10,000 wood burning stoves in stock? Seems highly unlikely.
How many regulations are there in the UK for cutting down trees?
10,000 additional stoves over the normal sales rate on 25,000 for three months.
Branches aren’t covered.
Its October 1st seems pretty late in the year to be cutting down trees for firewood, my experience has been you need to be cutting down the trees in June, July, August, to give it time to dry out and cure.
As a kid, we use to cut down 1-2 cords per year plus some fat lighter for starting the fire, we always cut and stacked the wood in the summer so it would be ready when it got cold.
How many regulations are there in the UK for cutting down trees?
Any ‘regulations’ go by the wayside when you’re going to freeze to death (or be super uncomfortable) if you don’t have wood to burn.
It makes me laugh (ironically) because all the “Greenies”who want to save the earth with their climate change rot & tree hugging, think nothing of imposing solar power, windmills, etc. (plus EVs) on a populace when those sources are no where near enough for basic needs - staying warm in the winter being a major survival need. The result of their callous impositions is that people cut down those precious, huggable trees wherever they can find them and burn wood (lots of smoke). It’s not just the UK ... it’s Europe. Forests in Germany are ‘disappearing’ rapidly as people cut wood - the Black Forest may end up the Bare Forest.
I thought wood burning stoves were illegal in Europe.
It is more than one store, it is a chain of stores. And no, 10,000 stoves is not a lot when you've had months to stock up on inventory because you're rulex by idiots.
In the Uk a huge number of homes, especially in the cities, have coal fire places. It wasn’t so long ago that people had coal delivered to their homes and was the primary means of heat during the winter.
They have 500 stores in the UK.
Last time I was there. Told was illegal to cut any hardwood tree without special permission...even if it was blown down.
Aside from that, lots of the lands are owned by the nobility or controlled by the government.
They still delivered peat and coal...at least in Scotland. Coal came in about 100 pound bags.
Remember Jackie Stewart the race car driver? He owns the Island of Bute. Also receives all the royalties for coal production nation wide.
The Kintyre Peninsula is/was controlled by one of the Beetles. Dont remember which one.
The land is leased and you can build on it. But you own nothing but the building. That is why if anyone decides to purchase land over there, you must find out if it is “free hold” or not.
Somebody saw a bonanza, and sent his assembly line into extra production.
The Sheriff of Nottingham has just warned the peons and serfs that Sherwood Forest is now on permanent lockdown.