Posted on 10/11/2023 12:51:58 PM PDT by packagingguy
Democratic New York Rep. Dan Goldman refused to explicitly condemn Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s refusal to speak out forcefully against Hamas’ terrorists attacks.
Fox’s Hillary Vaughn confronted Tlaib over reports Hamas terrorists were chopping off Israeli babies’ heads and burning children alive. Tlaib refused to comment despite several opportunities.
Tlaib also put out a statement saying she grieves “the Palestinian and Israeli lives lost yesterday, today, and every day.”
“As long as our country provides billions in unconditional funding to support the apartheid government, this heartbreaking cycle of violence will continue,” Tlaib wrote.
Fox & Friends’ Lawrence Jones asked Goldman on Wednesday how he can go back to the Hill “and try to get them to rally for the Israeli people,” noting Tlaib’s lack of forcefulness.
“Look, there are fringe parts of — of many different parties. There are conservative marches in the south with swastikas all the time. Anti-Semitism is rampant,” Goldman said.
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Over more than half a century I have lived in seven different places all over the South and I have never seen someone displaying a swastika.
If it's true that conservatives fly swastikas in the south then I must not get out enough.
Nah, the congressman is just spouting BS.
South where?....South Chicago?......South Bronx?.......South Los Angeles?.........South Houston?.........South America?...................
Rats are Rats, no fixing that.
The Pinochet Express should resume operations, with a free ride over Gaza for Dan and his soulmate Rashida.
I lived in Georgia for 7 years and NEVER saw a Nazi flag or armband. or anything else. Typical NY view of the south. WRONG!
Are there?, Are there really?
“ALL THE TIME”, confirmation/bigotry bias on display.
No, there are not swastikas marching “all the time.” Not in years, if ever. Crazy liar.
He’s obviously talking about the Soros paid actors who held the tiki torch march in C-ville. Crazed Aryan Nazis are .0000001 of the population.
Feds and AntiFa do it
Apartheid is the latest word they are using the wrong way
(D-Jew) Goldman says whitey are all Nazis.
If you spot a swastika at a conservative march you’ve found the FBI plant!!!
Which part of:
National Socialist Democrat Workers Party
sounds conservative??
Really? Show me one, you Leftist POS.
Hah. Make him show all those “conservative marches” We just never march. LOL
I'm a Southerner, and I've NEVER seen a march with swastikas. Maybe I don't get out enough?
It would be something amazing to find the march.
Southern slander aside, someone should pound the fact that Goldman is equating Rashida Tlaib to swastika-wearing nazis.
Mr. Goldman is saying this? A Jewish apologist or Damage Control truth spinner for this radical Muslim woman?
Dan, you’re bending over backwards to cover for this woman.
What has made you this way?
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