Freaking strategic deep thinkers in charge really dug a deep hole thinking they could use Ukraine to degrade the Russians.
Keep poking that bear and find out.
“Business Insider”
Business Insider is OBVIOUSLY another Putin-Controlled media outlet in the West.
How do I know this? Easy, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, Lindsey Graham, and virtually every other Western Media outlet has ASSURED US that the Ukraine War was ‘weakening’ Russia, and they would NEVER lie to, no way, nope, never.
Oil up 20% in the last four months-ruble still in the toilet.
hint-it takes 20% more rubles to buy same amount of oil-it should be higher.
Things are still going swimmingly for Vlad.
And when the war started, it was 10% of the size it was during the Fulda Gap days. And now it’s 15% bigger! Yeah, they were clearly intent on conquering the world, and reestablishing the entire Russian empire.
So he’s basically saying it went from 10% of the Fulda Gap era to 11.5%? Wow… Terrifying. Clearly they are hell-bent on invading Europe… The Baltics, Poland, all of it!
The operation was to extract $$$$$
Defense Industrial Political Complex
Their army can grow tenfold, but it will never have enough of what truly gives strength. Diversity, of course. That’s what gives strength, we are told.
Ukraine has NO chance of gaining back lost territory. It can only lose more lives and more territory. It only prevent the loss of more territory by surrendering and agreeing to remain neutral.
Russia is probably the worst country to take on. Way to go gloablists. I keep saying they obviously didn’t google operation Barbarossa. Then I realize they probably know winning is not possible. Other demonaical aims are likely afoot. Bleed the west dry of resources and manpower too.
How is this war still going on?
Putin has already died six times and the Ukes have run out of live bodies 7 times.
When MAGA oil stops all war on earth, Putin will have taken exactly what he was after all along like magic.
How much weight did they gain?
Untrained conscripts? Cannon fodder?
that doesn’t make any sense raising the conscription age from 27 to 30 two years into the war would only catch those who were 28 at the start of the war!
Looks like bad propaganda
Who gives a hump about Russia when our border is wide open to anyone ?
Really.The bastards in DC are sowing the seeds of our nation’s downfall and yet the assholes want to fund two wars !
The Ukrainians have demonstrated much greater strength, tactical and strategic planning, innovation in weapons and use, (as demonstrated by the degradation of the Russian Black Sea fleet), than they had before the war started.
It is a horrible war for both sides, with terrible casualties. But Russia appears to be losing more manpower and material than the Ukrainians. Hard to see how this works out better for either side. But the Chinese are becoming much stronger compared to the Russians.
All armies grow larger when they go to war. This is never only one way in favor of one side and harming the other. The Ukrainian military has grown to match the Russian military. Except the difference is for Russia compared to Ukraine, is that a larger proportion of that increase is six feet underground now.
Add in this:
Exclusive: Russia producing three times more artillery shells than US and Europe for Ukraine
It sounds like we are manufacturing a stronger enemy.
Go Ukraine!!
What did Victoria Nuland and democrats think would happen?