The Paranoid Left thinks opposing ideas are “dangerous.”
The Delusional Lying Paranoid Left is dangerous.
And OBTW, I’m in that group they call dangerous. I hope I never date a Women’s Libber. Can’t stand them at all. If I’m fooled at first, I’ll drop ‘em like a stone later because these rebellious, obnoxious women can’t hide their hatred for real men very long.
They are ridiculously easy to spot.
I just light up a cigar. If they are still around after ten seconds (and not screaming hysterically at me) then they are fine.
“The Delusional Lying Paranoid Left is dangerous.”
This has been my position for years, South American and Asian women YES, European and American women NO, a resounding NO.
So. American and Asian women believe in friendship and love; European and American women (too many of them) believe in “my caca doesn’t have an odor - yours does.”
Call me prejudiced if you like, but also recognize, I’m happy with my decision.
There, fixed your sentence. Because they obviously oppose ideas that differ from their ideas. 🙂