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18 reasons I won’t be getting a COVID vaccine
LifeSite News ^ | April 16, 2021 | Christian Elliot

Posted on 04/16/2021 9:34:15 AM PDT by ebb tide

18 reasons I won’t be getting a COVID vaccine

I don’t know everything, but so far no one has been able to answer the objections below. So here are the reasons I’m opting out of the COVID vaccine

LifeSiteNews does not necessarily agree with all the opinions in this article, but believes that it presents a great deal of crucial information and is a valuable contribution to this issue.

April 16, 2021 (TRUE Whole Human) – A few friends have asked my thoughts on the COVID jab(s) so I thought it was time to write an article on the topic.

Knowing how contentious this issue is, part of me would rather just write about something else. But I believe the discussion/news is so one-sided that I should speak up.

As I always strive to do, I promise to do my best to be level-headed and non-hysterical.

I’m not here to pick a fight with anyone, just to walk you through some of what I’ve read, my lingering questions and explain why I can’t make sense of these COVID vaccines. Three ground rules for discussion:

If you care to engage on this topic with me, excellent. Here are the rules. I am more than happy to correspond with you if:

You are respectful and treat me the way you would want to be treated.

You ask genuinely thoughtful questions about what makes sense to you.

You make your points using sound logic and don’t hide behind links or the word “science.”

If you do respond, and you break any of those rules, your comments will be ignored/deleted.

With that out of the way, let me say this: I don’t know everything, but so far no one has been able to answer the objections below. So here are the reasons I’m opting out of the COVID vaccine: 1. Vaccine makers are immune from liability

The only industry in the world that bears no liability for injuries or deaths resulting from their products are vaccine makers.

As first established in 1986 with the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, and reinforced by the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act, vaccine makers cannot be sued — even if they are shown to be negligent.

The COVID vaccine makers are allowed to create a one-size-fits-all product, with no testing on sub-populations (i.e. people with specific health conditions), and yet they are unwilling to accept any responsibility for any adverse events or deaths their products cause.

If a company is not willing to stand behind its product as safe, especially one rushed to market, I am not willing to take a chance on that product.

No liability. No trust. Here’s why …

2. The checkered past of vaccine companies

The four major companies who are making COVID vaccines are/have either:

Never brought a vaccine to market before COVID (Moderna and Johnson & Johnson).

Are serial felons (Pfizer, and AstraZeneca).

Are both (Johnson & Johnson).

Moderna had been trying to “Modernize our RNA” (thus the company name) for years, but had never successfully brought any product to market. How nice for the company to get a major cash infusion from the government to keep trying.

In fact, all major vaccine makers (save Moderna) have paid out tens of billions of dollars in damages for other products they brought to market when they knew those products would cause injuries and death — see Vioxx, Bextra, Celebrex, Thalidomide and opioids as a few examples.

If drug companies willfully choose to put harmful products in the market — when they can be sued — why would we trust any product where they have no liability?

Three of the four COVID vaccine makers have been sued for products they brought to market even though they knew injuries and deaths would result.

Johnson & Johnson has lost major lawsuits in 1995, 1996, 2001, 2010, 2011, 2016, 2019 (For what it’s worth, the company’s vaccine also contains tissues from aborted fetal cells, perhaps a topic for another discussion).

Pfizer has the distinction of the biggest criminal payout in history. The company lost so many lawsuits it’s hard to count. You can check out its rap sheet here. Maybe that’s why Pfizer is demanding that countries where they don’t have liability protection put up collateral to cover vaccine-injury lawsuits.

AstraZeneca has similarly lost so many lawsuits it’s hard to count. Here’s one. Here’s another…you get the point. And in case you missed it, the company had its COVID vaccine suspended in at least 18 countries over concerns of blood clots, and it completely botched its meeting with the FDA with numbers from their study that didn’t match.

Oh, and apparently Johnson & Johnson (whose vaccine was granted Emergency Use Authorization in the U.S.) and AstraZenca (whose vaccine is not approved in the U.S.), had a little mix up in their ingredients … in 15 million doses. Oops.

