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Ukraine War Update: The Return of Lend Lease and What it Means, The Donbass and Moskva's Sinking
Youtube Video ^ | April 18 2022 | Animarchy

Posted on 04/21/2022 8:39:19 AM PDT by Kevmo

Ukraine War Update: The Return of Lend Lease and What it Means, The Donbass and Moskva's Sinking

It's a video outlining what the Lend Lease Program WAS in World War 2, and what it's looking like NOW in the USA. One difference is that this bill calls out Russian Aggression very definitively, whereas even in WW2 the parties were not identified.


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Animarchy : The Military History & Anime Channel 47.3K subscribers Apologies for the lateness of this video, but the previous video took up the majority of work during the time this was announced. I have been writing a video for my naval history series and then I caught the plague of the times. So been busy.

But here it is. Lend Lease. The GAME CHANGER.

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Ginger Licious Ginger Licious 2 days ago The fact that American infantrymen have started calling the deployments to Eastern Europe the "pre-game lobby" is just so incredibly on-brand. I love it.


LessCommonKnowledge LessCommonKnowledge 2 days ago I’m glad you mentioned MRE’s. One thing people often forget about the US’ support for Britain pre-1942, is that while small arms and vehicles were vital to the war effort, the things which truly kept Britain alive were grain and fuel. It was food shipments that Churchill and the British government were most worried about, and it was the continual flow of American and Canadian grain which kept Britain in the war.


Will Rogers Will Rogers 3 days ago There’s no way to say this without it sounding awkward, but I feel I should have said it a long while ago: whatever disagreements I might have with you on politics or economics, I really do appreciate your honesty and your analysis. I think your commentary on the war in Ukraine is among the best to be found on YouTube. And as a history nerd and meme enjoyer, I love your Ships of Azur Lane series. You’re a good egg, and I wish you all the best in your YouTube career and your life in general. 👍

And in regards to this video, I’m very glad to hear about this new Lend Lease stuff. The “Arsenal of Democracy” approach is one that I find infinitely more appealing than either endless regime change wars or the “flirting with/propping up authoritarian regimes in exchange for trade deals and global clout” bullshit. Making sure the Ukrainians get everything they need to defend their nation against imperialist aggression is a step in the right direction for us, and a lot more in line with the America I believe in.


Animarchy : The Military History & Anime Channel

J Woshy J Woshy 3 days ago You and perun have been my most valued sources of independent information. You guys are so good at pointing out very small, yet important details that I simply don't think about, and the info I do already know about is well stated and consistent with every reliable source I have encountered. Keep it up man


Animarchy : The Military History & Anime Channel

Tarick Tarick 3 days ago I really hope that we in the "west" will maintain this supportive attitude. This breach of peace is a major problem and we should never allow us to fall into chamberlain appeasement due to inattention.


Norbrookc Norbrookc 2 days ago One of the "back door" ways that the US supplied planes to Britain before the Lend-Lease agreement was funny. Apparently, the law at the time said things like that couldn't be flow or shipped directly to there. Since Canada was (as part of the British Empire) already officially at war and shared a lengthy border with the US, the solution was to build airports on the border, with runways that "just happened" to extend across the border. The manufacturers would fly their airplanes to the US airport, the Canadians would come over, tow them across to their side, and then fly them away.


Mike Mendes Mike Mendes 3 days ago My first job in the Army was on the M1A1. You got most right, but the training piece would not be that time consuming. Our training was 4 months, but that was factoring in our basic training with it. I'm sure if we started training an Ukrainian Abrams BN at the start of the war, they would almost be ready to go by now.

As for the track, the 158 track does need pad replacement, but the 156 track doesn't. If its rubber was damaged, you'd have to replace that link. None of that maintenance is difficult.

I do agree about the fueling of the beast, it's a thirsty piece of equipment.

None of these hurdles should keep the equipment out of their hands.


