When was Haiti ever a symbol of hope?
Early in the 19th century, they had a slave revolt. They killed the whites and blacks took over the government. Black people! Running their own country!!! It was going to be awesome!!!!!!
And here we are.
It was always a symbol of hope as in “I hope it gets better”...
The 1st of Never.
For the first few days after they won their independence from White France, and until they realized they were on their own for their success & sufficiency (2 or 3 days later)
It was hope back in those days.
Now they “hope” to get shipped to the USA where they can get health care, free housing, food, cash for expenses, cell phone with plan and full entitlements. And Democrat voting registration.
We have plenty of room for a few hundred thousand.
Michael Savage (2016): “Our American lifeboat is now full. We cannot have unrestricted immigration across our borders or our American system will capsize and we’ll all drown.”