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The Third Time Is No Charm ^ | November 4, 2021 | Emmett Tyrrell

Posted on 11/04/2021 3:53:53 AM PDT by Kaslin

Washington -- I was shot last week. No, I was not shot by any of the roving bands of white supremacists who, I am told by the media, ply their hate so freely here in Northern Virginia. Nor was I shot by the Ku Kluxers who inhabit these parts and whom the present governor, Ralph Northam, has done so little to oppose -- has Northam been concealing his Confederate heritage? I am certain that the governor-elect will improve on Northam's pathetic record of inaction against the Klan and the other extremist hoodlums here in Virginia.

I was actually shot by a very nice lady armed with a vial of vaccine to prevent my getting of the dread plague. It was my third shot, my booster shot, and it was the most unpleasant of the three shots. Would I do it again? I would probably do it again, though I would set aside the next three days, perhaps four days, to allow for the recovery. It was an onerous undertaking.

My first shot was a piece of cake, as we say. It left no reaction. My second shot was more problematic. It left me fatigued for a day and with a mild headache. As for discomfort, I would rate it a one on a spectrum to 10. It was not particularly painful, but it was noticeable.

Thus, I expected little trouble with my third shot. Incidentally, the vaccine that I took was the Moderna vaccine. I took it on all three occasions, as it was the only vaccine available. I would have preferred the Pfizer vaccine, which has received higher marks from my fellow hypochondriacs, but Pfizer was unavailable. Perhaps I should have held out for the Pfizer because my third experience with Moderna was, as I have said, unpleasant.

My first two shots were not problematic, though the second shot caused me to oversleep and to suffer a mild headache. With this third shot, the so-called booster shot, I have not been so lucky. After it, I slept for 12 1/2 hours and awoke groggy. The next night, I spent another 12 1/2 hours in the sack, and on the third night, I slept for 10 hours. I fear I may be coming down with bedsores. People have different reactions to the vaccine. I have known some to have a delayed reaction by as much as a week after having their shot. If the reaction were nothing more than a mild high, say from splitting a bottle of Pol Roger with a friend, that would be tolerable. The delayed reactions that I have heard about, however, include headaches, nausea and continued problems with sleep. That is too much.

So, I can understand people who are averse to taking a shot in the arm because resident Joe Biden orders it. Some of them are doing it on the grounds of principle. They are from the limited government crowd. They object to having the government tell them how to live their lives. They can foresee the day when a shot in the arm is looked back on as the opening for other intrusions that are clearly unconstitutional. After all, consider the extremist nonsense that the so-called progressives are urging on affable Joe today. We live with a disloyal opposition that has no sense of restraint. Others are opposing the shot in the arm because they have discovered what I have discovered from my experience with the vaccine -- it can be unpleasant.

Yet as I have said, given the choice of living in a world where I am vulnerable to COVID-19 and a world where I am pretty much invulnerable to it, I shall take the shot. Moreover, as much as my shot is a blow against the spread of COVID-19, I am for the vaccine. As I see it, taking the vaccine is the only way to rid the world of the Chinese flu. I suggest you take the shot, too. Sure, oversleeping and having a headache or nausea are unpleasant, but suffering COVID-19 is worse and remember the vaccine is to prevent the Chinese flu. Anything that causes President Xi Jinping's projects a setback is preferable.

I am not saying that Xi caused the spread of COVID-19, but the case can be made for it. Imagine how the worldwide press would be howling against America if we had been implicated in the spread of the pandemic. Actually, if memory serves, there are those who have been implicating America in the spread of the virus despite the fact that America has been leading the fight against its spread. I am no student of geography, but as I recall, Wuhan is in China and it is in Wuhan that the dratted virus originated. Let us remind Jinping that we in America can all read a map.

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Editorial
KEYWORDS: booster; chinavirusvaccine; coronavirusvaccine; covidvaccine; emmetttyrrell; vaccine; whatanidiot
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1 posted on 11/04/2021 3:53:53 AM PDT by Kaslin
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To: Kaslin

Unpleasant is reading this article filled with the author’s misinformation.

