BLM gets a pass.
Well, you’re an idiot. Conservatives and patriots don’t have your back, no matter how convincing they sound behind a keyboard. Welcome to the leftists’ revolution. Prepare to have no freedom going forward.
Considering this happened to no one else that was at or in the Capital, this seems…unlikely.
Communists in power: “Have you recently been or have you ever been at a Trump rally?”
Holy Sh**. They are just pushing civil unrest aren’t they?
Are there still any doubting Thomas’s out there that don’t believe that the Marxists are well on their way to totally subverting this Republic?
He has a heck of a lawsuit where if what he says is true he’ll settle out of court with them quickly for denying him due process
They’ll do this by the MILLIONS to non-compliants once they pass the gun laws that they crave...assuming that Republicans (conservatives and RINOs) don’t stop them...because Democrats sure as hell won’t.
If this is true then this really is neo-fascist Germany in so many ways.
The feds do this all the time after they arrest someone. They take all their funds so they can’t hire a lawyer. It is a little more unusual without an arrest.
Well if the FBI did it they must have a reason.
What was that then-21yo twerp doing with about a half mil in his checking account?
Half million in checking account? Besides a good legal advice he needs financial advice.
Who would keep half a million in a bank account? The FDIC limit is half that.
And this is how they are going to get everyone of us who do not comply to the new world order and speak out against the communism. All they have to do is subpoena the FR servers and subpoena our internet carriers to find out who we are. The email addresses and IP will will give them all they need.
Wasn’t there a denzel washington movie that had similar script?
They’re getting people used to the idea that the government can and will target conservatives. The setup at the Capitol opened the door. It’s just a start.