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The Great COVID Purge
epoch times ^ | 11 April A.D. 2023 | Jeffrey A. Tucker

Posted on 04/11/2023 1:09:05 PM PDT by lightman

The announcement that came from the White House is spooky in its brevity. It was just one sentence announcing the end of the COVID emergency. The 15 Days announced on March 16, 2020, which implemented the national emergency declared a few days earlier, ended up lasting 1,135 days.

What resulted? National ruin. We see it in every aspect of our lives: cultural, economic, educational, public health, familial, community, and trust in institutions. Life expectancy is in free fall, not from COVID but from the fallout of the response. Cities are wrecked. Millions have been professionally and demographically displaced.

It’s not even clear that we live under the Constitution anymore.

And yet this is how they dare to end it, or, at least, claim to have ended it.

Epoch Times Photo

It is a serious question whether it has really ended. The administrative state effectively performed a coup against the elective government on March 13th, three years ago. That power has not been given back. Biden’s signing of the House-initiated emergency termination seems pro forma, a cosmetic tip of the hat to the idea that we still have government by the people. But it is generally not true anymore. The administrative state seized power in those days and it has not given it back.

As if to underscore the point that nothing has changed, the Biden administration just released another $5 billion for vaccine development, as if these companies did not make enough profit over the past three years by conscripting hundreds of millions of unwilling customers to accept its product.

Wait, didn’t the vaccine fail? Of course it did and everyone knows that. Their excuse is that it was just an early test of a brilliant idea, like Windows 95. Yes, there need to be tweaks. But because mRNA is a platform technology, like the body’s new operating system, they just have to keep iterating with development until everyone is on the subscription plan.

Looking back, it is increasingly clear that the power and profits of the pharmaceutical companies was the main point along. But it was not the only point.

In addition, all institutions in the United States faced a kind of political purge of dissidents. It all began with a media frenzy about a virus on the loose. We could not see it. We didn’t know if it was there or not. We were told to trust the voices of authority. In those days, there was a lot more trust so many people went along. After all, why would they lie about such a thing?

Over time, people began to be suspicious of their claims that this would be ten to one hundred times worse than the flu and that everyone could die. There were so many parts to the manipulation of the public mind.

The PCR tests were known to be wildly inaccurate, detecting not sickness but the presence somewhere of a tiny particle. Then you had the open admissions that they were misclassifying deaths on purpose. Between bad tests and misclassifications, it almost seemed like any powerful person could make a pandemic appear and disappear using technology and media amplification alone.

Still, many people panicked. What were we supposed to do about it? There were three rounds of mandates. It began with solitary confinement of the whole population, except for those deemed absolutely essential. Who would decide? Some bureaucrat somewhere. You will never know his name. But he was in charge of characterizing your profession and life and you had better comply.

One must be willing to impose solitary confinement, celebrate it, and endure it in order to enter the gates of woke heaven. And if you did not, prepare for the onslaught.

Then there was the second mandate. Once having exited quarantine, one must cover one’s face at all times. Of course we knew that this would not work. Anthony Fauci even said so, while later claiming that the truth he accidentally stated was itself a lie. So our breathing was restricted. Our ability to express ourselves was truncated and our ability to see others’ mouths came to an end. Children developed learning disabilities. As for the disabled themselves, they had no rights at all.

For those who passed those two tests, quarantine and masking, there remained the biggest challenge of all: accept the government’s potion into your arm even though you didn’t need it under the best scenario and it would endanger your life under the worst. Still you had to trust. How much do you believe the party? Show us.

There were of course many of us who did not go along. Even from the first day, we doubted the whole thing. How were we treated? We were marginalized and excluded.

What was purged? The public sector. The military. The media. The universities. Even whole cities. Those who disagreed were silenced, humiliated, displaced, and made to feel stupid and powerless. Canceled, as they say.

By the end of this ordeal, the final purge of soldiers, employees in large firms, civil servants, students, faculty, intellectuals, journalists, and administrators was complete. Those non-woke voices that remain are too demoralized and afraid to speak up.

The revolution is complete. As a result, the older conception of public health, the university, the military, the media, and so much more, seems almost entirely gone.

Millions are still trying to piece their lives together but truly we live in new times with a new form of government. It goes by many names: the biosecurity state, digital leviathan, technocratic hegemon, despotism by the administrative state. The sooner we recognize this reality, the better.

