Posted on 01/12/2024 2:29:42 PM PST by CFW
New York Attorney General Letitia James led a multi-state coalition of 20 attorneys general calling on the Biden administration to halt the sale of 5.56 caliber ammunition to civilians by the Lake City Army Ammunition Plant, a Missouri-based supplier for the U.S. military.
“Billions of rounds of military-grade ammunition manufactured at the Lake City Army Ammunition Plant have been sold on the commercial market, leading to their use in many of the most tragic mass shootings in recent history,” the AGs stated in a Jan. 9 letter to the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention. “We ask your Office to conduct an investigation into the contracting processes that led to this situation, and to take action to ensure that military-grade and military-subsidized ammunition stays out of civilian hands.” The letter was signed by AGs from Arizona, California, Connecticut, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington. While many of these states have been enacting restrictions on firearms, others, including Arizona and Vermont, maintain a tradition of relatively permissive gun laws.
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Blue State AGs Tell Biden to Block Sale of Lake City’s 5.56 Ammo to Civilians
Time to buy more....another 1000 rounds should do...
Got your six man.
BTW and MEANWHILE, the U.S. sends BILLIONS$ in weapons to Ukraine with NO CLUE AS TO WHERE THE WEAPONS HAVE GONE.
Time to start arresting elected officials for violating our constitutional rights.
Is LC 50 BMG on offer?
Mobs and gangbangers yell, “Yes”!
They tried this before, but it was defeated.
With the staggering demand for ammunition from all corners of the country, this should prod civilian ammunition providers to step up their production.
They’ve been trying this approach for years with little success. That said, it’s good to keep an eye on it.
“ military-grade ammunition “
So scary!!!
Shouldn’t all these Lawyers be Immediately DISBARRED for making deliberate false statements in an effort to Overthrow the US Constitution?
It is here.
Arresting is the first step.
The left is arming our enemies while demanding U.S. citizens disarm themselves (or they will do it for us).
The only, and I mean only, reason that our government would want to disarm law-abiding citizens is that they plan to violate the remainder of our rights as well. There is an evil plan afoot and the WEF and other globalists are stymied in reaching their goals easily if Americans remain armed.
They plan to genocide us. Period.
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They already did with covid.
I’m certain that the founding fathers understood “arms”’to include what was then stores of gunpowder and material to make ammunition.
.50 cal Hawkins from Hatchet Jack
Is My ‘Go To’ Rifle!
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