Posted on 04/29/2022 6:59:38 AM PDT by Kaslin
Source: Townhall Media/Julio Rosas
As a Rio Grande Valley native, I know the daily hardship that people living along the border face every single day due to the consequences of the Biden border crisis. While it might be easy for Americans who live far from the border to become desensitized to the news clips and stories of the increasing number of illegal migrants crossing our open southern border, it’s a completely different story to live it.
Since Joe Biden took office, border towns have dealt with the cost of overwhelming numbers of illegal immigrants coming into our communities. This has created a humanitarian crisis and increased human smuggling and drug trafficking, as well as great cost to our communities resources, all without help from the Biden administration. In fact, at seemingly every turn, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and Alejandro Mayorkas have turned their back on our communities and our law enforcement officers.
Instead of providing the resources our officers need and supporting their mission, the Biden administration has thrown them under the bus with the fake “whipping” scandal, taken away resources they need to do their jobs, and dealt blow after blow to our agents morale. Our communities support our law enforcement officers because they do great work each and every day and they are pillars in our community. Sadly, our federal government does not agree and has abandoned them, and it’s going to get worse.
Title 42 is set to end on May 23rd and we’re bracing for a catastrophe unlike anything we’ve ever seen. Every policy decision the Biden administration has implemented has been disastrous, but the end of Title 42 will be one of the worst. Here in South Texas we have gone from confused to outraged at the lack of attention from the Biden administration and their willingness to put us in harms way at the stroke of a pen.
From local elected officials to members of Biden’s own party, the cries for action are abundant. It seems like everyone is paying attention to the crisis except the White House and their silence on the matter is deafening.
During his campaign, Joe Biden began peddling a narrative of open borders, and when he got elected, he unleashed the floodgates by removing sound border policies. Both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have refused to visit the southern border and have distanced themselves from the crisis, yet this crisis is theirs and theirs alone and we’re going to make sure they don’t forget it.
It’s no wonder Democrats continue to plunge in the polls and my recent primary victory along with the massive turnout for the Republican Party shows just how fed up voters are with the failures of this administration.
At every turn, the Democrat Party has trampled on our communities, values and beliefs. For years we were told that as Hispanics we had to vote Democrat, but Hispanics have woken up. We do not belong in a party that slanders our Border Patrol, decimates our economy, and tramples on family and religious values.
Enough is enough. Our community must turnout in droves in November for the GOP to make sure we win back Congress to secure our border, support our law enforcement, and stop the madness.
In the meantime, we invite resident Joe Biden, Vice resident Kamala Harris, and DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to visit the true southern border on May 23rd to see firsthand the consequences of their failed leadership.
DHS shooting for 18,000 illegals per day.
This is your punishment for electing Republicans. Some people are more equal than others.
They are hearing the siren song of amnesty that the Amnesty Senators are singing.
Grahanesty, Cornyn, Tillis, Hoeven, Rubio and others.
Yes, and the DNC could not care less.
Texas presidential results 2020:
This is our punishment for electing Bush League Republicans.
It is why we don’t have an opposition party.
I saw this morning where George P. Bush, candidate for Attorney General in Texas, is proposing, to Governor Abbot and the current Texas AG, that Texas marshall its own resources and start its own program of apprehending and removing illegal border crossers on Texas southern border.
I think he also said the Arizona AG was going to court (and to be joined by other state AGs) charging the Biden administration with direct and intentional derelction of its Constitutional responsibility to protect the sovereignty (borders) of the United States.
All in the Communist’s plan. No Accident!!!
Even in the red parts of Texas they elect Assistant Democrats who back open borders/amnesty like their Amnesty Senator Cornyn.
The Communists are in the White House. The failure to stop the influx of illgeals is intentional and not an accident of bad policy; an open border is the policy.
P is in a runoff to be AG, if he wasn’t he wouldn’t be proposing that.
The entire Bush family is why the USA is being turned into North Mexico, it was Daddy Bush’s plan.
Erase the for.
The open border has been the highest priority bipartisan policy of the last thirty years.
“DHS shooting for 18,000 illegals per day”.
Their extended families will be following at some time.
Biden will wait until after the midterms to end Title 42.
Not a bug. It’s a feature. Make no mistake. It’s with malice aforethought.
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