Given the free pass from liability, and the checkered past of these companies, why would we assume that all their vaccines are safe and made completely above board?

Where else in life would we trust someone with that kind of reputation?

To me that makes as much sense as expecting a remorseless, abusive unfaithful lover to become a different person because a judge said deep down they are a good person.

No. I don’t trust them. No liability. No trust. Here’s another reason why I don’t trust them …

3. Ugly history of attempts to make coronavirus vaccines

There have been many attempts to make viral vaccines in the past that ended in utter failure — which is why we did not have a coronavirus vaccine in 2020.

In the 1960s, scientists attempted to make an RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) vaccine for infants. In that study, they skipped animal trials because the trials weren’t required then.

In the end, the vaccinated infants got much sicker than the unvaccinated infants when exposed to the virus in nature, with 80% of the vaccinated infants requiring hospitalization. Two of them died.

After 2000, scientists made many attempts to create coronavirus vaccines. For the past 20 years, all ended in failure because the animals in the clinical trials got very sick and many died, just like the children in the 1960s.

You can read a summary of this history/science here. Or if you want to read the individual studies you can check out these links:

The typical pattern in the studies referenced above is that the children and the animals produced beautiful antibody responses after being vaccinated. The manufacturers thought they hit the jackpot.

The problem came when the children and animals were exposed to the wild version of the virus.

When that happened, an unexplained phenomenon called antibody dependent enhancement, also known as vaccine enhanced disease, occurred where the immune system produced a “cytokine storm” (i.e. overwhelmingly attacked the body) and the children/animals died.

Here’s the lingering issue: The vaccine makers have no data to suggest their rushed vaccines have overcome that problem.

In other words, never before has any attempt to make a coronavirus vaccine been successful, nor has the gene-therapy technology in mRNA “vaccines” been safely brought to market.

We might assume that because the companies received billions of dollars in government funding, they must have figured out that problem.

Except they don’t know if they have …

4. The ‘data gaps’ submitted to FDA by vaccine makers

When vaccine makers submitted their papers to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the Emergency Use Authorization (which is not the same as a full FDA approval), among the many “data gaps” they reported was that they have nothing in their trials to suggest they overcame that pesky problem of vaccine enhanced disease.

They simply don’t know if the vaccines they’ve made will also produce the same cytokine storm (and deaths) as previous attempts at such products.

As Dr. Joseph Mercola points out …

Previous attempts to develop an mRNA-based drug using lipid nanoparticles failed and had to be abandoned because when the dose was too low, the drug had no effect, and when dosed too high, the drug became too toxic. An obvious question is: What has changed that now makes this technology safe enough for mass use?”

If that’s not alarming enough, here are other gaps in the data — in other words, there is no data to suggest safety or efficacy regarding:

In case you think I’m making this up, or want to see the actual documents sent to the FDA by Pfizer and Moderna for their Emergency Use Authorization, you can check out this, or this respectively. The data gaps can be found starting with page 46 and 48 respectively.

For now let’s turn our eyes to the raw data the vaccine makers used to submit for emergency use authorization …

5. No access to raw data from trials

Would you like to see the raw data that produced the “90% and 95% effective” claims touted in the news?

Me too. But the companies won’t let us see that data.

As pointed out in the BMJ, something about the Pfizer and Moderna efficacy claims smells really funny. There were “3,410 total cases of suspected, but unconfirmed COVID-19 in the overall study population, 1,594 occurred in the vaccine group vs. 1,816 in the placebo group.”

Wait … what? Did they fail to do science in their scientific study by not verifying a major variable?

Could they not test those “suspected but unconfirmed” cases to find out if they had COVID?  Why not test all 3,410 participants for the sake of accuracy?

Can we only guess they didn’t test because it would mess up their “90-95% effective” claims?

Would it not be prudent for the FDA to expect (demand) the vaccine makers test people who have “COVID-like symptoms,” and release their raw data so independent third parties could examine how the manufacturers justified the numbers?