Defective Defective 3 days ago (edited) The spaciousness of the interior of US vehicles is often mentioned as an afterthought, but it is difficult to overstate how incredibly important crew comfort is. A cramped, hot, uncomfortable vehicle exhausts crews quickly, and when they may have to spend upwards of 14-16 hours a day inside and operating their vehicles, the comfortable crew remains combat effective vastly longer than the uncomfortable crew. This is a deliberate and understood design mechanism of US military equipment, and a critical flaw of Soviet vintage designs.

Further, the presence of the loader does represent a greater training and sustainment need, but the addition of 1 more crew member also spreads out duties more widely among the crew. A 3 man crew not only puts greater requirements upon each member, but the autoloader is an additional mechanism requiring maintenance, putting even greater stress on the fewer number of people, and even further degrading combat sustainment capacity.


Igor Lukyan Igor Lukyan 3 days ago You and Perun are singlehandedly the BEST video essay interpreters regarding the war in Ukraine.


Animarchy : The Military History & Anime Channel

Alexander Fenn Alexander Fenn 3 days ago Historically speaking I don't think people realise that the US gave something like $180 billion in today's money to the USSR during WW2 in lend-lease and that without that equipment the Soviet railway system and possibly even its armed forces might have collapsed. The image of the mighty, unstoppable Soviet power in the war does a disservice to how much all of the Allies needed one another to make it through the conflict.

Now we have Lend-Lease 2 Ukrainian Boogaloo and a country everyone said would collapse in days placing $200,000 ATGMs behind every blade of grass. We truly do live in a strange timeline...


Sic Semper Fascismo #RussiaLeavesDeadBehind Sic Semper Fascismo #RussiaLeavesDeadBehind 2 days ago Their soldiers could learn these weapons systems fairly quickly. They already have military training and things are not that different that they cannot learn them quickly.


Sharky_Splitz Sharky_Splitz 3 days ago Word on the street is that Finland and Sweden are interested in joining NATO. If it comes to pass Russia has done the exact opposite of what they wanted, it's pretty hilarious.


Jakub Chalupa Jakub Chalupa 3 days ago (edited) In other words, as people are saying, Russia is about to find out why the US doesn't have universal healthcare


Animarchy : The Military History & Anime Channel

Moses Zero Moses Zero 3 days ago One of the biggest unmentioned effects of this was is the obliteration of the Russian military industry. So many countries are sending their old USSR equipment to Ukraine to be destroyed while it is being replaced by western equipment. No USSR equipment means no spare parts and support, which means that the upkeep money will go to the USA instead. At this point I don't think Russia could have done a better job of strengthening NATO and weakening Russia if they tried.


ADVENT Stun Lancer ADVENT Stun Lancer 3 days ago As said by somebody in regards to the US' Lend-Lease plan: "Russia about to find out why the US doesn't have universal healthcare"


Mark Mark 2 days ago To emphasize, having an additional crewman like a loader enhances the operational tempo by having more crewman available for things like track replacement. The Abrams track is linked with track pads. Track pads are only necessary for traveling on roads. They last about 800-1,000 miles. You can drive without them in the field. You can also replace track segments or track shoes. You can also replace the whole track. The track pads are a ‘nice to have’. I think we should give the Ukrainians the M1A1 for future considerations. To retake lost territory. You are correct , the infrastructure is required but can be done. They would absolutely murder the Russian tanks. To date, no Abrams tanks have lost to any other enemy tank in battle. Remarkable…


Francis de la Cruz Francis de la Cruz 2 days ago (edited) The most efficient use of US mitary budget ever, the equipment sent to Ukraine.


Henry A Henry A 1 day ago A clarification: Aleksandr Dvornikov is not a "new" commander. He's been in charge of the Southern Military District (which includes Crimea) since 2016. He has also been responsible for Russian military support of DPR and LPR. Putting him in command of Russia's "special military operation" which is concentrated (for now) in the south and the Donbas is a logical choice. While Dvornikov was the first to command Russian forces in Syria, he only served one tour there - 10 months. There are other Russian generals who have served much longer in that conflict.


