Posted on 11/15/2022 11:59:46 AM PST by ChicagoConservative27
Anthony Fauci says he’s not breathing a sigh of relief that Republicans — who vowed to investigate him if they retook the Senate — didn’t win the majority in the upper chamber, because he has “no problem at all” testifying before Congress.
“I have nothing to hide at all, despite the accusations that I’m hiding something,” Fauci, the nation’s leading infectious diseases expert and President Biden’s chief medical adviser, told ITK at a gala in Washington over the weekend.
“I have nothing that I could not explain clearly to the country and justify,” Fauci said.
Sen. Rand Paul said earlier this year that he planned to subpoena Fauci’s records if the GOP retook the Senate in the midterm elections, as the Kentucky Republican stood to become chairman of the Senate Health Committee.
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He defies Congress and funds the research (gain of function) after he was specifically told not to; but has nothing to fear. I hope he is wrong.
If he has nothing to hide, why is he resigning one day before the GOP takes control of the house.
The House cant subpoena him?
I could GET AWAY with other things.... 🚫😷💉💊🐔💩
Hey Fauci, hurry up and die already. Your Daddy Satan is waiting to welcome you home.
He’s going to be in some villa on the beach in the south of France and find himself quietly getting the Beagle treatment with piano wire. The Chicoms don’t like loose ends. They also don’t have retirement plans.
Let surviving family members have at him.
He can get on with making license plates.
And explain you will. As for justifying...
When I saw that sentence I first read it as “explain to the country and falsify...”
Likely with a substantial PENSION FUND.
OVER & ABOVE the one taxpayers are paying for.
Mengele goes free to kill again
I know the Good Lord Above doesn’t like it when we think ill of someone but I bet in Fauxi’s case an exception may be made.
“If people did what I would hope they do, and everybody got vaccinated, we can have this thing much, much, much lower than it is,” he said.
I don't get the guy. By now he has to know vaccines don't stop transmission unless he has memory issues. I think a more plausible explanation is keeping Pharma production lines viable. I listened to an interview with Dr. Malone a few weeks ago. He mentioned that Pharma has to have a steady flow of vaccine clients to keep production lines open and profitable.
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