Trust me. Biden will be reinstalled. It’s just a matter who his VP will be. I don’t see any way Kamel Ho gets the nod. Trump will be indicted in DC and held without bail. Count on it. The deep state will do ever it takes to see that Biden wins.
They could falsely convict Trump of any foolish crime they want, put him in jail, and he will STILL be elected President. The alternative is CW3!
Sounds like you’re describing Pakistan.
They certainly want to do that but until they get our guns I don't think they will. More likely to find a way to kill him . There is current talk that the CIA killed Kennedy but to me that is crazy talk.
Absolutely nothing goes in favor of The Right, yet people still think we’re going to vote our guys in, and we’ll fix it all.
All I see is mass self-delusion. I mean, what is victory for The Right? Currently, it’s switching beers. That’s our big big victory to pat ourselves on the back and thump our chest.