2 posted on 11/04/2021 4:03:15 AM PDT by wita (Always and forever, under oath in defense of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.)
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To: Kaslin

(I was actually shot by a very nice lady armed with a vial of vaccine to prevent my getting of the dread plague. It was my third shot, my booster shot)

Coming soon, I predict...

A 4th by Spring

A 5th by Summer

Every 3-6 months


3 posted on 11/04/2021 4:04:25 AM PDT by SaveFerris (The Lord, The Christ and The Messiah: Jesus Christ of Nazareth - http://www.BiblicalJesusChrist.Com/)
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To: Kaslin
Dear Emmett, let me quote Freeper Chauncey Gardiner from a previous post:

The great mRNA experiment is over. It cannot keep you from infection, it cannot keep you from transmitting, it cannot keep you out of the hospital, it cannot keep you from dying, has an unacceptable number of deaths and injuries and does not last very long. Lastly, it suppresses your natural immune system and we have NO idea of long term effects other than a lifetime of boosters.

Enuf said.

4 posted on 11/04/2021 4:13:52 AM PDT by McBuff (To be, rather than to seem)
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To: Kaslin
It was my third shot, my booster shot, and it was the most unpleasant of the three shots. Would I do it again? I would probably do it again

Heck, why no? Go for a 4th; that one should kill you completely. Hey, better dead than a head cold.

5 posted on 11/04/2021 4:17:30 AM PDT by Sirius Lee (They intend to murder us. Prep if you want to live and live like you are prepping for eternal life)
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To: wita
"Unpleasant is reading this article filled with the author’s misinformation."

Amazingly so.

"Yet as I have said, given the choice of living in a world where I am vulnerable to COVID-19 and a world where I am pretty much invulnerable to it, I shall take the shot. Moreover, as much as my shot is a blow against the spread of COVID-19..

How is it possible he does not know he is wrong?

Ok, rhetorical question.

6 posted on 11/04/2021 4:18:13 AM PDT by billyboy15
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To: wita

... I always liked reading what Emmett Tyrrell has written - hope he stays with us ....

7 posted on 11/04/2021 4:20:50 AM PDT by Ken522
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To: Kaslin

Emmett; I hope you’re still around this time next year.

8 posted on 11/04/2021 4:22:47 AM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: Kaslin
...So, I can understand people who are averse to taking a shot in the arm because resident Joe Biden orders it. Some of them are doing it on the grounds of principle. They are from the limited government crowd. They object to having the government tell them how to live their lives. They can foresee the day when a shot in the arm is looked back on as the opening for other intrusions that are clearly unconstitutional.

That covers my objection...

Yet as I have said, given the choice of living in a world where I am vulnerable to COVID-19 and a world where I am pretty much invulnerable to it, I shall take the shot. Moreover, as much as my shot is a blow against the spread of COVID-19, I am for the vaccine.

Yes. I am waiting for the vaccine (not an mRNA shot) that will protect me from the virus. Though if I have a 99%+ chance of beating the rona without it, I am very disclined to take it. I'd rather my immune system beat it on its own if it can. But if it works for others, they can take it if they want it.

As I see it, taking the vaccine is the only way to rid the world of the Chinese flu. I suggest you take the shot, too. Sure, oversleeping and having a headache or nausea are unpleasant, but suffering COVID-19 is worse and remember the vaccine is to prevent the Chinese flu. Anything that causes President Xi Jinping's projects a setback is preferable.

Hmm. The author sounds like they enjoy the lockdowns, mandates, wearing maks, taking boosters, and the attendant economic implosion more as part of some strange, passive-aggressive way to hit back aganst Xi-Jinping than against protecting themselves from a survivable virus.

I dunno. I guess I'm missing something.
9 posted on 11/04/2021 4:24:07 AM PDT by BradyLS (DO NOT FEED THE BEARS!)
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To: SaveFerris

Just turn your immune system over to Big Pharma on the subscription model, what could possibly go wrong?

10 posted on 11/04/2021 4:27:29 AM PDT by FreedomPoster (Islam delenda est)
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To: McBuff
Enuf said.

