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SVB Not Anyone's Fault?
Townhall ^ | Mar 16, 2023 | Cal Thomas

Posted on 03/19/2023 8:01:02 PM PDT by george76

One of the benefits of being a Washington insider, from the president of the United States to the lowliest bureaucrat, is never having to admit your policies are wrong.

In the case of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) - the nation's 10th largest - the financial policy chickens of this, and previous administrations, have predictably come home to roost. Record debt, massive new spending, and the failure of regulators to see what was coming contributed to the run on SVB. It didn't help that in 2018 President Donald Trump signed the biggest rollback of Dodd-Frank bank regulations since the global financial crisis of 2008, loosening rules on all but the largest banks and "opening taxpayers to more liability if the financial system collapses," according to CNBC.

At first, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellin said there would be no bailout, but that quickly changed when the administration, which has been trying to convince us the economy is going swimmingly, likely began to consider the political implications of this and possibly other bank failures and threw a lifeline to the bank.

Naturally, Biden is taking credit for saving the depositors' money. Even those with deposits over the limit of FDIC insurance will be saved. Biden is now claiming to be Mighty Mouse. He's come to save the day: "Thanks to the quick action of my administration over the past few days, Americans can have confidence that the banking system is safe. Your deposits will be there when you need them."

A Wall Street Journal editorial has it right: "You can't run the most reckless monetary and fiscal experiment in history without the bill eventually coming due. The first invoice arrived as inflation. The second has come as a financial panic with economic damage that may not end with Silicon Valley Bank."


Indeed. At least 20 regional banks were hit with trading halts on Monday.

Even after the Trump bank regulation rollbacks, why didn't bank regulators see this coming? If they did, why didn't they do something to keep it from happening? That's the flip side of not wanting to admit error. Insiders fear that by acting they might get blamed if it doesn't work.

The Federal Reserve Board defines the primary purpose of the agency: "The Federal Reserve is responsible for supervising - monitoring, inspecting, and examining - certain financial institutions to ensure that they comply with rules and regulations, and that they operate in a safe and sound manner. Supervision of financial institutions is tailored based on the size and complexity of the institution."

It appears this did not happen. Congress should invite those responsible to testify why nothing was done.

Financial adviser Ric Edelman emails to say he is glad regulators stepped in. The alternative, he says, would be, "Thousands of companies ... out of business, millions out of work, and billions lost. Tech innovation would have been lost for a decade and there'd be a global recession a la 2008." Even so, says Edelman, "The bank blew it, and the banking regulators blew it - in other words, same old story."

Why must it be the same old story? Doesn't even recent history instruct us as to what happens when we ignore common financial sense?

The financial crisis of 2007-2008, also known as the subprime mortgage crisis, resulted from bad financial decisions, mostly the lending of money to people who couldn't pay it back. It led to the Great Recession that began in 2007, lasted two years and was the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression.

Government bailouts do not penalize bad management and lack of oversight, or risky investment strategies that caused the problem.

On the heels of SVB's collapse came word that Signature Bank in New York, which recently made a play to win cryptocurrency deposits, abruptly closed and was placed into receivership. Signature held more than $110 billion in assets and some of the largest stakes among banks in the cryptocurrency industry. In perhaps the ultimate irony, Barney Frank is a board member.

At a time when retirees and others are seeing their stock market investments decline and polls showing there is dismay about the country's financial future, Congress has an obligation to step in and hold accountable the policies and the people responsible for the SVB collapse and prevent new ones from occurring.

TOPICS: Business/Economy; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: 2023; 202303; bailout; bank; banksin; barneyfrank; broke; crypto; cryptocurrency; davidsacks; donatefreerepublic; fdic; frankdodd; gowokegobroke; inflation; janetyellin; panic; runonthebanks; sacks; signature; signaturebank; siliconvalley; siliconvalleybank; svb; woke
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1 posted on 03/19/2023 8:01:02 PM PDT by george76
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To: george76

Nupe. “The System Failed.”

2 posted on 03/19/2023 8:01:35 PM PDT by Steely Tom ([Voter Fraud] == [Civil War])
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To: george76

Cal Thomas is still around? holy cow

3 posted on 03/19/2023 8:01:51 PM PDT by imabadboy99
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To: george76

Clearly Jao BiXiden’s fault.

He needs to prove it isn’t.

4 posted on 03/19/2023 8:02:07 PM PDT by Paladin2
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To: imabadboy99

He’s 80.

5 posted on 03/19/2023 8:03:15 PM PDT by Steely Tom ([Voter Fraud] == [Civil War])
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To: george76

They want all the money and power and no responsibility.

6 posted on 03/19/2023 8:05:11 PM PDT by alternatives?
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To: george76

7 posted on 03/19/2023 8:16:08 PM PDT by Theoria
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To: george76

what exactly was rolled-back?

please be as specific as possible

8 posted on 03/19/2023 8:19:24 PM PDT by RockyTx
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To: george76

act of God... right???

