Posted on 01/30/2023 9:37:23 AM PST by ChicagoConservative27
California’s reparations task force met Friday and was told by one speaker that the suggested $223,000 per resident is not enough.
Rev. Tony Pierce criticized the idea of limiting the cash payouts to Californians, saying there should be no residency requirements, Fox News reported Saturday.
He said, “We have to encourage our people to come back to California! What better way to encourage our people to come back to California if we have no requirements? How will reparations be paid? Immediately!”
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
I agree that Bidenflation makes $223K not buy as much as it used to. LOL
It's shorter and more to the point.Gibs me dat!!
I know many are wondering. ,how can this be happening, when California was not a slave state?
In the short answer is that the Liberals who run California feel the need to make their political statement and the facts of History don’t matter to them.
The fact that California was not a slave state doesn’t matter to them.
The fact that everyone involved with slavery has been dead over 100 years doesn’t matter..
the fact that the vast majority of Americans today are descendants of people who never owned slaves and had nothing to do with slavery does not matter to the Liberals.
The fact that legal segregation was finally outlawed by the Civil Rights Act of 1964 almost 60 years ago means nothing to them.
The fact that governments, corporations , and higher education have aggressively used affirmative action programs in the past 50 to 60 years , to try to make up for the wrongs of History also means nothing to the Liberals.
Give it to them.
We’ll have it all back in 6 months........................
I keep waiting for someone in California to get up on his hind legs and say, “I don’t care how much you think is enough, you’re not getting anything!”
A quadrillion dollars wouldn’t be enough.
And let’s not stop with Africans.
Wasn’t California stolen from the Saintly Mexican Nation?
Reparashunz now. Not just give back the land, but mega cash for everyone from south of the “border”.
It’s only fair.
And what about China? Denis Kearney made sure they couldn’t come here for 80 years. In 1970, Cupertino was less 1% Chinese. Now it’s 70% Asian. All of California should be Asian! Er, Black! Er, Mexican! Er, Indian! It’s an abomination that it’s got ANY White people! Expel all! After looting them!
Go Gavin. Keep it up Greasy. A race war leading to invasion and secession, that’s what ya need to be “President” of the fomerly United States.
Just put it on the W2 as a voluntary deduction from their refund. Then split the money with everyone who qualified for the program. Do it for 10 years and at the end of year 10, remove it from the W2.
Free money for all.
Everyone gets a check, but it is ONLY available at the local CASINO office. That way half of the money will be spent at the casino the SAME day.
I can't figure out what in the world this means.
Anyone have a clue?
I’m Caucasian with African Birth, that should count....
This is feeling like another bullet train project. As long as the committee exists and is pumping out feel good vibes, they are doing what they need. Actionable results are secondary and likely cautioned against. Their thought is probably to let the committee run for another decade so politicians can claim they are doing something about it and get reelected.
He wants the state to pay any african american willing to move to Kalifornia. Even if they end up doing this stupid plan, I expect the fallout would be...
1. Even more tax-flight out of the state from those not getting a handout.
2. Shock in Year 2 (or maybe as soon as the 2nd month) once the recipients figure out that they can't actually afford to live in the state once the money is spent.
There's probably 100 other reasons for this being a total disaster.
I grew up in south central Virginia in the 60’s surrounded by DEMOCRATs. I still remember entrances to stores labeled “Colored”. I also remember some of the most hateful things DEMOCRATS said (yes, even teachers) even up into the 70s.
If they want their reparations, get them from the DEMOCRATS and leave us Republicans alone. Remember, if it hadn’t been for Republicans, Civil Rights would have never been passed.
Somebody owes him money...
Wait until you see the 1099 followup to the giveaway. You will owe it yourself to buy fresh panties...
Why not 223 Trillion? Certainly they deserve it!
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