Not quite...

11 posted on 11/04/2021 4:28:50 AM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: Ken522

I shudda read ahead.

12 posted on 11/04/2021 4:29:41 AM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: Kaslin

Reading this was agony, particularly when the writer believes that his ‘shots’ actually do something to stop the spread of Covid, or its variants.

It is becoming increasingly clear that in addition to whatever this concoction does to one’s body and immune system, it does not stop Covid from being present in the body nor does it stop the potential retransmission to anyone else. So IMO, it’s almost like the vaxxed are really nothing more than Typhoid Marys.

13 posted on 11/04/2021 4:35:07 AM PDT by Gaffer
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To: Kaslin

I usually appreciate the subjects you post, but I did not find worth in this one.

It annoyed me reading it. cannot bat a bat, that is.

14 posted on 11/04/2021 5:02:36 AM PDT by rlmorel (Leftists are The Droplet of Sewage in a gallon of ultra-pure clean water.)
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To: McBuff

Dear Emmett, let me quote Freeper Chauncey Gardiner from a previous post:
The great mRNA experiment is over. It cannot keep you from infection, it cannot keep you from transmitting, it cannot keep you out of the hospital, it cannot keep you from dying, has an unacceptable number of deaths and injuries and does not last very long. Lastly, it suppresses your natural immune system and we have NO idea of long term effects other than a lifetime of boosters.

…….and it may facilitate getting the disease multiple times, as you build no/ lower levels of antibodies.

15 posted on 11/04/2021 6:02:18 AM PDT by drSteve78 (Je suis Deplorable. STILL )
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To: rlmorel

Sadly then, you missed the point.
I had Moderna series of injections, have had multiple warning signs of odd inflammatory responses and swelling of a long stable joint surgery, significant persistent occipital neck pain, a doubling of tinnitus.

And i had covid twice so far AFTER the shots. Not only are the Covid injections not help ful to me, but i am understanding that there is now a higher likelihood, daily, of the next Something Worse.

And the personal horror is that I strongly suspected that was going to happen.

My Karen spouse says, β€œoh you must get more boosters.”

The Covid injections are NOT a vaccine.

16 posted on 11/04/2021 6:10:41 AM PDT by drSteve78 (Je suis Deplorable. STILL )
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To: SaveFerris

Our President is losing patience with us, better get the shot(s) how ever many they mandate. The more they push, the more I resist, I am on number 0 still.

17 posted on 11/04/2021 6:17:18 AM PDT by thirst4truth (America, What difference does it make?)
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To: drSteve78
And i had covid twice so far AFTER the shots. Omg I cannot believe you have had the virus twice after vaccinations. Where did you get it twice? Every one that pressures me to get the shot, I say it doesn't protect you from getting or spreading the virus, why then should I take the risk of what happened to you?
18 posted on 11/04/2021 6:23:55 AM PDT by thirst4truth (America, What difference does it make?)
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To: drSteve78

I think it is possible you may have missed my point completely.

I ask this honestly-did you read the article? Unless I am missing that this is such a work of satire that it went completely over my head, this person is a whole-hearted advocate of getting the vaccine. (my satire-meter is taxed these days, because I find that satire is getting harder and harder to distinguish from reality, especially before my coffee in the if I did miss the satire, you can tell me, I won’t be offended)

I personally don’t care at all if someone chooses to get the “vaccine” (I put it in scare quotes just to make the point) but I view any implied, actual, or proposed, mandate/requirement of any kind for anything related to COVID as totally unconstitutional and un-American in nature. And I feel the same way about masking and distancing.

Why would you think I missed the point because I found the content annoying?

19 posted on 11/04/2021 6:33:33 AM PDT by rlmorel (Leftists are The Droplet of Sewage in a gallon of ultra-pure clean water.)
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To: Kaslin

Article is utter propaganda.

If it were printed, I’d use it to line my chicken coop.

20 posted on 11/04/2021 6:33:45 AM PDT by WildHighlander57 ((The more you tighten your grip, the more star systems will slip through your fingers.) )
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