This woman’s head is so far up her butt i am speechless.
Predictable and predicted. The NYT is piling on the “Trump is a felon and so are his voters” trope right on time.
The truth of the matter is, they think if they throw Trump in jail, Trump will be cowering in terror in the corner of a dingy cell waiting to be anally raped, and that gives them material for pleasuring themselves.
What is more likely is that Trump will find allies who either like him and will accept pay to protect him or work for him.
Not because he is a stupid mafiosa type which Leftists all seem to adore for some reason, but because it is the way someone like Trump would work. In prison, personal safety might be an issue, so he would say-”Who do you have that would make people go the other direction at the site of him? I want that guy as my bodyguard. I’ll make it worth his while.”
Oops. He never served time.
I’d vote for Tony Soprano for president before I’d vote for Clinton, Obama or Biden.
They sure are throwing a lot of mudpies today.
NYT - Trump is not hitler
I’d vote for Tony Soprano for president before I’d vote for Clinton, Obama or Biden.
Wait!!! MAGA is importing illegal immigrants to bolster future voter-rolls? Methinks the Times doesn’t understand what “mob rule” is.
The hot sauce is for Hillary.
The choice is simple:
Currently, the abject communist tyranny we live under that impacts/controls every aspect of our lives...
The mob, of the past, under the control of a godfather who had minimal impact on the lives of most Americans who, at the time, still enjoyed many of the Constitutionally guaranteed freedoms & liberties...
At this point I would vote for Carlo Gambino for President.
Hey, Michelle, you smelly fraud, which party has been trying to allow felons to vote in recent years? That effort reveals that you believe that the prison population is YOUR PEOPLE.
“one of many criminals in the ex-president’s orbit, from the Miami prison where he is serving four months for contempt of Congress.”
One should have contempt for this Congress. BTW when is Eric Holder going to jail?
>> Republican Party’s increasingly open embrace of lawlessness
“One of the more unsettling things about our politics right now is the Republican Party’s increasingly open embrace of lawlessness.”
It’s not the Bee.
Oh God, how many read this joke of a paper?
Lawlessness? There is a lie about paying off a prostitute against multiple weekend deaths in Chicago.
Cons are wise to the tricks of the justice system such as kangaroo trials and biased judges. Not surprising they relate to Navarro as they will to Steve Bannon next month.