Their only princuple is to have no principles. Their only strategy is preemptive surrender. Their only plan for victory is to alienate their base as muh as possible. They did such a good job of replacing the Whigs that they have become the Whigs.
When the Democrats are in charge, it's as if you're in a car going off a cliff at 100 MPH. At least the Republicans drive the speed limit, but you're still going off the c liff. We nee to turn the car around.
But the GOP isn't intereste in that, just in keeping their sinecures an making money.
Nearest I can tell, it’s the repub’s job to run interference for the dems.
Sort of a ‘good cop, bad cop’ routine played on the entire nation.
Dems are the mafia, pubbies are the cops that get paid to look the other way....
So, what’s the answer? Stop voting with our ballot and our checkbooks?
Get the he-l out ronna romney!
He’s right. The New York GOP put up a black registered Democrat female as a sacrificial lamb to replace the Santos seat. It went about as well as you would think.
R party is a useless joke of self-enrichment just like the Dems. We are ruled by Dempublicans and Republicrats.
The GOP and Dems exist to do their owners bidding, period.
The people who think there is a dimes bit of difference between the establishment political class because of the letter beside their name are SUCKERS.
The uniparty/establishment/globalists own and control the game. You are irrelevant from their perspective... pandered to at election time for a vote, and the back to doing their masters bidding.
Don’t try to tell me the party that puts up Nicki Haley as a presidential contender is vastly different than the party that puts up Obama or Joe Biden.
Pretending their rhetoric and policies are vastly different is laughable.
Neither is the base - for when so-called “MAGA candidates” - including Trump himself - win their primaries, they keep their wallets closed and sit on their behinds. Look at the fundraising numbers. The Dem base works their tails off and forks over the cash, leaving our own candidates twisting in the wind, at the complete mercy of establishment PACs and orgs that should only be supplemental support and should not be what is depended on to win. The candidates have to be able to stand on their own two feet as well. And so, the beat goes on. Our base has been disengaged since 2018...the disintegrating RNC since Preibus left after 2016 is part of it, but it isn’t all. The talk radio circuit is far less engaged in the basics - they would talk about miniscule races that were special elections and get national attention to them and get the base out to vote and support the candidate - weeks and even months ahead of time. Now they hardly mention it even the day of, let alone being all hands on deck for weeks or months beforehand. But the Left and all of its organizations were full steam ahead. They outraise and outwork us at every turn...and that cannot be blamed entirely on the establishment as the nonestablishment candidates have the exact same issue.
Don’t know how we turn this around...but we are in serious trouble, once again, for November 2024 if this pattern of the last several years continues.
The letter after the name means jack anymore.
The ONLY reason political parties still exist is to give voters the illusion of.
A pol is either loyal to our former republic or to Deep State.
Congress is Deep State’s.
The only argument is whether the split is 52/48 or 48/52 and when one of the wrestlers starts taking it to seriously and hits for real. They all have to join together if some crazy orange UFC fighter breaks in and starts attacking everyone and throws some of the ticket money back to the crowd.
Democrats all want things from the government, so they are united and motivated to win.
Republicans aren’t usually angling to get programs and projects from the government, so they are less united and less motivated.
When Republican politicians are motivated, it may be because there’s something they want from the government.
Much of the time, though, they are content to be ineffectual placeholders.
Most of the GOP is “Democrat Lite” or “Uniparty”
That’s all the deep-state needs
The GOP can house, and control, the expected “fringe” or “extreme right” by keeping them on the plantation, humoring them, paying them lip-service.
They then become a mostly harmless voice in the corner, while the “adults” do the work of the permanent deep-state.
And it is the same for “conservative” parties in every Western country.
Their opposition is entirely performative and fake.
They are gatekeepers and containment to prevent a real conservative opposition to mass immigration invasion, de-industrialization, green agenda, NeoCon wars, LGBT...
Why not post this on Democratic Underground? That’s where you will get some traction.
Great stuff here, try to demoralize us in a presidential election year.
Boy howdy!
The GOP exists, except for a small number of individuals, to give us the impression that we actually have a choice and say in how our country is run.
Considering how many traitor RINOS there are, it’s all a sham.
It’ one great, big, happy party; The UniParty!!!
And we ain’t in it....
It’s got the GOP arm and the RAT arm.
Oh, they both spew their utter nonsense to what their constituents want to hear, but in the end, it’s: GOPe = DNC = UniParty = DS = Communists
We’re the “unwashed masses”. We exist as nothing but cattle to be “milked” every payday and again on April 15th.
Despising the ground their shadows fall on should be an everyday occurrence for anyone with a modicum of intelligence.