-—Russia hasn’t responded to attacks on its territory——
..... because it lacks the means to do so.
Russia has not responded—because she can’t. They are nothing. They may not even have Nukes—just dummy rockets. Time to roll in and seize their oil. Ukraine has won the war—now all that is left is for Russia to surrender. For the right fee, Biden will let them exist as a rump state. Its all true—Ukraine is Victorious!
In a sense you may be correct, but Washington has now been exposed at green lighting attacks on Russia. That is not NATO, and it means the US now becomes responsible for those attacks on Russian territory... up to this article, the Ukraine could be seen as acting on their own accord - everything changes with this. Coupled with Minsk deception by NATO/Merkel, Putin has stated the loss of trust with NATO, the US, and Europe is simply not there and must be rebuilt.
The rapid succession of revelations of Washington’s pushing this war, from the very beginning is no longer just an open secret, but rather fact.
If it comes to a war with Russia, I’m hoping Putin responds by eliminating some DNC city strongholds so the voting equasion changes - he can start with Washington, DC and then with the Senator’s states pushing the war.