Posted on 04/18/2023 9:33:31 AM PDT by SoConPubbie
President Donald Trump presented a sparkling policy pitch on Tuesday that delivered a bullet point action plan for cleaning up American streets and getting the homeless population the help that they need.
“Our once-great cities have become unlivable, unsanitary nightmares, surrendered to the homeless, the drug addicted, and the violent and dangerously deranged,” Trump said in a video. “We are making many suffer for the whims of a deeply unwell few. And they are unwell indeed. The homeless have no right to turn every park and sidewalk into a place for them to squat and do drugs.”
He added, “Americans should not have to step over piles of needles and waste as they walk down a street in a beautiful city. Or at least once beautiful city because they’ve changed so much over the last ten years.”
As part of the president’s Agenda47 policy platform for his 2024 bid for president, the following actions will be implemented to combat the dangerously unsafe conditions of many American cities:
“This strategy will be far better and also far less expensive than spending vast sums of taxpayer money to house the homeless in luxury hotels without addressing their underlying issues—and they have so many of these underlying issues and needs,” Trump explained.
Additionally, those who violate the ban on urban camping will be arrested, “but they will be given the option to accept treatment and services if they are willing to be rehabilitated. Many of them don’t want that, but we will give them the option.”
Trump emphasized that the first consideration government should give is to the “rights and safety of the hardworking, law-abiding citizens who make our society function.”
Trump’s policies are just to appealing... the Deep State is going to have to end him before 2024.
We can start by outlawing the commiecrat party and deporting all commiecrats to the communist sh*@hole of their choosing and make them stay there permanently.
“Open large “parcels of inexpensive land” and recruit medical professionals, social workers, and mental health professionals to create “tent cities” where the homeless can be relocated and helped to get back on their feet,”
This point of his plan isn’t going to fly. The courts will never allow people to be forcibly relocated against their will to “camps”, absent some criminal conviction.
Were the courts involved in our Japanese concentration camps?
One big word he needs to make sure is included: INVOLUNTARY.
A lot of homeless people are mentally ill and need to be kept in institutions. It’s probably not a popular idea but I honestly don’t know what else you would do with these people.
I’ve always said the reason we have so many unemployed homeless is because their jobs (that no one wants, libs keep telling us) are being taken by illegal aliens. Ending the flood should be step #1, like Trump’s plan says.
the federal government cant do anything about urban camping. That’s a city issue or at most state.
Those goals once you get past the first one all the others are state & local government responsibilities.
He will have to use the federal funding stick to coerce the states & localities because there’s very little FedGov can directly do.
There may still be vagrancy laws on the books in some cities.
Why should a single federal dime go to things that the states are fully capable of “fixing” with the right state and local leadership. Trumps solutions will only add to the role of the federal government and federal regulation and federal expense. It’s a populist not a Conservative set of ideas.
This sounds like a good plan, but it doesn’t get at the heart of the problem. At least the excerpt doesn’t.
Not much will happen until big drug dealers are executed, middle drug dealers are sent to prison for life, all the pols on the take from the drug cartels are sent to prison, and state “legalization” in contravention of federal law is stopped.
“Our once-great cities have become unlivable, unsanitary nightmares, surrendered to the homeless, the drug addicted, and the violent and dangerously deranged,” Trump said in a video. “We are making many suffer for the whims of a deeply unwell few. And they are unwell indeed. The homeless have no right to turn every park and sidewalk into a place for them to squat and do drugs.”
Simple truth. He gets to the point so we’ll. I’ve been accosted on more than one occasion by homeless, mentally ill people on my walks around the neighborhood. One time a young deranged black man threatened to shoot me and called me the N-word over and over again, and I’m whiter than white. I’ll carry bear spray from now on. That might help.
L.A. is full of many thousands of homeless, mentally ill, drug addicted or dealing, etc.
The “tent cities” is a good one.
FDR created the CCC camps for unemployed people.
I would never trust the Feds to do such a project again, but allow states/cities to do the same for those found guilty of vagrancy.
Think for a second...
Arrest, charge with vagrancy...send to camp..
No bail ( the libs will love this)
Easy peasy
Can someone tell this wanna-be despot that the feds should have absolutely no input into the day-to-day running of cities. That is a State issue. If Trump needs a refresher on what the feds can and cannot do, he should read the Constitution. I'm sure it'll be the first time he has seen the document.
“wanna-be despot?”
Hyperbole much?
And are you SURE President Trump has never looked at the Constitution? I doubt that very much.
You may be disappointed when Trump wins the nomination and is elected to another term.
And a President - any President - will do this how?
Trump is the solution.
Biden is the problem.
End the nightmare.
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