Posted on 02/15/2024 5:59:19 AM PST by ChicagoConservative27
On Wednesday’s broadcast of “CNN News Central,” Rep. Mike Quigley (D-IL) stated that “the fact that this is an extraordinarily strong economy” is one key factor in recent wins by Democratic candidates in recent special elections in Ohio, Wisconsin, and New York.
Quigley said, “I think you have to look beyond just that special election [in New York] to the recent elections in Ohio and Wisconsin. I think the fact that the economy is very strong, and the fact that, when choice is on the ballot, Democrats win, all add to this. And I do think the fact that Speaker Johnson (R-LA) shot down the opportunities to address the issue he said was so important. We had opportunities, the secretary and the president have asked for thousands of more border guards and changes in asylum policy, only, I think, under orders from candidate Trump, that Speaker Johnson shot down.”
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Not to worry. The ‘rats will keep trying to kill the economy.
Dream on Ahole.
Yes - strong economy. The rich are getting richer, I see that....
Just think how much better the economy will be when we get the democrat’s $50 minimum wage.
Soon we’ll all be millionaires. Everyone will be wearing $500 shoes and eating $20 bread.
This year’s harvest in the Ukraine is a new record, comrades!
is it just me ?, or are the daily lie(s) getting bigger amd bigger every day ?.
The more pertinent question is, what are Rat voters smoking?
IMHO - The #1 challenge for Trump and MAGA candidates will be how to counter corporate/democrat/globalist media spin and lies.
If the economy is doing so well, why are so many stores and businesses closing in my area (So Cal)?
Might also be due to mass theft...
They know there are enough stupid people out there.
Therein lies a fundamental problem...
Not nearly as stupid as the GOP, who should be winning yet continues to take it up the you know what...
Is Rona still running the show??
We've heard it said, 'It's not the votes but who counts the votes that determine the winner in an election'. Similarly, it's not the stupid people; it's the narrative the stupid people believe. So, the real problem is who is controlling the narrative. I submit that the narrative is our major media outlets that are controlled by anti-American, anti-conservative and anti-Christian individuals. If/when pro-America, pro-American, pro-Constitution Americans regain control of our major media - the stupid people can be properly schooled - so to speak.
.....” Advance retail sales declined 0.8% for January, down from a 0.4% gain in December and worse than the estimate for a 0.3% drop. Sales at building materials and garden stores were especially weak, sliding 4.1%. Miscellaneous store sales fell 3% and motor vehicle parts and retailers saw a 1.7% decrease. Also, initial claims for unemployment insurance totaled 212,000 for the week ended Feb. 10, a decline of 8,000 from the previous week’s upwardly revised total and below the estimate for 220,000.”
hope this retard can read this item, previously posed here on FR...yeah, the economy is doing just fine....!! these people are delusional, are smoking some great ganja, or are just plain nutz .....
He is doing fine.
See, this stuff only helps us. People KNOW what they feel and know how much money they (don’t) have. This will profoundly work against ALL DemoKKkrats in the fall.
When nothing else is left in the gaslighting tank, try comedy.
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