If you had it now, the legislatures would appoint crooks with no possibility of them being voted out. Jeff Flake would be a senator for life in Arizona. He was in the legislature before. We need another way. That one just puts another layer of crooks between us and DC.
We would have maybe 30 states with two republican senators. (This is a guess but we certainly lead in control of state legislature bodies as per the above link.)
Basically vetoproof, and also able to command a lot more attention in District One.
The small states have a little more power in the senate now, and back before the 17th amendment, small states had even more power because they elected their state’s US Senators.
This is a Free Republic, not a damn democracy!
What you are advocating is worse than before the 17th — LESS power for smaller localities, MORE powers in centralized hands. More of a damn democracy for the benefit of District One.
Mass centralization in “District One” via a “democracy” of 51% voting to eat the other 49% (two wolves and a sheep voting on what’s for dinner) — forever more — is what getting rid of the 17th amendment contributing to.
We would still have to fight in our STATES to be sure our legislatures were properly composed to elect the right US Senators, but that is a much better battle which We the People have already proven we can win.
Repeal the 17th Amendment!