Ken Buck, Mike Gallagher, Tom McClintock, Blake Moore
These republicans voted no.
1 posted on
02/06/2024 6:15:57 PM PST by
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To: Boomer
I use the term “republicans” very loosely with these 4.
2 posted on
02/06/2024 6:17:16 PM PST by
(The Long Winter is coming...)
To: Boomer
Moore voted no for procedural reasons, so the resolution could be rebrought. If tied, the resolution would be dead.
To: Boomer
Trump needs to pound these clowns.
4 posted on
02/06/2024 6:19:04 PM PST by
( Peaceful coexistence with the Left is not possible. Stop pretending that it is.)
To: Boomer
This means all democrats are nation wreckers
5 posted on
02/06/2024 6:19:09 PM PST by
(al )
To: Boomer
These clowns just sold America down the river.
6 posted on
02/06/2024 6:19:25 PM PST by
(e )
To: Boomer
From the
Epoch TimesAmong the opposing votes were those cast by Republican Reps. Ken Buck of Colorado, Tom McClintock of California, Blake Moore of Utah, and Mike Gallagher of Wisconsin. Mr. Moore changed his vote in order to preserve a future parliamentary opportunity to reconsider the vote.
Mr. Moore changed his vote AT THE REQUEST of Speaker Johnson.
Intelligent people won't crap on Mr. Moore.
The others deserve it.
11 posted on
02/06/2024 6:28:03 PM PST by
(... the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed)
To: Boomer
When Democrats control the House, they are relentless and brutal.
When Republicans control the House, they are timid and weak.
It’s easy to see which side will eventually destroy the other.
12 posted on
02/06/2024 6:28:31 PM PST by
Leaning Right
(The steal is real.)
To: Boomer
Once again Republicans demonstrate their most unique, enduring and reliable talent. Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
Note. Despite growing pressure from democratic majors and governors across the nation over this border debacle, not a single democrat defected.
13 posted on
02/06/2024 6:29:41 PM PST by
To: Boomer
15 posted on
02/06/2024 6:31:30 PM PST by
(...To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them.-S.Adams)
To: Boomer
Ken Buck, Mike Gallagher, Tom McClintock, Blake Moore
These republicans voted no.
The problem is that they are just the tip of the iceberg. If the Uniparty had needed more, they could have gotten another hundred votes or so. Trump needs to clean house. Anyone who voted to certify the 2020 Big Steal is suspect.
16 posted on
02/06/2024 6:35:27 PM PST by
Dr. Franklin
("A republic, if you can keep it." )
To: Boomer
nyc, migrants, blah. Just one city.
17 posted on
02/06/2024 6:36:00 PM PST by
To: Boomer
All four need to be primaried, and their pork largesses cut off in the meanwhile.
19 posted on
02/06/2024 6:37:59 PM PST by
(Ask not for whom Trump Trolls,He trolls for thee!),<img src="" width=500</img><a href="">tag</a>)
To: Boomer
Don’t be surprised if the GOPe loses the house this fall in spite of Trump winning the presidency, it will not be because the democrats ‘won’ it will because many people will not turn out to support uniparty, deep state types.
Here in Michigan we lost both the state house and the state senate for the first time in decades, people are just sick of the GOPe both state and national and simply won’t vote for these sellouts anymore as you might as well be a dem voter.
20 posted on
02/06/2024 6:38:11 PM PST by
(Victory is not relative, it is absolute. )
To: Boomer
The Biden Impeachment Ship just sailed and, Ken Buck, Mike Gallagher, Tom McClintock, Blake Moore are the captains of that vessel.
To: Boomer
America is lost. If we can’t get R’s to see this for what it is then all hope is lost—RUSH LIMBAUGH always said he would tell everyone when to panic...I believe he would be saying, PANIC, today.
28 posted on
02/06/2024 6:48:51 PM PST by
(Discipline Is Reliable, Motivation Is Fleeting..)
To: Boomer
31 posted on
02/06/2024 7:20:45 PM PST by
(there is no fall back position, there's no rally point, there is no LZ... we're on our own. #FJB)
Somebody has enough dirt on every republican just to flip a few votes, just in case.
Then the rest of the RINOs can keep their stellar but meaningless voting records.
35 posted on
02/06/2024 7:30:59 PM PST by
(I'd rather have Unequal Wealth than Equal Poverty)
To: Boomer
Worthless RINOs, the lot of them.
36 posted on
02/06/2024 7:38:27 PM PST by
No name given
(Anonymous is who you’ll know me as)
To: Boomer
LOL!!! Did 4 guys get a campaign fund boost?
39 posted on
02/06/2024 8:07:49 PM PST by
(In politicians we get what we deserve, usually the best that money can buy, guaranteed.)
To: Boomer
Will GOP voters hold them accountable? Or will GOP voters send these people back for another term where they can continue to stab the country in the back all the while claim to be a true conservative?
Isn’t it time GOP voters stood up to their politicians and demanded accountability?
42 posted on
02/07/2024 12:50:36 AM PST by
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