Posted on 10/21/2021 4:40:45 AM PDT by Eleutheria5
For more than a century, business experts have been trying to dial up the United States’ efficiency. Ever since Frederick Taylor published “The Principles of Scientific Management” in 1911, companies have focused on doing things more quickly, and raising consumers’ expectations as a result.
But Taylor’s ideas didn’t take into account the havoc a pandemic might do to supply chains — and how that would blunt what a few months ago seemed like a looming resumption of modern daily life’s zippy pace.
Across the country, Americans’ expectations of speedy service and easy access to consumer products have been crushed like a Styrofoam container in a trash compactor. Time for some new, more realistic expectations.
Fast food is less fast. A huge flotilla of container ships is stuck offshore in California, waiting to unload. Shelves normally stocked with Halloween candy this time of year are empty, as I saw the other day at a Target here in Ann Arbor, Mich.
The issue has become so troublesome — with alarming economic and political ramifications — that the White House is stepping in, urging unions, port operators and big consumer-goods companies to work around the clock (if they aren’t already) to unclog supply pipelines.
American consumers, their expectations pampered and catered to for decades, are not accustomed to inconvenience.
“For generations, American shoppers have been trained to be nightmares,” Amanda Mull wrote in August in the Atlantic, before the supply chain problem turned truly ugly. “The pandemic has shown just how desperately the consumer class clings to the feeling of being served.”
Rather than living constantly on the verge of throwing a fit, and risking taking it out on overwhelmed servers, struggling shop owners or late-arriving delivery people, we’d do ourselves a favor by consciously lowering expectations.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
How about this: Instead of lying, cheating and conniving to regain power every time you're out of it, using every dirty trick in the book to impose your leftard agenda on the populace, how about deep staters and leftards (I'm repeating myself) do yourselves a favor and lower your expectations of absolute power. Accept the new normal of MAGAA.
Oh, and Micheline, stop being horrid to servers and salespeople in retail stores and restaurants. And stop projecting your bad attitude and screechiness on normal people who know how to be polite and patient.
I dont complain. I know what’s at play here though.... the folks who are actually out there, working crap jobs with supply chain issues are the real heroes. I will however make a mockery of Joe Biden and his surrounding gaggle of incompetent clowns every chance I get. There is no spin to make this issue anything but a concerted effort to inflict pain. As we know Democrats survive on crisis.
That's right. There's no supply chain flustercluck, it's Americans fault for remembering and wanting the efficiencies of Capitalism that existed just two years ago. Also, it's selfish to believe in your individual rights.
I can’t say I disagree with the author’s main premise here. It sure didn’t take long for this affluent society to turn into a collective group of pampered losers with no coping skills.
It is quite clear that F Joe Biden’s economic and Covid policies have been an obvious disaster. F J Biden subsidized labor shortages, raging inflation, supply chain disruptions and empty shelves are being experienced everywhere. Wapo, and other MSM outlets, have promoted the narrative “don’t believe your lying eyes”. It’s not F Joe’s fault. It’s just that you’re a spoiled brat to expect a normal life. Unfortunately for F Joe, approval polls show he is rightfully getting blamed for America’s economic woes.
As the Biden Administration said to Americans left behind in Afghanistan: Lower Your Expectations.
Efficient businesses have zero to do with supply chain problems. We are experiencing the perfect convergence of traitorous foreign policy, onerous government regulations, overpaid lazy ass union employees, and the tyranny of governors.
“The issue has become so troublesome — with alarming economic and political ramifications — that the White House is stepping in, urging unions, port operators and big consumer-goods companies to work around the clock (if they aren’t already) to unclog supply pipelines.”
They waited 10 months to offer up a weak a$$ solution which will make little difference. Put a six month moratorium on vaccine mandates, let’s get the supply chain issue fixed, and instead of this 3.5T communist spending spree, do only one bill to fix our logistics infrastructure.
Not at the stores around here.
The shelves are jam packed with candy.
Someone needs to bring to the forefront the largest reason for the clog:
AB 5 in Calif restricts trucks to very harsh smog rules, which means no truck under 3 years old complies.
Then-—ONLY UNION drivers-—No Self employed truck owners can work in Calif.
There are plenty of older trucks with Owner/operators who would be happy to line up & move those containers.
NOW-—Those containers are being moved out of the ports to CITY streets in the area-—stealing parking from home owners, etc.
HIDING the containers away from the actual port isn’t stopping the clog.
Lowering our expectations is already happening in schools.
There isn’t a decent work force available NOW-—God help us in the future.
Putting utter incompetents in charge is the biggest Dem trait of all.
Other ports around the U.S. are facing the same problems as LA/Long Beach, and they don’t have the same stupid laws as California.
Oops, somebody’s still typing nonsense about the ports of LA and Long Beach. Who could that be?
Target sucks, anyway.
God I love training in action.
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