Dangerous letting some leftwing academic come in with fake stats (see this example) to overrule to constitution.
“His proposal is the first positive development in Second Amendment law since the Bruen revolution.”
You cite the exact instance I was going to post. We followed here the lying disgrace of historian Michael A. Bellesiles as he put out “Arming America” which other leftist historians then awarded the Bancroft Prize for history.
It is in their DNA to take their political leanings and construct their historical studies and analysis out of lies and total fabrications.
Let’s not be mistaken. Every writer has opinions, allegiances, sensible prejudices, and the like that he carries into any project. Most of us can accept those biases as long as the author is transparent and doesn’t outright lie and fabricate we can read past such limitations and human frailties and find some value.
What is not acceptable is the number of leftists in journalism, history and much of academia that believe their leftist opinion is so honored that they are required to use full falsehood and propaganda to make their case trying to build a leftist wall of opinion that cannot be surmounted.
Academics cannot be trusted. Leftists cannot be trusted — even under oath.
On April 28, 2010, Reeves was nominated by President Barack Obama to fill a seat on the United States District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi vacated by Judge William H. Barbour Jr. Reeves was confirmed by the United States Senate on December 19, 2010 by voice vote.