Marten Kähr Marten Kähr 2 days ago One thing that was kinda glossed over here was the full extent of just how much time is working against Russian Logistics. I don't think Ukrainian victory is impossibly out of reach. The fact remains there are crucial spare parts and munitions currently going through the Russian logistics chain that are irreplaceable items coming from large, but finite stockpiles: you did actually refer to a video which mentions this, but Russia has been incapable of manufacturing its own tank gun barrels for years since before the war. The issue is even worse for their entire air force, and for any complex, guided munitions. And that's not even touching the financial aspect: Russia needs to pay for the war, and quite recently they outright said they will sell their oil to any friendly nations at *any rate*: they have the oil, but they are so short on "friendly countries" that are willing to buy it from them, that they've officially admitted that they don't have the power to dictate the price they sell at. Sooner or later, this lack of government income will be felt; it won't be the armed forces that feel the belt tighten first, of course, but eventually Putin will face the difficult choice of either taking a dangerous gamble to reach into the pockets of the Oligarchs in order to continue paying the Army... or taking the dangerous gamble of reducing the funding of the Army in the middle of a war.

Yes, Ukraine doesn't currently have the forces necessary to push through a counteroffensive as the situation currently stands. But what about when Russian air sorties stop not because they're out of fuel or because they're too afraid of Ukrainian Air Defences, but because they don't have replacement engines and all they can drop is dumb, unguided munitions? When Russian tanks are pulled back not because of direct battle damage, fear of Javelins and NLAWs or unsuitably muddy ground conditions, but because their worn barrels are bursting and no more are being sent by the stockpiles of their HQ? When all that's left is conscripted infantrymen with kalashnikovs and RPG-7s, who are glad if they rations at all, instead of having to scavange? When these troops are led by officers and NCOs who are uncertain of whether or not they have been paid that month, or possibly worried if their back pay will ever reach their families should they perish? Or if Putin receives a 9mm retirement by his court of oligarchs and it becomes unclear whose vision of Russia they are even fighting for anymore? As long as Western nations harden their resolve and keep supporting Ukraine in spite of slight economic inconvenience to themselves and in spite of ultimately empty Russian threats, such a dismal state of affairs is more or less inevitable for the Russian forces. Barring something crazy, like China opening its own unprecedented (and likely economically suicidal, if they were to face the full weight of Western sanctions alongside Russia) Lend-Lease program for the Russians, it's a question of how long it will take until the Russian forces decline below the limit of being capable or resisting an organised Ukrainian counteroffensive to retake Donbass and Crimea, and a question of whether or not Western resolve to support Ukraine holds out long enough to reach that point, not a question of whether or not that point can be reached at all.

Of course, there's also the question of what Russian forces might achieve this coming summer. But it's doubtful they will be able to take Kyiv or otherwise crush the Ukrainians militarily faster than the West can resupply them, unless the Ukrainians pick up the ball of idiotic overconfidence that Russia is in the process of dropping and try something monumentally stupid. And if Western resolve and Ukrainian resolve both hold out that period... then the Russian gains become irrelevant and will be pushed back once Russia enters the terminal stage of that aforementioned supply crisis. I'm of the opinion that this is the only way that can hope to lead for a better world. Allowing Russia to impose demands on Ukraine after this war, or even settle for Status Quo Ante Bellum, will just be a moment in history that rhymes with the "Peace In our Time" of Chamberlain's Munich Agreement, where the West shot itself in the foot with either bleeding-heart compassion for the innocent victims (who simply end up in the violent clutches of the Russians anyway, except out of sight behind a new iron curtain) or worse: with the economic-political pragmatism of Europe desiring to regaining access to Russian oil and gas.


Tepes Voda Tepes Voda 2 days ago (edited) You're analisys was spon on. Hats off. Here în Romania we are looking over the fence. Praising the Lord and passing the ammunition.


