Right-wing rules. Left-wing drools! Yay!
To: Eleutheria5
Kick the traitors out of Christendom!
To: Eleutheria5
“extreme right-wing”
If they achieved a majority or even just a plurality, by definition they are not “extreme”. But let’s continue with the Leftist destruction of comprehensible language.
To: Eleutheria5
Europe finally got its balls an a spine back? Well just damn!! YAY!
To: Eleutheria5
Listen to what the people are saying! They don’t want any more bearded savages raping the women.
6 posted on
06/09/2024 2:34:51 PM PDT by
I want the USA back
(Voltaire: To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.)
To: Eleutheria5
And another one bites the dust... hoo hoo..
8 posted on
06/09/2024 2:44:04 PM PDT by
To: Eleutheria5
Let me guess. All these “far right” gains are about immigration, government overreach, and the head long rush of the left to get into war.
To: Eleutheria5
14 posted on
06/09/2024 5:34:30 PM PDT by
Dr. Thorne
(The Media is the Virus.)
To: Eleutheria5
15 posted on
06/09/2024 7:14:55 PM PDT by
Deplorable American1776
(Guns don't kill people, LIBERALS DO!! Support the Second Amendment...)
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