Posted on 07/21/2023 3:53:26 AM PDT by FarCenter
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on Thursday approved the deployment of the USS Bataan amphibious readiness group and the 26th Marine Expeditional Unit to the Gulf region, according to US officials.
The readiness group consists of three ships, including the Bataan, an amphibious assault ship. An expeditional unit usually consists of about 2,500 Marines.
In an announcement, US Central Command said the deployment will provide "even greater flexibility and maritime capability in the region.”
The announcement did not name the ships, but US officials detailed the units involved in the deployment on condition of anonymity to discuss troop movements.
Along with the Bataan, the group includes two other warships, the USS Mesa Verde and the USS Carter Hall.
The group left Norfolk, Virginia, earlier this month. It was unclear Thursday if all three ships would continue into the Gulf region.
The deployment comes on the heels of decisions in recent weeks to send the USS Thomas Hudner, a destroyer, and a number of F-35 and F-16 fighter jets to the region.
There also have been A-10 attack aircraft there for several weeks in response to the Iranian activity.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Iran tried to seize some oil tankers. So we’re sending an amphibious assault ship. I don’t get it, but I’m not a military strategist like Lloyd Austin or Joe Biden.
The Iranians operate with swarms of smaller boats. The Marines are better suited to take them out than the Navy with larger frigates and such. And carriers have no business in the Gulf, if you ask me.
America the Belligerent.
I am sure the DOJ will appoint a special counsel to investigate this release of information.
Didn’t you work for the Obama administration?
Can we assume the bigs at Central Command were promotd based on modern Democrat KKK standards? Kolor, Kink, and/or Kin?
An Amphibious Assault Ship carries a lot of helicopters and boats.
Once the Iranians see how gay we are, they will cease their aggressive actions.
A war for Chinese Oil?
You death to America obamanites have no place in America. Don’t like it? Leave.
Go get educated and look up Barbary Coast piracy and the Shores of T. ripoli.
Islamic piracy has plagued the world and international commerce for as long as Islam itself. So it’s not about America no the international community... Excepting that of the turd world goat humpers
America is far from dead.
As an obamanite its your job to bring down the west but there’s more americans here than your death to America crowd
No fan of Biden by any means, but has he done anything different than Trump, or for that matter, Reagan or the Bushes would have done under these circumstances?
what are you talking about?
So it’s not about America no the international community... Excepting that of the turd world goat humpers...
Should read..
So it’s not just about America, no, it’s the international community... Excepting that of the turd world goat humpers
Your post 4
I think it’s an “I dare you”.
At least it’s in our national interest to ensure the free flow of oil from the gulf region.
Iran isn’t third world.
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