EmisoraRadioPatio EmisoraRadioPatio 1 day ago "New reserves." Some new reserves. Most of the Russian units sent to fight in Donbas are from the Kiev front, and they haven't had the time necessary to reorganize and recover.


mjl1966y mjl1966y 2 days ago I think your over-optimistic about Russia's ability to overcome its systemic issues. They're systemic. Everything from battle organization (Battalions without brigade echelon C2) to broken logistics and maintenance and corruption. None of this gets fixed quickly. Certainly not by summer. Their might be some marginal ad hoc improvements, but you can't redesign your military in a matter of weeks and months. Perun points this out handily. And while Ukraine is being resupplied by the largest and most effective logistics chain in human history, Russia simply cannot replace the tanks, IFVs, artillery and other heavy vehicles they've lost in a short period of time. It will take them a year or longer. They can pull about 3000 tanks out of storage. Old tanks. Obsolete tanks. Javelin fodder, if you will. And I say this: I don't think they can build the army needed to do it. Already, many Russian soldiers are resigning. Reinforcements will not be easy to come by when soldiers returning from the fight refuse to go back and start explaining why. Propaganda aside, Russia doesn't have the heart for this fight. And here's the thing: What happens when Ukraine gets to the border? Moscow is a three hour drive from Kharkiv. The smart thing for Russia is to stop this thing before they get any further behind. They tried a smash and grab and it turns out the cashier has a gun. Go home. While you can.


Chris Tiller Chris Tiller 2 days ago My mother is taking dance lessons from a Ukrainian. Every victory his country experiences is a victory for him. He's still got family there and each day he's prays he doesn't wake up to the news. Slava Ukraine. You and Perun keep up the work on keeping this as independent as possible.


Kane Kane 3 days ago If you want to understand Putins respect for the lives of his own people, just remember that former FSB agent who got assasinated in the UK with polonium for spilling the beans about how Putin ordered the FSB to blow up several residential highrizes in the suburbs of Moscow and blamed it on Chechnian terrorists so that he could start the second Chechnian war. A man who lived in one of the buildings spotted etchnically russian men behaving suspiciously around the building he lived in, so he called the police, who found and disarmed a bomb in the basement. Over two hundred Russian civilians died during that false flag operation. If you want a Russian soldiers perspective on how Putin waged war in Chechnia read One Soldier's War by Arkady Babchenko, where you get an inside view of how Russia treats its soldiers. And you will also find detailed descriptions of the corruption in their army that has led to its ineffectiveness today. The author was a soldier in both wars and has been living in exile in Ukraine for a few years. If you want detailed info about Putins corruption I recommend Anna Politkovskaja's Putins Russia, she was murdered on Putins birthday by a fanatic because Putins propaganda had painted her as a traitor and lover of Chechnian terrorists, partly because she started unraveling the above mentioned false flag operation in her articles. One of the things people say about the war in Ukraine is that apparently Putin has a legitimate fear that if Ukraine joins NATO, that NATO wold plant nuclear missiles in Ukraine. That is obvious BS because other former memberstates of the USSR, like the baltic states, have joined NATO 18 years ago and that hasn't happened. Latvia is about as close to Moscow as Ukraine and Estonia is in spitting distance of st Petersburg. Before the invasion of Ukraine, NATO had 1000 troops stationed in the three baltic states combined. How is that a threat against Russia? There is no legitimate fear of NATO invading Russia. That is just age old Soviet propaganda fearmongering that Putin uses as a pretext to invade sovereign Ukraine. Furthermore NATO does not exist to destroy Russia, nore does it actively expand to surround Russia. As can be plainly seen right now, Eastern European countries have a legitimate fear of being invaded by Russia, and have sought safety, as sovereign nations, by becoming members of NATO. Notice how for example Kazakstan is not sending troops to aid Russia, they know that Putin has shown his hand of Russian imperislism. Has Belarus sent in its troops to aid Putin? How come Belarus does not seem to share Putins fear of NATO? They know that Putin is the real threat, that they might be next. Russia has more nuklear weapons than the USA. NATO would never risk attacking Russia. NATO members have to much to lose. This is why the situation is so dire, because Putin has less to lose every day. Nazies: Of coarse there are nazies in Ukraine, but the president is jewish. Tell me of one European country where there are no nazies. Found this on the page on Neo-nazism on Wikipedia: "However, members of far-right groups played a greater role on the pro-Russian side of the conflict than on the Ukrainian side, especially at the beginning.[85] Leaders of the Donetsk People's Republic are closely linked to the neo-Nazi party Russian National Unity (RNU) led by Alexander Barkashov, which recruits fighters.[85][86][87] A member of RNU, Pavel Gubarev, was the first "governor" of the Donetsk People's Republic.[85][88] In particular, RNU is linked to the Russian Orthodox Army, a separatist group in Donbas, and Barkashov is said to have given instructions to its commander Dmitry Boytsov according to a published audio recording.[87] Volunteers from several other Russian far-right groups have joined the separatist militias, including members of the Eurasian Youth Union, the Russian Imperial Movement, and the banned Slavic Union and Movement Against Illegal Immigration.[87] Other neo-Nazi groups fighting as part of the Donetsk People's Republic include the 'Svarozhich', 'Rusich' and 'Ratibor' battalions, which have Slavic swastikas on their badges.[85]" I remember reading an article a decade ago, claiming that half of the worlds Neo-Nazies are in Russia. An other page on Wikipedia about nazi organizations around the world says that one neonazi organization in Russia claims to have 150000 members around the country. There were reports in Swedish press a few years ago of Swedish nazies going to military style combat training camps in Russia organized by Russian Nazies, because nazies are not allowed in the Swedish military. Some of these Nazies have been prosecuted in Sweden for doing that. I can recommend the Lex Friedman Podcast #63 and #248 that delve in to Russian autocratic history and Putin. Lex is Russian. Ukraine left the USSR because 92% of its population voted to leave. Ukraine gave up its nuclear arsenal in 1994 in exchange for Russia promising to respect its borders for ever.