Where are the silver linings? We now know what we did not know before. We know that the mainstream media is largely captured by the Deep State. We know the same about most large corporations. We have learned that we cannot trust public health or even public schools.

With that knowledge, people have started building new institutions. Homeschool is the norm and private schools are bursting at the seams. People have moved to states and cities friendly to the idea of freedom.

Something is brewing out there and it is not Bud Light. They think they can just make this go away with a one sentence press release? No way. We must have the truth. We must have accountability, no matter how long it takes. Freedom is our birthright. We never should have acquiesced to having it stolen from us.

The growing ranks of people who are determined not to live as captives of the new system are finding new ways to reclaim their rights, health, education, faith, and freedom. In the end, and despite the unspeakable pain, the lockdowers, technocrats, and oligarchs will not win this. The human spirit is too resilient finally to be fully controlled.

They showed us who they are and what they can do. Now we know. We must now act on that knowledge.

TOPICS: Business/Economy; Culture/Society; Editorial; Government
KEYWORDS: 2020; 202003; 20200313; 20200316; alternatehistory; bigpharma; bigprofit; civilrights; coup; covid; covid19; covid1984; deepstate; economy; education; fauci; freeperdown; healthemergency; iatz; ibtz; jeffreyatucker; jeffreyatuckeragain; jeffreytucker; jeffreytuckeragain; lockdowns; mandates; masks; media; nuremberg2; nurembergtwo; revisionisthistory; tucker; tyranny; zot; zotted
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DO NOT FORGET what they’ve done to you.
Do not let their sudden realization they are in bad shape politically excuse the last two-plus years of abuses.
They shut down your job.
Called many of you “non-essential.”
Closed your kids’ schools.
Expected you to live off $1200 for months while they got richer and richer.
Denied you the ability to be with your dying loved ones.
Then denied you the ability to give those loved ones a proper funeral.
While they let George Floyd have three.
While they went on vacation.
Visited family.
The hair salon.
They arrested you for paddle boarding by yourself.
They shut down the parks and the playgrounds.
They called you a grandma killer if you questioned them.
Suspended you from social media if you didn’t obey the narrative.

They called you domestic terrorists when you demanded your kids get the education your tax dollars paid for.
They mocked you when you demanded a return to normalcy for children.
They sneer at your concern over empty shelves and exploding grocery and utility bills.
They messed with supply chains and emptied store shelves, while the elites partied on yachts and Martha’s Vineyard.
They queered women’s sports and the military, and made the citizenry pay for it.
They sexualized schoolchildren, and persecuted parents at school board meetings.
They denied you the chance to try alternative treatments for COVID.
Then they fired you for not getting the vaccine.
When you stand up for your freedom, they call you Nazis and bigots.

Do not forget what they have done.
Do not forgive them.
They are hoping that, by November, you have forgotten the nightmareof the last 2+ years.
YOU struggle to make ends meet and the best the Biden administration can do is free crack pipes for “racial equity.”
This is on top of the woke, cancel culture bull they shove down our throats, the 2020 riots, being accused of racism and bigotry because we oppose their agenda.
As the election draws closer, they’ll pretend they didn’t do any of this.
They’ll gaslight us.
Blame the GOP (like they tried to when defunding the police went south).

DO NOT give them power.
They haven’t learned a damn thing from this.
You re-elect them, and you can expect masks and lockdowns and nonsense in perpetuity.
Not just for COVID, but for whatever else they deem a “public health emergency” (guns, climate change).
(Remember, they are the very same people who ignore a pubic health emergency aka AIDS.)
They will trample your rights.



1 posted on 04/11/2023 1:09:05 PM PDT by lightman
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To: lightman

And there are pharmbots still to this day on FR insisting “Don’t look behind that curtain.”

2 posted on 04/11/2023 1:12:25 PM PDT by Sirius Lee (They intend to murder us. Prep if you want to live and live like you are prepping for eternal life)
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To: lightman


3 posted on 04/11/2023 1:18:32 PM PDT by BenLurkin (The above is not a statement of fact. It is either opinion, or satire, or both.)
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To: lightman

Bump for later. Great post.

4 posted on 04/11/2023 1:24:22 PM PDT by SamAdams76 (5,016,040 Truth | 87,429,920 Twitter)
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To: Qiviut


5 posted on 04/11/2023 1:27:35 PM PDT by Qiviut (I'm not out of control, I'm just not in their control. $hot $hills: Sod Off)
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To: lightman
There were of course many of us who did not go along. Even from the first day, we doubted the whole thing. How were we treated? We were marginalized and excluded.

