Posted on 12/11/2022 10:17:16 PM PST by Nextrush
If this suicide is not prevented, at least within the non-Western world, then the whole planet will commit suicide, Victor Bout said
MOSCOW, December 11./TASS.The developments in the West look like a suicide of civilization, Victor Bout said in an interview with RT on Saturday.
"What is happening in the West is simply the suicide of civilization. And if this suicide is not prevented, at least within the non-Western world, within the world not controlled by the Anglo-Saxons, then the whole planet will commit suicide. And it may be happening in all areas, with drugs and LGBT+ among them," he said...
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
This is shocking but I think there are others who would agree with Mr. Bout in whole or in part based on different things I have been hearing lately including stuff from Glenn Beck.
God has promised that disobedience to His will will result in consequences that may result in entire nations being wiped off the map.
He spares nobody.
Bout says early in the interview that “you have to forgive others” and not live in your anger talking about his 14 years in the US federal prison system.
The interview done by another former US federal prison inmate from Russia Maria Butina.
The video of the interview embedded in this story link.
Regarding the notion of “An American Revolution” in the here and now Bout says:
“I don’t believe they’ll have a revolution in the United States”
More in the story:
“Bout elaborated arguing that excessive drug use is making young Americans too passive ‘to do anything’ while Washington ruthlessly punishes dissent, as it did when it jailed Trump supporters who protested Biden’s electoral victory on Capitol Hill last January”
The notion of “Mass Suicide” Bout brings up reminds me of the events of November 1978 will this repeat itself on a worldwide scale over a longer period of time?
Russian disinformation? 😲🤔😁👍. Nope!
Aided my our intellectual betters. Yuri Bezmenov was prophetic.
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It bugs the hell out of me when I find myself agreeing with a statement about my own country made by someone like Viktor Bout.
“Nope. Can’t happen to the West. No way.” crowd, the very same crowd that says repeatedly, “Nope. Can’t happen the the US. No way.”
All the while,
The US/UK/West is largely deindustrializing itself.
The US/UK/West is economically imploding.
The US/UK/West is demilitarizing itself in regards to Ukraine.
Wokeness, etc. has utterly gutted and is destroying the US/UK/West.
Same here!
who in the Wide World of Sports is this dude?
By the way, if he's REALLY worried about cultural suicide, he should look at divorce and abortion.
Oh wait...those are staples of life in Russia.
And a violation of the Commandments.
Ah, but I guess drinking THAT arsenic is acceptable, huh Vik?
Splinters and beams, dude.
Just this week, I read a short article stating that up to 3K ‘peak polluter’ farms will be forced to close by the Dutch government. Insanity in a world where millions of people don’t have enough to eat.
Divorce and Abortion are doing quite well in the Western World nowadays every day and I’m afraid I see an increasingly drugged up society and that includes the recreational and medicinal use of marijuana, those anti-depressant meds as well.
All the drugs we have here in the West not so prevalent in Russia and those drugs are taking the US-West down.
It’s in all age groups but the younger population even more so mentally mushed pacified etc. etc.
“Viktor Bout says suicide of civilization taking place in West”
No wonder Bolton BADLY wanted him to stay in jail. He might just start red-pilling people with regard to the Globalists and Neocons.
People are quoting HIM on issues of morality?
That's like quoting Clinton about marital fidelity.
Some folks are really living in a state of Biden-like dementia if they're slobbering over Russian criminals to virtue-signal their disdain for Ukraine. Wow.
While we can argue whether such is purposeful or whatever, the unfortunate part is that the US/UK/West is doing it to themselves.
Dunno if its all part of the Great Reset, Agenda 21, alternative energy sources or what, but the West is literally, and apparently, willingly, committing seppuku.
The divorce and abortion rate in Russia exceeds those in America.
Further, we just removed the federal guarantee of a woman's right to infanticide. Russia, meanwhile, puffs its chest out over gays while abortion mills keep working.
It’s a very strange phenomenon. Those of us who are most astonished and expected the ship to be somehow righted are too often now seen as ‘part of the problem’.
We have not yet conformed to the role of the unquestioning zombie serf, aggressive only in obedient passivity.
Like that Pink Floyd song “Us & Them”
The Supreme Court gave abortion to the states but Joe Biden is determined to undermine that tooth and nail meanwhile the liberal states won’t budge on abortion.
As long as the Supreme Court overrules any lower court rulings against state abortion laws in the more conservative states we might actually have some Pro-Life laws on the books in some states.
Abortions will happen as long as hearts are cold and many are here in the USA right now “Love has waxed cold” as the Good Book said regarding evil times.
Divorce has been made easier over time in Western nations like the US and UK Peter Hitchens very adamant about how liberal it has been made in the UK.
Let He Who Has No Sin goes both ways and the West has its sin.
Armageddon IMHO will be a fight between people who all think they are better than the others.
The rage, condemnation, judgement of Russia I read from you puts us on that course IMHO.
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