Posted on 10/25/2021 9:57:31 AM PDT by ChicagoConservative27
Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) said Monday that he believed Democrats "should" be able to get a deal on a framework agreement for President Biden's social spending bill this week.
"Having it finished with all the t's and the i's and everything you know crossed and dotted that will be difficult from the Senate side because we have an awful lot of text to go through, but as far as conceptually we should, I really believe," Manchin told reporters on Monday.
Manchin added that Democrats "should be" able to reach a deal on a framework this week, adding that "it really should be" finished.
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So is this another bill “We have to pass before we can see what is in it”?
Democrats make me nervous when they use the word finished.
The Commies left Amnesty for Millions in the BILL .
Call your Reps .
They are terrified McAwful is going to lose in VA Gov race next Tuesday and what signal that would send. His loss would weaken their resolve even further to go down the Socialist road.
Manchin always plays hard to get, but he fools no one. Wake-up WV and boot this ‘tard.
Manchin/Sinema were just play-acting.
He caves, again, as predicted. But he’ll claim he saved us a trillion or so.
Manchin’s Vote advanced this legislation in the first place.
Manchin votes with Dems, as usual.
This bill isn’t a spending disaster. It’s going to be a national disaster. The economics of it’s failure will be difficult to fathom. This is the democrats pushing the car, not off the road, but over the cliff into the ocean. We, as a nation, probably will never recover from the consequences.
The inflation will be out of control. The interest payment of the debt higher than the taxes brought in. Effective end of social security, and likely the nationalization of 401k’s. We cannot continue as a society that doesn’t produce or create, only robs the future for those who won’t work or have skills that are unneeded. My representatives will not vote for this disaster, but others will gladly damage our childrens children in this manner for some goodies.
We, as a people, desperately need a balanced budget amendment.
Why would WV do that when their economy is based on government pork. WV might be a red state, but they know who pays the bills.
They finally agree upon the amount on the check.
He’s gong to be rented, again.
Way to go, West Virginia!
I’ll still tolerate him as long as the filibuster stays, as that prevents packing the courts and rigging of voting. Once those two things are done, the country is finished - PERMANENTLY.
And who looks out for the people who have to pay the bills?
The Senate has been advised they cannot use reconciliation to grant amnesty even if the Amnesty is added to a budget bill. Does not mean they will not try to ignore the Parliamentarian’s ruling. But, if they do, they will open Pandora’s Box and the GOP will be free to ignore the Parliamentarian’s rulings as well. We will see how that plays out. It was reported that Amnesty was a no go for Sinema. She would be in trouble in AZ (supposedly) if she goes along with amnesty. But reporting on both sides suck so who knows. Considering how much the Chamber of Commerce and the GOP want amnesty, I bet we are screwed!
Both are whores
So Manchin the whore is about to get paid.
I had a feeling he would cave.
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