Posted on 07/30/2024 7:48:53 PM PDT by BurgessKoch
With the news of Project 2025 effectively being laid to rest by its Heritage Foundation incubator, it is worth taking a look at how the only true MAGA operation in Washington, D.C., got demonized and neutered.The things you have to know, especially if you’re not in and around Washington, is:
In fact, virtually every think tank, political office, activist group, lobby group, advocacy organization, coalition, foundation, and charity has a Project 2025-style operation, which helps to pick and place proficient personnel and creates policy recommendations for their target audience.The idea that Project 2025 was some kind of secretive, murky endeavor was a fantasy cooked up by the political left and their Republican In Name Only (RINO) helpers on the notional political right – and yes, many people fell for it.The other idea is that the left is allowed to pursue these sorts of projects with its cacophony of institutions while the right isn’t. Well, that’s just farcical. And it’s also why the right rarely gets anything done and usually just plays defense the whole time it has “power.”
Project 2025 was born out of frustration that there were too many RINOs, deep-staters, and Obama holdovers in the first Trump term. All of those things were true and avoidable, but because of the kinds of people placed in charge of the transition effort, nothing changed until about 2019.The RNC’s Reince Preibus and former Speaker Paul Ryan effectively kept any real MAGA people out of the early Trump administration in 2016. This, in turn, led to the ouster of people like Stephen K. Bannon, whose infamous whiteboard still sits somewhere in storage, with barely any of the original MAGA agenda achieved in Trump’s first term.Heritage just so happened to be the only operation in town with the footprint and gravitas to house something like Project 2025. Don’t get me wrong, there’s no love lost between me and Heritage – I have been one of their staunchest critics over the years, but just when the tide was turning, they now find themselves in this awkward situation.The fact is that Project 2025 would have been available to help staff any Republican administration on day one and never claimed they were working directly on behalf of President Trump. That’s just more spin.Also, think about who these campaign staffers briefed in order to trash MAGA loyalists. The Washington Post. Weird, no? To go to the enemy media and offer the scalps of everyone who has dedicated their lives to the movement for the past decade? Does that seem normal and acceptable to you?In this Washington Post article, they claim that they communicated with the Project 2025 leaders to try to tell them to stop. I can report to you that that never happened, which is why the Post was happy to publish it. After all, the Post scarcely ever publishes the truth that helps Trump, do they? Cui bono…
Instead of saying, “Hold on a minute – the Biden (or now Harris) campaign has never been asked to distance itself from the ideas of [insert any one of a plethora of left-wing groups here],” the Trump campaign’s approach was to immediately start punching right.This stems from a long-standing personnel problem the campaign leaders – Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles – have with real MAGA staffers. These are two highly establishment operatives who coasted off Trump’s indictments and, more recently, the assassination attempt to help prop up their campaign. But ask anyone at a local level and they’ll tell you there’s almost no real campaign on the ground, virtually anywhere, all across America.Not only is there no ground operation, but there’s also no plan to staff up an admin on day one with Trump stalwarts.It is, in short, an unmitigated and self-inflicted disaster.Need more on this? Don’t just take it from me. Here’s what a friend of mine from the Trump campaign and first admin texted me today. They wanted to remain anonymous due to fear of internal reprisal, given their ongoing campaign work:“The campaign is more interested in factional warfare with people who have charismatically devoted their professional careers to the President than in actually winning the election. LaCivita, in particular, was doing his victory lap at the convention, blithely ignorant of the fact that Democrats were playing him and the campaign for fools. Democrats changed the narrative days after the convention and Harris is now outworking the Trump campaign as measured by virtually every metric that is used to assess a winning campaign. At this pace, we will be five points underwater by Labor Day with basically a full month of nothing but positive earned media headed the Democrats’ way.”P.S. I have nothing to gain by reporting the truth like this. In fact, it just burns bridges of mine and makes my reporting life more difficult in the Trump campaign world. Frankly, I don’t care. We’re “Radically Independent,” and we live by that mantra. We live and die by the truth. I hope you know that by now.
What difference at this point does it make? Think Linda and his national abortion ban. Real smart.
So call it Project Ultra MAGA.
Claim it is to eliminate the weird, ‘Rat Deep State that is an existential threat to Our Democracy.
From what I know of Project 2025 it is the way the USA should go, and much of it incorporated within MAGA. Heritage Foundation has produced many great, sound papers with proposals the country would do well to incorporate. Let 2025 not be curtailed, but completed and hold as a standard.
Mayor Buttplug looking for the DEADBEAT Dad endorsement?
Agenda47 is Trump’s.
It’s on his website.
The intellectually lazy media can look it up.
It takes less than a minute of research.
The Republicans have a platform.
So even a tiny change to big government like this is resisted by both parties?
47% tax rate? That’s way too much.
the parts I read, I liked.
As long as it was portrayed as “his” and declared to bring forth an end to democracy, the media did their job.
This is why conservatives lose.
They get Alinsky-ed and respond usually point to point to leftist attacks instead of ignoring them and selling their ideas and products louder and more clearly.
Who cares what leftists say?
They certainly don’t care about your criticisms.
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