It’s only every citizen of the world we’re trying to get to take these experimental products — why did the FDA not require that? Isn’t that the entire purpose of the FDA anyway?

Good question. Foxes guarding the hen house? No liability. No trust.

6. No long-term safety testing

With products that have been on the market only a few months, we have no long-term safety data.

In other words, we have no idea what this product will do in the body months or years from now — for any population.

Given all the risks above (risks that all pharmaceutical products have), would it not be prudent to wait to see if the worst-case scenarios have indeed been avoided?

Would it not make sense to want to fill those pesky “data gaps” before we try to give this to every man, woman and child on the planet?

That would make sense. But to have that data, they need to test it on people, which leads me to my next point …

7. No informed consent

What most who are taking the vaccine don’t know is that because these products are still in clinical trials, anyone who gets the shot is now part of the clinical trial — part of the experiment.

Those (like me) who do not take it, are part of the control group. Time will tell how this experiment works out.

But, you may be asking, if the vaccines are causing harm, wouldn’t we be seeing that all over the news? Surely the FDA would step in and pause the distribution? (Editor’s note: federal health officials on Tuesday paused the Johnsons & Johnson vaccine over concerns related to blood clots).

If the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) — the government-run system for reporting deaths and injuries after vaccines — worked, maybe things would be different, but …

8. Under-reporting of adverse reactions and deaths

According to a Harvard study (commissioned by our own government), less than 1% of all adverse reactions to vaccines are actually submitted to VAERS.

While the problems with VAERS have not been fixed (as you can read about in this letter to the CDC), at the time of this writing, VAERS reports over 2,200 deaths from the current COVID vaccines, as well as close to 60,000 adverse reactions.

If those numbers represent only 1% of the total adverse reactions (or .8% to 2% of what this study published recently in the JAMA found), you can do the math — but that equates to somewhere around 110,000 to 220,000 deaths from the vaccines to date, and a ridiculous number of adverse reactions.

Bet you didn’t see that on the news.

That death number would currently still be lower than the 424,000 deaths from medical errors that happen every year (which you probably also don’t hear about), but we are not even six months into the rollout of these vaccines yet.

If you want a deeper dive into the problems with the VAERS reporting system, you can check out this or this.

But then there’s my next point, which could be argued makes these COVID vaccines seem pointless …

9. The vaccines don’t stop transmission or infection

Aren’t these vaccines supposed to be what we’ve been waiting for to “go back to normal”? Nope.

Why do you think we’re getting all these conflicting messages about needing to practice social distancing and wear masks after we get a vaccine? The reason is because these vaccines were never designed to stop transmission or infection.

If you don’t believe me, I refer you again to the papers submitted to the FDA I linked to above which show that the primary endpoint (what the vaccines are meant to accomplish) is to lower your symptoms.

Sounds like just about every other drug on the market right? That’s it … lowering your symptoms is the big payoff we’ve been waiting for. Does that seem completely pointless to anyone but me?

There are plenty of other things I can do to lower my symptoms that don’t involve taking what appears to be a really risky product.

Now for the next logical question: If we’re worried about asymptomatic spreaders, would the vaccine not make it more likely that we are creating asymptomatic spread?

If it indeed reduces symptoms, anyone who gets it might not even know they are sick and thus they are more likely to spread the virus, right?

For what it’s worth, I’ve heard many people say the side effects of the vaccine (especially the second dose) are worse than catching COVID.

I can’t make sense of that either.

Take the risk. Get no protection. Suffer through the vaccine side effects. Keep wearing your mask and social distancing … and continue to be able to spread the virus.

It gets worse …

10. People are catching COVID after being fully vaccinated

Talk about a bummer. You get vaccinated and you still catch COVID.

In reality, this phenomenon is probably happening everywhere, but those are the ones making the news now.

Given the reasons above (and what’s below), maybe this doesn’t surprise you, but bummer if you thought the vaccine was a shield to keep you safe.

It’s not. That was never the point.