LessCommonKnowledge LessCommonKnowledge 3 days ago The pre game lobby. 😂 Soldiers humour is infinitely clever and amusing.


Øystein A. Øystein A. 3 days ago "The pre-game lobby". Oh that hurts on so many levels, as a European. It is however, completely true ;D


Jason Tram Jason Tram 2 days ago It was passed only in the Senate but it seems like it is purposely being held up in the House? I like the video and learned a lot but until it’s actually passed into law, this might all end up being all hype especially considering how often Congress does this sort of BS of not passing a law that completely makes sense in light of the current situation.

TOPICS: Foreign Affairs; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: biden; cia; clinton; deepstate; dualcitizenoligarch; lendlease; nwo; russia; sorosnazis; ukenazis; ukraine
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To: DesertRhino

Nicely said. +1

21 posted on 04/21/2022 10:21:24 AM PDT by dforest (We have to put a stop to this now.)
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tag team trolling

22 posted on 04/21/2022 10:22:04 AM PDT by Kevmo (Give back Ukes their Nukes
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To: Kevmo

No, the Ukrainian government never had operational control of the Soviet nukes that were in their borders when the USSR disorganized. They were controlled form Moscow at all times. They gave up a -claim- to them.
And thank god they did.

In any case, that government is long gone, replaced in a coup in 2014. When that government died, their agreements died with them. That agreement was abrogated in the coup.

23 posted on 04/21/2022 10:23:46 AM PDT by DesertRhino (Dogs are called man's best friend. Moslems hate dogs. Add it up..)
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To: Kevmo
WWII U.S. 'Lend Lease' policy was enacted in March on 41, at which time the U.S. was technically neutral. In December of 41 we entered the war. I do not was to see us follow a similar pattern today.