9 posted on 03/19/2023 8:21:12 PM PDT by Chode (there is no fall back position, there's no rally point, there is no LZ... we're on our own. #FJB)
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To: george76

Looks like this will be Bank Failure Week for the history books.

10 posted on 03/19/2023 8:23:25 PM PDT by FlyingEagle
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To: george76

SVB was/is a democrat scheme to funnel funds to far left causes.

11 posted on 03/19/2023 9:54:22 PM PDT by Bullish (Either we don't see it coming or they don't... But somebody's got it coming.)
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To: george76

Something happened to some people.

12 posted on 03/19/2023 10:37:59 PM PDT by nickcarraway
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To: Bullish; bitt; ExTexasRedhead; metmom
(From the article):" "Thanks to the quick action of my administration over the past few days, Americans can have confidence that the banking system is safe.
Your deposits will be there when you need them."

Bullish :" SVB was/is a democrat scheme to funnel funds to far left causes. "

If this was a Repubbie bank, pigs would fly first before any deposited money would be covered by the Fed.
The reason the bank got holding long term interest rate bonds is due to bank incompetence, and Biden's "transitory" inflation rate
because his administration pressured the banks to buy Fed treasuries at low interest while the Fed kept printing money
Biden's spending caused the inflation in the first place
The demonstrated bank incompetence of not realizing that as interest rates went up, the bank got caught holding treasuries with low interest rates = net loss, not a profit.
But the bank management and staff got their bonuses based on anticipated profit based on paper, but not in reality, the day before they declared insolvency and went bankrupt.
If Biden restores all the insolvent accounts, he will do it through the Fed by printing money which is what caused inflation in the first place, or ,
increasing the bank's cost for bridge loans for currency which will be passed on to bank patrons through higher banking fees.
In either case, the patrons and/or the taxpayers will pay even more, thus re-igniting inflation again.

13 posted on 03/20/2023 12:56:30 AM PDT by Tilted Irish Kilt
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To: george76
Supervision of financial institutions is tailored based on the size and complexity of the institution.

So if you are a small institution we run you through the ringer and take bacterial swabs under the sinks. If you are too big to fail, meh, nothing we say or do matters.

14 posted on 03/20/2023 1:07:55 AM PDT by AndyJackson
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To: Steely Tom

Life begins at 80.

15 posted on 03/20/2023 1:33:15 AM PDT by Laslo Fripp (Semper Fidelis)
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To: Bullish

SVB was/is a democrat scheme to funnel funds to far left causes.


16 posted on 03/20/2023 2:24:08 AM PDT by ronnie raygun
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To: george76

I see at is Federal Reserve policy failure not SVB’s.

Sure SVB was running a bunch of woke programs, and perhaps not paying as much attention to risk management and liquidity as they should have. And we want WOKE = Broke, and it often is.

But why are all the other small and regional banks sitting on paper losses in their asset portfolios? That’s the result of Fed policy. And again that’s due to FED policies.

SVB was heavily weighted in Venture than other banks, which in hindsight made them a little more vulnerable to deposit draw downs. In that sense, they served as the canary in coal mine.

Banks borrow from customers short term deposits and they make long term loans like mortgages and other long term and short term loans. That’s what they do. It’s what they have always done.

Banks count on deposits either growing or at least staying steady. They are usually prepared for some deposit draw down but not a large amount.

The FED’s low interest policies forced banks to buy long term securities at high prices (or low yields). The FED’s unprecedented rate hikes, have left those assets with paper losses.

It doesn’t matter if the bank can hold them to maturity, because the bank gets it’s money back and no loss is recognized. And they can do that as long as deposits are stable or growing.

One of the reasons deposits are being pulled from the banks is that customers can get higher interest rates from money market funds. The banks are locked in paying low rates for a while.

17 posted on 03/20/2023 2:45:41 AM PDT by DannyTN
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To: george76‘re_All_Trying_To_Find_The_Guy_Who_Did_This_banner_1.jpg

18 posted on 03/20/2023 3:29:20 AM PDT by Behind Liberal Lines (Their side circles the wagons. Our side revs up the bus)
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To: george76

Planned. Every state is voting on the Uniform Commercial code which define a single digital currency.
When you hear crisis, expect tyranny. This will complete the destruction of whatever freedoms we had left. Of course, with trumps mail in ballots, what can w expect.
All of this is happening. Just like the covid plandemic. You can call for their trap or be part of it, or be there for the foolish victims. They will likely be many of your loved ones.

19 posted on 03/20/2023 4:46:44 AM PDT by momincombatboots (BQEphesians 6... who you are really at war with)
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To: alternatives?

No consequences for bad behavior. Classic Moral Hazzard.

20 posted on 03/20/2023 5:10:41 AM PDT by griswold3 (Truth, Beauty and Goodness ; Quos Deus vult perdere, prius dementat)
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