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Barack Obama: Sometimes You Just Have to Beat Racist, Angry, and Sexist Republicans ^
| 10/10/2022
| Charlie Spierling
Posted on 10/11/2022 11:37:04 AM PDT by rktman
President Barack Obama described his political opponents as angry, racist, and sexist during a private conversation with some of Europe’s elites this summer, according to a newly revealed transcript.
“Sometimes it just turns out they’re mean, they’re racist, they’re sexist, they’re angry,” Obama said. “And your job is then to just beat them because they’re not persuadable.”
Obama offered his candid advice privately to European leaders in June after speaking publicly at the Copenhagen Democracy Summit in June.
But he also warned attendees away from sometimes getting too “filled up in our own self-righteousness.”
“We’re so convinced that we’re right that we forget what we are right about,” he said.
Details of his remarks were revealed in a new CNN report about the former president’s political activities during the midterms.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Culture/Society; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: blackracist; bloggers; division; killers; notnews; obama
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Yeah, them ULTRA MEGA MAGA threats right? I know there are some bat 💩 crazies out there but dang Mr. uniter. Really?
posted on
10/11/2022 11:37:04 AM PDT
To: rktman
But he also warned attendees away from sometimes getting too “filled up in our own self-righteousness.” “We’re so convinced that we’re right that we forget what we are right about,” he said.I hope they were not stupid enough to actually pay this blowhard to speak at their conference.
posted on
10/11/2022 11:39:06 AM PDT
(In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man. )
To: rktman
As we use to say, “Takes one to know one.”
To: rktman
I see he hasn’t changed a bit. He’s just projecting his own emotions.
posted on
10/11/2022 11:39:30 AM PDT
To: rktman
Bring it, dental-floss arms.
posted on
10/11/2022 11:39:44 AM PDT
(Infringe - act so as to limit or undermine [something]; encroach on)
To: rktman
Gee Obama, speaking of racist, how about sitting in the pew of a church that said God damn America and hated Jews, ya cool with that, ya schmuck
To: rktman
“We’re so convinced that we’re right that we forget what we are right about,”
You can’t get much more narcissistic than that. I despise this piece of trash.
posted on
10/11/2022 11:40:22 AM PDT
To: rktman
Barack Obama: Sometimes You Just Have to Beat Racist, Angry, and Sexist Republicans Ron Doughty: Sometimes You Just Have to Beat Racist, Angry, and Sexist Obamas
posted on
10/11/2022 11:40:37 AM PDT
(I pledge allegiance the flag of the U S of A, and to the REPUBLIC for which stands.)
To: rktman
You're boring Obamalamadingdong, you're boring.
The Left’s Core Strategy #1: “Pick the target (freeze it, personalize it) and polarize it." (via Rules for Radicals)
The Left’s Core Strategy #2: Scream accusations of racism(or racist attacks) at anything you don't like or which slows your agenda.
The Left’s Core Strategy #3: Intensely attack Republicans for actions you are undertaking.
The Left’s Core Strategy #4: Attack Republicans as stupid, but do not discuss it further.
The Left’s Core Strategy #5: When all else fails, censor speech and if needed deploy violence.
posted on
10/11/2022 11:41:00 AM PDT
(Elections are one day. Reject "Chicago" vote harvesting. Election Reform Now. Obama is an evildoer.)
To: rktman
Angry? We all know that leftists are NEVER angry. I am sick of the left’s arrogant double-standards about everything.
To: rktman
“Beat them? Like with a baseball bat?” ~ Hillary Fatbottom 0bama
These people MUST be thwarted on November 8th! All of them!
Let’s do it! :)
posted on
10/11/2022 11:42:47 AM PDT
Diana in Wisconsin
(I don't have, 'Hobbies.' I'm developing a robust Post-Apocalyptic skill set. )
To: rktman
When Commiecrats lose, it’s racist. When Commiecrats win it’s racist. These people are never satisfied. Born to bitch, so why even try.
posted on
10/11/2022 11:43:43 AM PDT
(The evil that men do lives after them )
To: rktman
Barack Hussein Obama....
A man of firsts.
First black POTUS.
First gay POTUS.
First "Lady" is a man.
The list is long.................
To: rktman; All
Republicans angry? His “people” are murdering each other in Chicago. His “people” are burning down cities and looting stores. All democrats.
posted on
10/11/2022 11:44:19 AM PDT
(Common sense isn’t common anymore.)
To: Vision
That's it..and they won't stop.
To: Cobra64
I'd guess most hoodlums don't vote. Might be because....many are too young.
Of course...that don't mean..some vote anyway.
To: Cobra64
Let me say just one word: “ULTRA MEGA MAGA THREAT!”
posted on
10/11/2022 11:50:20 AM PDT
(Destroy America from within? Check! WTH? Enlisted USN 1967 to end up with this? 😕)
To: rktman
Barack Obama: Sometimes You Just Have to Beat Racist, Angry, and Sexist RepublicansSometimes You Just Have to Falsely Accuse Republicans of being Racist, Angry, and Sexist to keep the Democrat sheep on the plantation — Barack Obama.
posted on
10/11/2022 11:51:36 AM PDT
( In the Shadow of The Big Chicken! )
To: rktman
The Democratic Party suffered huge losses at every level during Obama’s West Wing tenure.
The grand total: a net loss of 1,042 state and federal Democratic posts, including congressional and state legislative seats, governorships and the presidency.
Not beating anything other than Bush’ record for elections lost under a two termer by a staggering 500 losses.
To: Skywise
Leftists are so transparent, which is boring
posted on
10/11/2022 11:52:35 AM PDT
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