The Ukraine and Russia are two of the most corrupt nations on earth. If anything, the Ukraine is a European problem. Europe has shown that it's not serious about defending Ukraine as it continues to do business with Russian and import their commodities. The only interest we have in Ukraine is the quid pro quo corruption our government officials and their Oligarchs have in common. IMHO, we are fools if we allow ourselves to be dragged into a war with Russia. Sadly, I believe Biden, democrats and corrupt RINOs will intentionally get us into a shooting war with Russia, that could include nukes, to deflect from his miserable record and dismal approval rating.

24 posted on 04/21/2022 10:27:52 AM PDT by JesusIsLord
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To: Kevmo

“Big, sweeping American EmBASEees along the border between Russia and Ukraine. A Lend Lease project. Americans fighting for American land”

Ok, so you are a fan of going to the eastern front of WWII, and taking on the role of the German army. I’m not. It matters not a whit to me what happens on that border.
Especially 31 Trillion in debt and with a fraudulently installed president flooding our border, destroying our military and wrecking our economy.

By the way, you seem to really believe in this cause. Have you explored going there and volunteering?

I cannot think of a single reason for an American kid to die for eastern Ukraine, in an alliance with an Azov guy with “SS” on his helmet.

25 posted on 04/21/2022 10:28:20 AM PDT by DesertRhino (Dogs are called man's best friend. Moslems hate dogs. Add it up..)
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To: DesertRhino

No, the Ukrainian government never had operational control of the Soviet nukes
***Sigh. Here we go again. Round and round. They had OBVIOUS physical control of those nukes otherwise there was no need for that nonproliferation accession agreement. They could have built nukes off that weapons grade nuke material in a matter of weeks.

that were in their borders when the USSR disorganized. They were controlled form Moscow at all times.
***Totally wrong. Those nukes were abandoned, hence the need for that agreement.

They gave up a -claim- to them.
***The Ukes gave up physical POSSESSION of them.

And thank god they did.
***Then you should be upholding the other provisions of that very same “thank god” agreement. But your side doesn’t do that, having engaged their a priori classic fallacy reasoning.

In any case, that government is long gone,
***Not applicable. Every UN treaty addresses the continuation of policies when guvmints are transitioned.

replaced in a coup in 2014.
***Bullshiite. Conspiracy theory. Inapplicable under United Nations policy anyways.

When that government died, their agreements died with them.

That agreement was abrogated in the coup.
***There was no coup, you’re just pushing a conspiracy theory. In order to accept your side’s position we have to accept your qanon level conspiracy theorizing. It’s just nonsense. JimRob should put you Qanonsters baq in your qage.

26 posted on 04/21/2022 10:36:04 AM PDT by Kevmo (Give back Ukes their Nukes
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Kevmo: “Big, sweeping American EmBASEees along the border between Russia and Ukraine. A Lend Lease project. Americans fighting for American land”
RINO: Ok, so you are a fan of going to the eastern front of WWII,
***World War 2? Where do you take up these invalid analogies? How would Americans even get there, flying over German armies? You’re nuts.

and taking on the role of the German army.
***You should take a critical thinking class.

I’m not.
***You go through all this rigamarole to set up a straw argument just to say you’re against it. Gigantic classic fallacy.

It matters not a whit to me what happens on that border.
***Then go and post somewhere on some issue that does matter to you. This set of issues is incredibly important for the world to get right, the honoring of nuclear nonproliferation agreements.

Especially 31 Trillion in debt
***As usual from your side: More red herrings. Look! a Squirrel!

and with a fraudulently installed president flooding our border,
***Look! Another squirrel!

destroying our military and wrecking our economy.
***Some weird unmilitary economy wrecking squirrel!

By the way, you seem to really believe in this cause. Have you explored going there and volunteering?
***Yes, I will go if someone sends me and pays my way via GoFundMe. I can’t afford it myself. And this way I’m spending your money. You can track my expenses. I’ll be joining the suitcase nuke project. Have you offered to go and patrol the US southern border?

I cannot think of a single reason for an American kid to die for eastern Ukraine,
***I can, but you aint listening and no one reads past your remarks to this point because you’re simply a troll.

in an alliance with an Azov guy with “SS” on his helmet.
***More red herring backwards a-priori thinking. I think I’ll just treat you like the troll you are.