If 66% of healthcare workers in L.A. are going to delay or skip the vaccine … maybe they aren’t wowed by the rushed science either.

Maybe they are watching the shady way deaths and cases are being reported …

11. Overall death rate from COVID

According to the CDC’s own numbers, COVID has a 99.74% survival rate.

Why would I take a risk on a product, that doesn’t stop infection or transmission, to help me overcome a cold that has a .26% chance of killing me — which actually in my age range is has about a .1% chance of killing me (and .01% chance of killing my kids).

With a bar (death rate) that low, we will be in lockdown every year … i.e., forever.

But wait, what about the 500,000-plus deaths, that’s alarming right? I’m glad you asked …

12. Bloated COVID death numbers

Something smells really funny about this one. Never before in the history of death certificates has our own government changed how deaths are reported.

Why now, are we reporting everyone who dies with COVID in their body, as having died of COVID, rather than the co-morbidities that actually took their life?

Until COVID, all coronaviruses (common colds) were never listed as the primary cause of death when someone died of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, auto-immune conditions or any other major comorbidity.

The disease was listed as the cause of death, and a confounding factor like flu or pneumonia was listed on a separate line.

To bloat the number even more, the World Health Organization and the CDC changed their guidelines such that those who are suspected or probable (but were never confirmed) of having died of COVID, are also included in the death numbers.

If we are going to do that then should we not go back and change the numbers of all past cold and flu seasons so we can compare apples to apples when it comes to death rates?

According to the CDCs own numbers, (scroll down to the section “comorbidities and other conditions”), only 6% of the deaths being attributed to COVID are instances where COVID seems to be the only issue at hand.

In other words, reduce the death numbers you see on the news by 94% and you have what is likely the real numbers of deaths from just COVID.

Even if the former CDC director is correct and COVID-19 was a lab-enhanced virus (see Reason #14 below), a .26% death rate is still in line with the viral death rate that circles the planet every year.

Then there’s this Fauci guy. I’d really love to trust him, but besides the fact that he hasn’t treated one COVID patient, you should probably know …

13. Fauci and others at NIAID own patents on the Moderna vaccine

Thanks to the Bayh-Dole Act, government workers are allowed to file patents on any research they do using taxpayer funding.

Tony Fauci owns more than 1,000 patents (see this video for more details), including patents being used on the Moderna vaccine … for which he approved government funding.

In fact, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) — which oversees the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), of which Fauci is the director — claims joint ownership of Moderna’s vaccine.

Does anyone else see this as a major conflict of interest, or criminal even?

I say criminal because there’s also this pesky problem that makes me even more distrustful of Fauci, NIAD, and the NIH in general …

14. Fauci is on the hot seat for illegal gain-of-function research

What is “gain-of-function” research? It’s where scientists attempt to make viruses gain functions — i.e. make them more transmissible and deadlier.

Sounds at least a touch unethical, right? How could that possibly be helpful?

Our government agreed, and 2014, banned the practice.

So what did the Fauci-led NIAID do? They pivoted and outsourced the gain-of-function research (in coronaviruses no less) to China — to the tune of a $600K grant.

Mr. Fauci, you have some explaining to do … and I hope the cameras are recording when you have to defend your actions.

For now, let’s turn our attention back to the virus …

15. The virus continues to mutate

Not only does the virus (like all viruses) continue to mutate, but according to world-renowned vaccine developer Geert Vanden Bossche (whom you’ll meet below if you don’t know him) it’s mutating about every 10 hours.

How in the world are we going to keep creating vaccines to keep up with that level of mutation? We’re not.

Might that also explain why fully vaccinated people are continuing to catch COVID?

Why, given that natural immunity has never ultimately failed humanity, do we suddenly not trust it?

Why, if I ask questions like the above, or post links like what you find above, will my thoughts be deleted from all major social media platforms?

That brings me to the next troubling problem I have with these vaccines …

16. Censorship and the complete absence of scientific debate

I can’t help but get snarky here, so humor me.

How did you enjoy all those nationally and globally televised, robust debates put on by public health officials, and broadcast simultaneously on every major news station?

