Posted on 05/01/2022 6:12:26 PM PDT by marcusmaximus
Vladimir Putin's top military commander has been flown out of the war zone with shrapnel wounds after being to sent to Ukraine by the Russian president to secure victory, a former Russian internal affairs minister has claimed.
Valery Gerasimov, the chief of staff of the Russian army, was today wounded in Izyum in Ukraine's Kharviv region, which has been at the centre of intense fighting since Russia's invasion.
Putin had sent Gerasimov to the region to take personal control of his push to grab territory in eastern Ukraine, after the Russian army abandoned its plans to take Kyiv at the end of March in favour of a concentrated assault on the Donbas region of Donetsk and Luhansk.
An unofficial Russian source reported that Gerasimov sustained 'a shrapnel wound in the upper third of the right leg without a bone fracture.
'The shard was removed - there is no danger to life,' he said.
But Gerasimov's injury was severe enough to have him flown away from the frontlines and back to Russia to undergo further treatment, marking another embarrassing defeat for Putin's forces.
The chief of staff's injury came just one day after Russian Major General Andrei Simonov, 55, was killed in Kharkiv, according to an adviser to Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky.
He is Russia's ninth general to have been killed since the start of the invasion.
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Just a "minor injury" to Gersimov? Just like the "minor damage" to Moskva when first acknowledged by Russia?
It’ll soon be like Hogan’s Heroes where everyone will be afraid of being sent to the Russian Front.
Given that russian military medicine usually consists of the doctor cauterizing the wound with his lit cigarette, who knows, (probably too much to hope for), but maybe this little scratch will fester?...
Ukrainians will have keep their head in the game if they want to maintain their running average of 1 dead rus general every 6.5 days.
Lol! It was usually Schultz or Klink being sent to the Russian Front.
Here’s hoping the shard took off his leg.
Methinks the Ukes are recieving help in readding Russians mail.
The only good Russkie is a dead Russkie, kill them all.
I trust the Daily Mail more than CNN, MSNBC, Washington Compost etc.
The Daily Mail has more honest news and more instant coverage than *any* of our news companies.
On a sad note, I never knew we had so many bloodthirsty posters on FR until February 2022. All of these keyboard warriors are trying to usher in WWIII because of their inexplicable hatred for Putin and now all Russians. SMDH.
He has the sad Russian face that reflects the tragedies endured by that nation over the past 100+ years.
Those wankers don’t know how to think objectively and take it personal if you don’t agree with their delusions.
The hatred is hardly inexplicable. As for WWIII, I don’t see anyone advocating Barbarossa II. Russia appears to be like the grouper that tried to swallow a blowfish. It’s only a matter of time before it’s forced to cough it up.
The Ukrainians are now reporting he left the meeting just prior to the Ukrainian surprise.
Well, that depends. When the DM breaks stories about Burisma, Hunter’s laptop, the Clinton Foundation, Jan 6th, the Steele Dossier, or anything they might agree with, then freepers say “you have to get these stories from the Daily Mail because they won’t print them in the MSM”. Those same freepers reject anything the DM publishes that doesn’t fit their views.
That said, obviously the DM’s coverage of Ukraine is slanted. No more so than the crap from RT and less so than some of the Russian propaganda sources a bunch of pro-Russian freepers post. The truth is always somewhere in between, and you have to use life experience and common sense to discern what is likely true and false.
Maybe they are actually leftist democrat trolls posting to make us look stupid and juvenile.
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