27 posted on 04/21/2022 10:43:25 AM PDT by Kevmo (Give back Ukes their Nukes
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To: JesusIsLord

The Ukraine and Russia are two of the most corrupt nations on earth.
***There is a 40,000 foot view: One of those corrupt nations invaded the other to get at their oil & gas reserves. That invader is using the same kind of language that Hitler used in Sudetenland, and the appeasers never learnt that historical lesson. Also, there is an existing border and sovereignty agreement in place, which goes directly towards getting nuclear nonproliferation right.

If anything, the Ukraine is a European problem.
***The USA signed the Budapest Agreement assuring Ukraine’s borders. It was the right thing to do, denuking the Ukes.

Europe has shown that it’s not serious about defending Ukraine
***Just like in Sudetenland, Europe needed to defend ITSELF against that smalltime regional bully. They didn’t, and it led to 50-60 million deaths.

as it continues to do business with Russian and import their commodities.
***The last time a regional bully tyrant invaded his neighbor over oil & gas rights, an international coalition kicked his ass back to Iraq. We’re seeing that happen again, with Ukraine, only more piecemeal this time.

The only interest we have in Ukraine is the quid pro quo corruption our government officials and their Oligarchs have in common.
***You’re working backwards in a priori classic fallacy reasoning just like all your cohorts. This issue was codified in 1994 long before pantywaist appeasers took over the policy process and started looking for excuses not to uphold the agreement.

IMHO, we are fools if we allow ourselves to be dragged into a war with Russia.
***IMHO we should have let the Ukes keep their nukes. They never woulda been invaded twice by Russia. They never woulda been betrayed by appeasers like you.

Sadly, I believe Biden, democrats and corrupt RINOs will intentionally get us into a shooting war with Russia,
***It’s really weird because you appeasers also think it was a good idea to denuke the Ukes. You’re schizophrenic in your thinking on this subject.

that could include nukes, to deflect from his miserable record and dismal approval rating.
***Upholding the sovereignty of a nation that HONORED its commitment to nuclear nonproliferation is the right thing to do, regardless of how corrupt their guvmint is, how corrupt the invaders’ guvmint is, or how corrupt our guvmint is.

28 posted on 04/21/2022 10:52:17 AM PDT by Kevmo (Give back Ukes their Nukes
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To: bert

“Putin is nuke rattling same as Kim Jung Un.”

Yes, but too many people just hear the word “nuke” and freak out and don’t think rationally about the subject after that.

29 posted on 04/21/2022 10:55:20 AM PDT by Boogieman
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To: DesertRhino

“When that government died, their agreements died with them. That agreement was abrogated in the coup.”

Nice, so we don’t need to honor any agreements we made with Russia before Putin installed himself as dictator-for-life in his own coup.

30 posted on 04/21/2022 11:04:09 AM PDT by Boogieman
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To: Kevmo

Vlad is bluffing. He only has a pair of threes and an ace in the hole

31 posted on 04/21/2022 11:51:33 AM PDT by bert ( (KE. NP. N.C. +12) Promoting Afro Heritage diversity will destroy the democrats)
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To: DesertRhino

“I cannot think of a single reason for an American kid to die for eastern Ukraine, in an alliance with an Azov guy with “SS” on his helmet.”

Reading up on Azov, I stumbled on a documentary about the “Nazis” in Poland. Compared to Ukraine’s “Nazis”, they’re very similar in using symbols of the REAL “Nazis, and hating Russians. (Symbols they claim predated WWII’s Nazis).

They’re on video destroying Gypsy encampments, discouraging the few female participants, displaying similar tattoos, and taking serious target practice.

There are even more “right-wing” groups on the video, including one secretive leader who said he wanted “Ukraine’s soil fertilized with the bodies of the Russian invaders”. (He’d taken one name—”Santa”).

