore throat and will need to bow out for maybe 80 days. /S
Oh c'mon... There the "Most trusted name in News", right?
What’s really significant is that CNN called him out on it. Fake news has turned on one of its own during the honeymoon.
Megyn Kelly begins by discussing the truth about Minn. Governor and Dem VP pick Tim Walz’s military record, the reality about him leaving the National Guard, “stolen valor” claims and the facts, how Walz and the left are trying to spin this massive controversy.
The Walls Are Closing In On Walz: Kamala’s VP Choice Is Beginning to Backfire on Democrats
The Charlie Kirk Show
Will this be enough to bounce him from the ticket?
REpublicans have to stay on this and do not ease the pressure. The Demodrats are off balance here as evidenced by their cleaning up their website on this issue and now even Comma La talking to the press a bit. THis will be a great topic for both the Pres and VP debates.
Tampon Tim....the Commie Coward.
The guy’s a liar. He probably didn’t understand the officer because he was drunk.
Maybe it was the tampons he was referring to?
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