All systems contrived by man fail. We are merely witnessing the final failure of the one that we live in. There is always disbelief when a system collapses that remains until it becomes clear that it is every man for himself as the heavy boot of tyranny, the natural condition of rule by man throughout all history of civilization, descends.
We simply happen to still be alive during an occasion that we’ve been so fortunate to only read about in history books, or in The Bible.
Our good fortune has ended.
I don't claim to be a prophet; but I am now quite sure the only chance of once again being truly free rests on having the good fortune of another set of gifted founders rising up in the aftermath of the continuing collapse. And, IMO, this is iffy at best. I hope the election of Trump or someone like him will prove me wrong.
I was telling a youngster about new regulations yesterday, such as this business transparency junk. He saw no problem with it at all, even tried to rationalize it. Could not see why I had a problem with it. I told him it would be easy for him since he has never known true liberty.