Posted on 02/03/2022 4:44:36 PM PST by Roman_War_Criminal
Schools across the nation are using this week to indoctrinate students with progressive activism using a curriculum promoted by the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement, a parent group has warned.
During the “Black Lives Matter at School Week of Action,” which began on Jan. 31, public school districts from Boston to Seattle are teaching lessons that correspond to core BLM values, such as “Diversity and Globalism,” and “Trans-Affirming,” “Queer Affirming,” and “Collective Value.”
The lessons are based on 13 “Black Lives Matter Guiding Principles,” including a call for “Black Villages,” which is “the disruption of Western nuclear family dynamics and a return to the ‘collective village’ that takes care of each other,” and a commitment to “dismantle cisgender privilege and uplift Black trans folk.”
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
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Marx, Engels and the Abolition of the Family, by Richard Weikart
Dear dad,
As part of the new curriculum at my school we have to be more like our black brothers and sistahs. In order to do this, we are going to have to have you leave the house. Yea, when we get home tonight we are going to expect to see you gone. While you are gone we are going to have a new dad move in and chill for a while until his replacement gets here.
Thanks for your contribution to the crib, man, but we won’t be needin’ yo services no mo.
Thank you,
Yo chilluns
Time for even the slow parents to figure out that it’s time to get the kids outta there.
This is either a sick, tasteless joke or I’m having a nightmare.
Our education system is a sick tasteless joke and I think we would be shocked to find how many of our public education trained children are of just such a mindset.
Destroy this - now.
Welcome to Satan’s version of a “family”.
Most cultures lap it all up!
LBJ destroyed the black nuclear family with his Great Society. So now the blacks want the white nuclear family destroyed as well.
God help us.
Our neighbor’s daughter was in a local public school. Her teacher told her students during class that anyone who voted for Trump is stupid. Our neighbors immediately pulled their kids out of the public schools.
The nuclear family is a universal family structure throughout history.
Only a communist is stupid enough to believe its a western invention.
Critical Marx theory needs to be applied.
{Hint: Marxists ARE the oppressors.]
What group has caused more poverty in America than any other group?
This is flat out psychological abuse of children, attacking the basic unit that ensures their survival.
Home school or school choice for everyone.
Tear down that Department of Education!
Good for them.
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