Double Bag Barf.
Such Evil.
Just disgusting...It’s for the children? This is more like....”soliciting children”.
Progressives are pedos. Look who they vote for.
At some point, I expect to hear the librarian and principal at that school were beaten as they pumped gas by people in hoodies and masks.
Putting those books back in is a direct defiant FU challenge.
It seems they are escalating. I wonder if the locals will repay in kind. It has always been thus.
Anyone else would be in prison. Why are teachers exempt from those laws?
If anyone checked out that book, couldn’t they be prosecuted for possession of child pornography?
While I’m not generally in favor of public book burnings.....
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Well GD it! Check the sob out and dont return it!
burn the library down in the name of equity
It was only a few years ago you would get HARD TIME for being in possession of such material.
Problem is we’re not enforcing laws anymore.
We’re enforcing policy.
This is what we get for warning you:
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I thought that any image or drawing portraying pedo-sex was equal to the actual pictures or act of pedo-sex, and could get you up to life in prison, or something like that...
burn the library down
Has anyone thought to check them out and just never return them? What’re they gonna do, garnish your paycheck?
It has to be done by a parent who isn’t suspected, though. When I was sixteen, I found a book that I’d checked out when I was five; I swear I thought I lost it. I mean, I technically did, but I was never fined for it, and neither was my mom. I found it in a little travel suitcase, and I must’ve put it in there while playing.