It wasn’t was stupid. Typical Bongino interview. The kind of crap-fest that happens when hannity has him and Geraldo on at the same time. This kind of crap is getting old. The escalation/name calling at the end was all but a given. DB thinks this makes for good TV, but to elevate this marxist hominid by inviting him on the show was stupid, and doomed from the beginning.
” This kind of crap is getting old.”
This crap is old. Very.
We can’t get ourselves worked up over any of these sort of shows. I like Bongino actually. He’s always on in the car when we transit to the VA for some reason.
It’s all about ratings, which translates to the almighty dollar. A topic of our interest being used for profit almost like the old wrestling “shows” at the Olympic for previous generations.
Announcing the potential for 1st amendment gathering and speaking is proper, if not encouraged to spark debate and conversation.
To bypass that and go straight to organizing RIOTS, FIRES and BLOODSHED is inciting riot. There should have been an on-the-spot arrest.
I beg to disagree.
I'm grateful that Dan had this piece-of-garbage, societal misfit on his show so that everyone can see for themselves what these dangerous radicals look like, talk like, feel like, smell like......
We should all catch up on the wisdoms contained in the famous "The Art of War" treatise written by General Sun Tzo in the Fifth Century BC....."If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles".
We should thank Dan.....he had the courage to put this criminal on so we could "know the enemy". I don't know who else would have had the guts.