I think you are overlooking the fact that unemployment is mostly funded by taxes from the employers.
“State governments get the money to pay claims by debiting the employer’s UI account (in states that require an account balance) or by raising the employer’s UI taxes. A deduction in the account balance may also cause a rate increase, as the ratio between taxable payroll and the account balance changes. Each claim assessed to an employer’s account can result in a tax rate increase in future years.”
Business that enforce a mandate will be penalized for years to come with increased UI taxes.
Yup, I forgot about unemployment insurance. Employers better start fighting the mandates then if they’re going to have to pay for people’s time off for jabs and side effects plus pay higher unemployment insurance rates due to paying a lot of unemployment claims.
It’s still government welfare in that this law is mandating it but in this case, employers will pay it.
Protecting employees by putting employers out of business.
As they damn' well should be, so as not to put this mess on us poor taxpayers.