Both groups—Poland’s and Ukraine’s—can be categorized by a stronger sense of PATRIOTISM than you can find in today’s western countries.

32 posted on 04/21/2022 12:53:21 PM PDT by Does so ( ......Uke's Independence Day Parade. Anthem starts at 15:00)
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To: Does so

Patriotism is bad if it’s for the wrong thing. There is nothing admirable in being patriotic when you are a 1942 German.
Same for Azov and their Polish Galician friends.

33 posted on 04/21/2022 1:16:47 PM PDT by DesertRhino (Dogs are called man's best friend. Moslems hate dogs. Add it up..)
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To: Does so

So, do you think Azov is good or bad? Nazi or not? I can’t really tell from your post.

34 posted on 04/21/2022 1:19:27 PM PDT by DesertRhino (Dogs are called man's best friend. Moslems hate dogs. Add it up..)
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To: Kevmo

That last thought was your best. Although certain Pooty Poot tool-posters have the redeeming quality of surely driving many more people to the Uke’s side, than Putin’s. ;-)

I’d add, on 2/23/2022, Ukraine was no more “Nazi” than is, oh, Nebraska. Anti-Russian attitudes are probably up 100x, now, but, that still doesn’t make most Ukes Nazis.

A fun vid on the question:

35 posted on 04/21/2022 2:11:15 PM PDT by Paul R. (You know your pullets are dumb if they don't recognize a half Whopper as food!)
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To: Kevmo; All


36 posted on 04/21/2022 3:58:27 PM PDT by BenLurkin ((The above is not a statement of fact. It is either opinion, or satire. Or both.))
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To: BenLurkin

“Barry Manilow” report

37 posted on 04/21/2022 4:02:42 PM PDT by BenLurkin ((The above is not a statement of fact. It is either opinion, or satire. Or both.))
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To: BenLurkin

Looks like mostly Russian advances today.

38 posted on 04/21/2022 4:09:11 PM PDT by Kevmo (Give back Ukes their Nukes
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To: DesertRhino

“So, do you think Azov is good or bad? Nazi or not? I can’t really tell from your post.”

At one time, Finland carried the swastika on their war materiél, but I don’t consider today’s Finns to be Nazis.

The NYTs probably carries articles about America’s “Right-Wing military men”—insinuating the most patriotic men are “Nazis”.

Trump appears patriotic to me. Hasn’t Trump been called a Nazi repeatedly?

The word is thrown around. In my little neighborhood, people were ready to move out when they saw a tattooed swastika at our local Flea Market. Later, the explanation was he was a nearby member of a motorcycle gang—all middle-aged.


Poles and Ukrainians deserve to appear patriotic, as they border the paranoid Russian bear.

39 posted on 04/21/2022 5:46:52 PM PDT by Does so ( ......Uke's Independence Day Parade. Anthem starts at 15:00)
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To: DesertRhino

“Patriotism is bad if it’s for the wrong thing. There is nothing admirable in being patriotic when you are a 1942 German.

Same for Azov and their Polish Galician friends.”

German Jews considered themselves to be patriotic Germans prior to WWII:

“They considered themselves to be patriotic “German citizens of Jewish Faith”. Typically, they lived an assimilated lifestyle and most held liberal Jewish beliefs.”,middle%20class%20childhood%20like%20in%20Germany%20around%201933%3F

Those Germans in professional Wehrmacht ranks were patriotic until the Russians entered Germany then strove to reach Allied lines. Patriotism had kept the ranks in order.

Patriotism (and the Holy Bible) kept American troops focused on the WWII taskforce at hand.

Vengeful Nazis in the SS were still concerned with killing Jews to the very end.

Americans can carry Nazi tattoos in connection with their USA Government job.

When I was in the US Navy, I collected data for NSA. All of my Navy colleagues consider Edward Snowden traitorous.

40 posted on 04/21/2022 6:51:23 PM PDT by Does so ( ......Uke's Independence Day Parade. Anthem starts at 15:00)
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