As soon as I saw reading the excerpt of this article I immediately asked myself what useful skills or ideas David Brooks could ever bring to any situation. The dope is a media hack because he can barely tie his own shoes.
I watched them all in the 80s and 90s.....all so-called conservatives but what they really were (are) is a bunch of establishment professional losers, VERY comfortable in their second-tier power and influence seeming to be opposition but really are the loyal-but-not-too-vocal opposition. Content with the scraps that leftism in power throws them. Content in the DC and NYC parties they go to and are slapped on the back by their Democrat masters.
If Trump did anything, he exposed them one and all. For instance, look at what a real weasel Bill Kristol revealed himself to be. Even Chris Wallace back before he was on TV Sunday news shows before Fox - now where is he? I won’t say anything about a couple of the others because they are either dead now or just senile and retired, but they were there, too. Front and center apologism mixed with pseudo-conservative trappings.
David Brooks is the media analog to Liz Cheney.