The real criminals in the Biden Crime Syndicate is PravdABDNC. Our media has sold out to the One World Communist gummit decades ago and now simply parrots whatever the DNC tells them to repeat. No matter how obvious the crime or lame the politician they have absolutely no curiosity or courage to risk their job reporting the truth. They are one of the few industries who have no respect whatsoever for their viewers and will dutifully post onto the echo chamber whatever they are told. When you have nobody watching the crooks you are leaving the bank vault open for the robbers which is exactly where America is. This time the world is seeing exactly who Biden is and how his mafia works
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Part of the problem is there is no Rush Limbaugh to counter the driveby media who lie constantly but there is a potential cure for the passing of Rush:
its this:"
Along with President Trump back in office we need this guy on the airwaves: Tucker Carlson needs to take Rush's place!
Tucker needs to take Rush's time spot.
We need Tucker on the air for three hours per day from noon until 3:00p, Eastern,immediately!
We finally have a person who can take over for Rush.Tucker Carlson can do the job.
Will he duplicate what Rush did? No one can do that.!
That's the beauty of Tucker Carlson he can reproduce Rush's level of broadcasting and much more without copy-catting Rush's patented method of presenting the truth to an enthusiastic audience.
Both are/were their own men,they didn't need to copy anyone,rare in broadcasting.
Rush opted to use those with one year of college as his prime market target. He seldom went below that level or above,brilliance personified. Also Rush taught many of us to: make sure everyone was onboard with the topic discussed and how it was being presented. Rush was excellent at that.Tucker is good but still needs a little work on being over the head of a few listeners.He will get it with time.
Will he be as good a broadcaster as Rush was in his own way,no question,yes.And,he will do it in his own style a trait that audiences worldwide always pick up.
He's the only one who can do the job. Others currently on the air try but none are in Rush or Tucker's league. It's a very small genius inspired league where few have been.
America depended on Rush to tell it like it is,do it in a manner that everyone understands, what is going on and touch on the topics that help Americans who actually love America,family,American values,the constitution and the mores that made our country what it is from it's inception.
Limbaugh was our Linus' blanket of sorts. Even if we didn't hear every show it was comforting to know he was their representing those who love America: conservative Americans!
We needed and still need that security that only a few with the utmost in integrity can provide.
Tucker can replace what Rush gave us and we need him to do it.
Only two people in recent history have or can do that one is Rush who sadly passed away and the other is Tucker Carlson. These two broadcasters rise above the rest for many reasons and people flock to hear their messages and the conservative movement needs to fill the vacuum that Rush has left.
Only Tucker can do that.There are "100 million reasons" for him to take Rush's place.
Tucker is nowhere near as Conservative as Rush. He cannot be replaced although Tucker getting 60 million views was a good sign. He is a good investigative reporter.
Of course FOX News people could just keep talking about Target and mention the “tucker-friendly swimwear collection” to see how long that could get past the network censors.
Oh, how I miss Rush!
Agree 100%. Buck Sexton and Clay Travis are fixated on social issues, especially transgender issues. I doubt Tucker would tie himself down for three hours a day. Show prep would be much greater than his one hour show. Rush was unique in his ability to engage his audience for three hours, essentially without any guests. Rush was a unique talent.
So true. Tucker will use the facts to point out the disconnects.
Problem is overcoming the Mail aisle of the general public, and Karen’s who rely on nightly news or social slanted media for their “truth”
Their singular focus is what prevents true equality and treatment.
Throw in the threat of being personally and financially destroyed by the gulag and you get the type of representation we currently have
Washington didn’t risk it all to relieve us from tyranny to see it return in its current form.