Hope it doesn’t include the square foot I was planning to buy to claim my lordship. That would be a real disappointment.
They supposedly have a 20 year operational life, but a 21 year payback period.
Actual operational life is closer to 10 years.
Anybody who thinks wind power is a good idea should put his money where his mouth is and buy his own micro wind turbines (~1kW to 2kW each) for his own use. If it works as good as you think, you’ll reap the rewards. If it doesn’t work, nobody else loses because of your idea.
Well the good news is eventually those windmills will break, and collapse, and probably not be replaced, and eventually the trees will grow back.
Communists are very good at solving imaginary issues which always cause real problems.
They’ve gone full retard and now are missing the point about what the infamous “climate change” panic is all about.
Makes me think of Easter Island. That led to an extinction of a society leaving only a bunch of big heads sticking up out of the earth. Maybe someone can paint eyes on the windmills?
In NJ, Great Adventure wanted to cut down a few hundred acres to put up solar panels.
A business near me did that to an acre. Subsidies and incentives.
Put the panels in parking lots.
Shade in summer, snow slides off in winter.