Sick stuff.
After genital mutilation and sodomy, the sparkles and lipstick are consolation.
Here’s a funny thing: If you had a female relative who looked at acted like one of these “drag queens,” you would likely keep your kid away from her and limit exposure at family reunions, thanksgiving, etc. “That’s aunt Polly and she’s not safe.” But since it’s actually a gay male, party on!
Note: Drag queens are different from trannies. Drag queens portray a caricature of women on a part-time basis. It’s like a minstrel show but women instead of blacks.
You can put glitter on perversion, but it’s still perversion.
I sometimes miss my childhood of catching turtles and bullfrogs, or launching salamanders in my older brother’s model rockets.
Never, was I abused like this. Parents must not care. I thank God that mine did.
Aren’t kids confused enough without subjecting them to this crap?
This would be over in one day if parents refused to participate.
Shows what kind of parents are out there - and apparently there are enough of them exposing their children to this abnormal freak show to keep it alive and growing - screwing up the next generation.
“”””We talk a lot at home about gender identity and expression,”””
Boy, I am sure glad that I grew up on a farm and learned about the birds and the bees in that fashion instead ofbeing like poor Joey who has to be subjected to such drivel by a woke parent.
Note that the writer avoids stating that the child is a son (or is it?).
Driving from Manchester to Brattleboro takes about two hours. There are not a ton of direct routes. These queens must be pretty motivated.
OMG double barf.
As of late, I’ve come to realize that drag queens are not any worse than Disney, Nickelodeon or the Marvel universe.
Our, “culture” has gone from GI Joe to Pedo Joe in my lifetime.
Oh my God, this is demonic. There's no other word for it. God protect their children.
I will never order from The Vermont Country Store ever again.
The comments to this article are amazing. All it takes is for a group of guys to put on women’s clothing and makeup to bring out the torches and pitchforks?
Are people, more specifically FreeRepublic members, really that invested in this snapshot of human behavior that we call normal? There’s not even any sexual activity to get the vapors over, just some guys playing dress-up. Yet somehow that’s enough to make this activity perverted, sick, demonic, vaguely unsafe.
I don’t get the appeal of drag queens myself, but I also don’t see how a man putting on a dress is threatening.
Any fool who brings their child to such an event should have the child taken away from them and be jailed for negligence. They are showing extraordinarily poor judgment and cannot be trusted with the upbringing of a child.
Because Mom and Dad and Presidents and first ladies are such a bore reading those books with liberal political correct feel good stories.
And then one day, for no reason at all…