A blind person could have seen it for what it was.

6 posted on 04/11/2023 1:27:38 PM PDT by truthkeeper
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>> It’s not even clear that we live under the Constitution anymore.

Live it by applying it

7 posted on 04/11/2023 1:28:35 PM PDT by Gene Eric (Don't be a statist!)
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They’re going to try this again. It’s coming.

8 posted on 04/11/2023 1:35:36 PM PDT by CommieCutter
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To: lightman

Well said and great article as well.

9 posted on 04/11/2023 1:39:53 PM PDT by toddausauras (Trump Lake 2024....Go down swinging!)
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To: lightman
Then you had the open admissions that they were misclassifying deaths on purpose.

A friend of mine knows two ladies who went to two different hospitals for two different outpatient procedures. One was a breast procedure, the other I don't remember. Neither were sick.

Later down the road their forms of payment were returned to them because the hospitals had coded their procedures as COVID or COVID related.

10 posted on 04/11/2023 1:56:37 PM PDT by Lizavetta
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To: SecAmndmt; datura; Fractal Trader; bagster; grey_whiskers; metmom; Jane Long; tatown; ...


11 posted on 04/11/2023 1:57:39 PM PDT by ransomnote (IN GOD WE TRUST)
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To: toddausauras

FReeper Day10 wrote the rant....all I did was add formatting and a jpg.

12 posted on 04/11/2023 2:00:20 PM PDT by lightman (I am a binary Trinitarian. Deal with it!)
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To: lightman

A precursor to the Mark of the anti-Christ Beast

Whether intentional or accidental, it will make no difference.

(It’s not even clear that we live under the Constitution anymore)

There used to be a Bill of Rights too.

Ah, the good old days...


13 posted on 04/11/2023 2:01:26 PM PDT by SaveFerris (Luke 17:28 ... as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold ......)
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To: lightman


14 posted on 04/11/2023 2:03:04 PM PDT by rlmorel ("If you think tough men are dangerous, just wait until you see what weak men are capable of." J)
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To: lightman

I like your post, it’s well done.

Sadly, voting won’t make a sctick of difference.

15 posted on 04/11/2023 2:06:07 PM PDT by Bulwyf
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To: CommieCutter

every 4 years?

call it presidential pandemic

16 posted on 04/11/2023 2:12:00 PM PDT by joshua c (to disrupt the system, we must disrupt our lives, cut the cable tv)
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To: lightman
The PCR tests were known to be wildly inaccurate, detecting not sickness but the presence somewhere of a tiny particle. Then you had the open admissions that they were misclassifying deaths on purpose. Between bad tests and misclassifications, it almost seemed like any powerful person could make a pandemic appear and disappear using technology and media amplification alone.

And they will do it again when it suits their purposes.

Nothing we hear from the government or media can even remotely be trusted any more. They have violated that trust way to often and lie to us continually.

At this point, the thing is seems to be reasonable to do is figure that whatever is the opposite of what they say is the truth.

17 posted on 04/11/2023 2:13:22 PM PDT by metmom (...fixing our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith….)
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To: metmom

“Public health” has become as oxymoronic as “military intelligence”.

18 posted on 04/11/2023 2:18:01 PM PDT by lightman (I am a binary Trinitarian. Deal with it!)
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To: lightman; day10

“FReeper Day10 wrote the rant....all I did was add formatting and a jpg.”

Thanks to you both for posting.

Original post by Day10

Confirmed: Democrats Now Want to Move On from COVID Hysteria Because of the Polling - March 1, 2022

19 posted on 04/11/2023 2:32:21 PM PDT by thouworm (Tyrannies rule thru fraud and force; once the fraud is exposed they must rely exclusively on force.)
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To: lightman

Covid didn’t do shxt to me or the wife except the dumb ass mask for a couple weeks to go to the grocery store and Home Depot but that ended quickly here in Georgia.

No clot shots for us either, went fishing, out in the boat, hiked, hunted went to the brewery weekly because it stayed open. Good to be retired.

What we did get screwed on was Biden and inflation.

20 posted on 04/11/2023 2:36:50 PM PDT by maddog55 (The only thing systemic in America is the left's hatred of it!)
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