Posted on 09/18/2023 9:55:09 AM PDT by DallasBiff
The impeachment charges centered on allegations that Paxton improperly used the powers of his office to protect political donor and real estate developer Nate Paul, who was indicted in June on federal charges of making false statements to banks.
In the two-week trial, former aides recounting how Paxton, who was endorsed by former president Donald Trump, allegedly pressured them to help Paul and how he helped a woman with whom he was allegedly having an extramarital affair land a job with Paul.
Ken Paxton denied wrongdoing, and decried the charges as politically motivated. His attorneys argued there was no evidence or not enough to rise beyond a reasonable doubt.
Angela Paxton was not allowed to vote in the trial, but she attended all two weeks of the proceedings, including when a woman was called to publicly testify about the alleged affair she had with Ken Paxton. The woman ultimately never took the witness stand.
The state senator remained stoical during the vote, according to video of the proceedings, and is seen subtly nodding as votes to acquit her husband on the final article of impeachment are read out. She hugged Tony Buzbee, her husband's lead lawyer, after the trial.
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Also this is grammar nitpicking is "stoical' an actual word? I thought it was "stoic"
Yes, it is an actual word.
Dade Phelan is not.
Oh yeah - but it’s ok when Hillary does it and Billy provably had affairs!
It passes a google dictionary test for what thats worth
Paxton received a fair and just acquittal. With his wife not being permitted to vote one way or the other.
Now? Now if the accusations that Ken had a side piece are true - she is free to leave him if she chooses.
It’s time for the GOOBers to cowboy up and start bringing allegations and investigations against a RAT turd roller every time the RATS attack a Republican. The sh*tty justus system we have in this third world RAT hole is totally worthless. The RATS own all of the “Jugheads in Black Robes” and their Feral courts. Republicans don’t stand a chance.
Bible students know the Stoics were a virtuous group of people devoted to living good lives of peace, love and understanding.
Blah, blah, blah.
(Acts 17)
You can see how this has shown us who the good, the bad, and the ugly really are.
Some from our “side” are the bad. Chip Roy for example
She can leave or stay with him regardless of his history of fidelity.
“Yes, it is an actual word.
Dade Phelan is not.”
You got that right.
Paxton gets impeached (to trial) for at-best, some tawdry local dealing-
Joe Shiites-His-Pants lives a life of a billionaire on a Government salary and never any questions.
I hope Paxton goes “Scorched Earth” on the whole Bush Criminal Gang.
Handcuffs and Orange Jumpsuits
That was back in 2018, and they reconciled.
Stoic is a word. Stoical would be a poor adjective. Because it would have questionable value as being “like” a stoic person. Nothing surprises in the gooooooogle giggle world of made up smart phone history and dictionary.
Some from our “side” are the bad. Chip Roy for example
Chip Roy strikes again.
Amazing how many Freepers fall for this fake.
Gohmert, too...disappointing to say the least.
Stoikiy muzhik, kind of like....standing man.....standing man.....
That lawyer looks like an older version of Gavin Newsom.
She’s hugging Ken’s attorney here 👆
The problem is the lawyers on our side believe in the rule of law. Their side believes in the rule by power.
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