These two has-beens .... way past their “sell by” date ....
If bitching about an election result was scandalous, then what do we do with Al Gore, Hillary Clinton, Stacey Abrams, John Kerry, and a whole host of others?
Has-beens trying to regain relevancy.
Piling on the b.s. hysteria will never end. Most of us tuned it out long ago. It’s just white noise.
They well know that repeating a lie often is the way to make people believe it’s true.
All this overturn the election conspiracy crap means one thing:
2000 Mules is over the target.
These two always covered up democrat corruption. Bought and paid for democrat stooges
It’s the kangaroo court circus show!
Prime time wall to wall coverage as the Democrats complete their subversion of the Republic and insure that only DNC members and GOP RINO DNC sympathizers are allowed to hold power.
Break out the chest waders,
it's getting deep.
These guys aren’t dead yet?
Leftist DEM idiots and propagandists....
50 years since Watergate and these 2 losers are still trying to ride that wave.
Funny thing is they tarnish their reputation on a daily basis by being Democrat cheerleaders.
So much for journalism.
The Bible talks about those who do not receive “the love of the truth” (2 Thess. 2:10) who instead actually believe a lie.
All the evidence of the fraudulent 2020 election and you still have these people who believe the lie that it was not rigged.
They are the ones who “take pleasure in unrighteousness” (2 Thess. 2:12) and are themselves swallowed up by the lies they believe.
It will get worse. This is only a preview of coming attractions in this world.
Evidently, helping to bringing down Nixon and then resting on those wispy laurels is their sole claim to fame. Donald Trump is humbler about his accomplishments than those two.
Don’t these two know their 15 minutes were up long ago?
Truth never got in the way of their comedy routine!
The only way auditing election results would “overturn the results of an election” would be if you knew the election had been stolen and did not want it proven.
Too much info coming out about how the election was stolen. The Jan. 6 event was staged as a fall-back position in case the truth was exposed. There WAS a coup, just not by Trump.
These two has-beens are still dining out on a fifty year-old nothing burger.
Are those 2 old decrepit numbskulls still trying to be relevant? 🤪