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Letter Surfaces of Obama Foundation Admitting in 2018 They Keep Classified Documents in Unsecured Storage at Furniture Warehouse
The Last Refuge ^
| September 18, 2022
| sundance
Posted on 09/21/2022 2:16:34 PM PDT by Bratch
“Hoffman Estates” is a previously abandoned Chicago area Sears furniture warehouse. The Obama Foundation leased, then re-upped the lease, to use the facility to store all the paper documents from the Obama administration {Location Link}.
The Obama administration told the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) they were going to upload the documents into a digital form for use in the Obama library. The paper documents were, still are, held at the Hoffman Estates warehouse while this digitization process took place. It should be noted, the Obama Foundation has never digitized the records, hence they renewed the warehouse lease.
Contrast against the DOJ-NSD legal position about classified records held in the secure facility of Mar-a-Lago, a 2018 letter { pdf here} from the Obama Foundation to the NARA is an example of the two-tiered selective justice system. Within the 2018 letter the Obama team admit to storing both “classified and unclassified” documents at the warehouse: [Page #2, bullet-point 7]

Obviously, there were no raids on Hoffman Estates from the FBI to secure the classified documents. Nor did the DOJ National Security Division trigger a criminal investigation of President Obama for holding documents, particularly classified documents, against the interests of the NARA while they “digitized them;” a process, which again should be noted, never even began.
The intent of sharing this information is just to highlight the political dynamic within the NARA, DOJ and FBI as it pertains to selective enforcement of presidential records.

Once again, to hopefully save the time of responding to DC inquiry, all of this information is open-source discovery. It exists in the vast space of the internet and this letter itself is found in the archives of the Obama Foundation itself.
This information does not surface as an outcome of any CTH relationship with any entity who is now, or was ever, part of the Trump administration or the Trump legal team. So, save your insufferable subpoenas.
Readers, researchers and news media can do whatever they want with the information provided. The source citations are provided. Make it your own, or not.
TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: archive; bloggers; classified; doj; dojnaraobamatrump; doublestandard; fake; nara; notnews; obama; saintobama; trump
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posted on
09/21/2022 2:16:34 PM PDT
To: Bratch
posted on
09/21/2022 2:21:45 PM PDT
(Trump is our Ben Franklin - Brilliant, Boisterous, Brave and ALL AMERICAN!)
To: Bratch
These facts will be ignored by MSNBC and CNN and other Obama true believers.
posted on
09/21/2022 2:21:57 PM PDT
(Luke 17:28 ... as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold ......)
To: Bratch
Oh come now silly billy you cant go after Saint Obama that would be RACIST
To: Bratch
The country is overdue for Trump to get his turn to do unto them, as he has had done unto him..
To: Bratch
posted on
09/21/2022 2:27:56 PM PDT
(The above is not a statement of fact. It is either opinion, or satire, or both.)
To: Bratch
People who hate the country get a free pass.
There is zero chance the media will cover this.
To: Bratch
Well, what do you know? When I told some FReeper that Obama walked away with 1000s of documents after he left the WH for his “presidential library” (that is yet to materialize), I was told that was “debunked”.
Turns out my memory isn’t so bad after all.
posted on
09/21/2022 2:30:07 PM PDT
To: Bratch
Don’t be silly. Obama was/is the light worker, the God of all things who can do no wrong. Trump is an existential threat to ‘our democracy’.
posted on
09/21/2022 2:33:50 PM PDT
To: Bratch
Ahhhhh.....Trump’s lawyers will like this...How about the front page of every newspaper in the country!!
To: Bratch
NARA knows where they are. NARA staff are involved. Highly classified Obama docs are in a secure facility in VA, under the control of NARA.
Trump had his stuff, mixed together, in boxes in the basement.
To: I want the USA back
All the manila envelopes of information (usb and other) are duct taped under hundreds of loungers. Who has the journalistic energy to look?
posted on
09/21/2022 2:38:04 PM PDT
frank ballenger
(You have summoned up a thundercloud. You're gonna hear from me. Anthem by Leonard Cohen)
To: Bratch
Obviously, there were no raids on Hoffman Estates from the FBI to secure the classified documents.
Who say Marxism is alive.
posted on
09/21/2022 2:39:13 PM PDT
( )
To: Bratch
posted on
09/21/2022 2:42:53 PM PDT
(Welcome to Biden's Weaponized Fascist Banana Republic! Fuhrer Biden is supported by MSM & DC.)
To: Vermont Lt
I’m sure that Obama had his stuff, mixed together, in boxes in the Hoffman facility which is no more secure than Trump’s Estate.
To: Vermont Lt
I’m sure Trump’s basement is not like yours or mine.
To: Bratch
Dat's RAYSIST!!!!
posted on
09/21/2022 2:51:29 PM PDT
(The issue is never the issue. The issue is always the Revolution. - Saul Alinsky)
To: Sacajaweau
You don’t know that. Take five minutes and do some basic research. The answers are out there. Don’t block out the world because you don’t like what’s out there.
To: Sacajaweau
I know…I keep my important documents in a fireproof safe, not boxes.
To: Bratch
posted on
09/21/2022 3:06:56 PM PDT
(I regret that I have but one subscription cancellation notice to give to my local newspaper)
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