Posted on 08/05/2022 12:43:53 PM PDT by SoConPubbie
“In our nation’s 246-year history, there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump,” so says former Vice President Dick Cheney in a campaign ad released Thursday for his daughter’s floundering re-election campaign.
Cheney bases this assessment on his claim that Trump is a liar. According to Cheney, Trump is “a coward” and not a “real man” because “a real man wouldn’t lie to his supporters.”
Would a “real man” lie to the world? That’s what Dick Cheney did.
As Donald Trump famously stated in 2016 during the Republican debate right before the South Carolina primary (which Trump won): “Obviously, the war in Iraq was a big, fat mistake. They lied. They said there were weapons of mass destruction. There were none, and they knew there were none.” (emphasis added)
Cheney—widely regarded as the brains behind President George W. Bush’s disastrous administration—was one of the architects of the Iraq War.
Cheney’s shortsighted hubristic foreign adventure cost America and our allies dearly in blood and treasure, not to mention the horrors his war inflicted on the Iraqi people.
A full reckoning of Dick Cheney’s misdeeds is beyond the scope of one article. (Did I mention the savage torture of Iraqi prisoners that the Bush-Cheney administration’s defense secretary approved, according to the U.S. brigadier general who ran the prison? That alone would take multiple volumes.) But let’s just consider the big lies.
First, the Bush-Cheney administration told us that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction (WMDs). We were told that Iraq had sought to buy uranium oxide, aka
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But Dick Cheney wants us to believe that Donald Trump is “a greater threat to our republic” than anyone else in all our 246-year history.
Sorry, Dick Cheney. If anyone has earned that distinction, it’s you.
Yes, Dick Cheney is sort of a toilet t#@d floating in a swirling circle ready to go down with a flush. But he’s still here.
Actually the military-industrial complex, aka (the swamp) is the greatest threat to Democracy.
And Cheney doesn’t hate Trump, he hates us. Trump is just in the way.
another instance of elder abuse by the libs and RINO’s. does Dick even know what country he’s in at this point.
Dick less...i mean Less dick.
Trump is the greatest threat to the NWO
The biggest threat to the Republic are all the people who clapped like trained seals as the ineligible marxist muslim Kenyan from Indonesia was sworn in in direct violation of the Constitution.
The McCains, Cheneys, Bushes and the rest of the RINOS obviously regarded that statement by Trump as a declaration of war against them and have been fighting him tooth and nail ever since.
I don’t get why he’s slamming Trump.
Nobody is surprised that he would publicly endorse his daughter for re-election. But he only talks about how bad Trump is, without regard to why Wyoming voters should re-elect Liz.
History will prove that the Bushes were the corrupt, war mongering, power hungry oligarchs whom the founders feared. Cheney was their hatchet man.
Any questions now as to why his daughter is such a total nut? Absolutely disgusting that he should say this, what a pig, what a lousy low down yellow bellied scumbag pig. You bastard! Yeah Trump the liar who did more for this country in only 2 years than you and your RINO pukes did in 28. It’s scumbags like this why we have this current nightmare in the White house.
Exactly, and it’s also why Liz is involved in Pelosis Stalinist show trial. These people disgust me, they’re nothing but domestic enemies of the USA as far as I’m concerned. It’s all about THEM, it’s always been about THEM and the country comes second.
“But he only talks about how bad Trump is,”
Its called TDS or Trump Derangement Syndrome 24/7
They don’t even believe what they say so its not even worth my time to get mad at them.
Is there anything more pathetic then an ex Vice President?
Whoever approved Cheney’s wording is completely tone deaf.
Anyone 35 years old or older would hear it and immediately think about WMDs. Those of us that supported them, learned we were lied to. Those that didn’t support them, thought they were fabricating everything anyway. Either way, we think “wmds?”
Trump isn’t in “the club.” He never has been and never will be. On top of that, he pissed on the top of the club by mocking the Bushes, calling out endless wars, calling out Iraq war lies, questioning Obama’ birth certificate, Ukraine corruption (Biden and Pelosi kids!), etc.
They NEED to make an example of Trump and everyone that served him. The message is: this can never happen again.
He needs to go back to his undisclosed location, and take Liz with him.
Do us all a favor Richard Cranium.......ESAD!
Were trying to write "turd" but were afraid to do so?
Maybe you wanted to write "tard"? Were you also afraid to write tard?
Are you currently being held in some kind of crazy nunnery where
turd & tard are bad words that will get you a beating from evil nuns?
Man up! Toss a few turds at them tard nuns!
You don't have to take that from them.
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