Wasn’t it great hearing from the best minds in medicine, virology, epidemiology, economics and vaccinology, from all over the world. as they vigorously and respectfully debated things like:

Wasn’t it great seeing public health officials (who never treated anyone with COVID) have their “science” questioned?

Wasn’t it great seeing the FDA panel publicly grill the vaccine makers in prime time as they stood in the hot-seat of tough questions about products of which they have no liability?

Oh, wait … you didn’t see those debates? No, you didn’t. Because they never happened.

What happened instead was heavy-handed censorship of all but one narrative.

Mark Zuckerberg can question vaccine safety, but I can’t? When did the First Amendment become a suggestion?

It’s the FIRST Amendment, Mark — the one our founders thought was most important.

With so much at stake, why are we fed only one narrative. Shouldn’t many perspectives be heard and professionally debated?

What has happened to science?

What has happened to the scientific method of always challenging our assumptions?

What happened to lively debate in this country, or at least in Western society?

Why did anyone who disagrees with WHO, or the CDC get censored so heavily?

Is the science of public health a religion now — or is science supposed to be about debate?

If someone says “the science is settled” that’s how I know I’m dealing with someone who is closed minded. By definition science (especially biological science) is never settled.

If it was, it would be dogma, not science.

I want to be a good citizen. I really do.

If lockdowns work, I want to do my part and stay home.

If masks work, I want to wear them.

If social distancing is effective, I want to comply.

But, if there is evidence they don’t (masks for example), I want to hear that evidence, too.

If highly credentialed scientists have different opinions, I want to know what they think. I want a chance to hear their arguments and make up my own mind.

I don’t think I’m the smartest person in the world, but I think I can think. Maybe I’m weird, but if someone is censored, then I really want to hear what they think. Don’t you?

To all my friends who don’t have a problem with censorship, will you have the same opinion when what you think is censored?

Is censorship not the technique of dictators, tyrants and greedy, power-hungry people?

Is it not a sign that those who are doing the censoring know it’s the only way they can win?

What if a man who spent his entire life developing vaccines was willing to put his entire reputation on the line and call on all global leaders to immediately stop the COVID vaccines because of problems with the science?

What if he pleaded for an open-scientific debate on a global stage?

Would you want to hear what he has to say? Would you want to see the debate he’s asking for?

17. World’s leading vaccinologist is sounding the alarm

Here is what may be the biggest reason this COVID vaccine doesn’t make sense to me.

When someone who is very pro-vaccine, who has spent his entire professional career overseeing the development of vaccines, is shouting from the mountaintops that we have a major problem, I think the man should be heard.

In case you missed it, and in case you care to watch it, here is Geert Vanden Bossche, explaining:

If you want to see/read about a second, and longer, interview with Vanden Bossche, where he was asked some tough questions, you can check this out.

If half of what he says comes true, these vaccines could be the worst invention of all time.

If you don’t like his science, take it up with him.

I’m just the messenger.

But I can also speak to COVID personally …

18. I already had COVID

I didn’t enjoy it. It was a nasty cold for two days:

It was weird not being able to smell anything for a couple days. A week later, coffee still tasted a little “off.”

But I survived.

Now it appears (as it always has) that I have beautiful, natural, life-long immunity — not something likely to wear off in a few months if I get the vaccine. In my body, and my household, COVID is over.

In fact, now that I’ve had it, there is evidence the COVID vaccine might actually be more dangerous for me.

That is not a risk I’m willing to take.

In summary

The above are just my reasons for not wanting the vaccine. Maybe my reasons make sense to you, maybe they don’t.

Whatever does makes sense to you, hopefully we can still be friends.

I for one think there’s a lot more that we have in common than what separates us.

Agree or disagree with me, I’ll treat you no differently.

You’re a human just as worthy of love and respect as anyone else. For that I salute you, and I truly wish you all the best.

I hope you found this helpful. If so, feel free to share.

If not, feel free to (kindly) let me know, in the comments below, what didn’t make sense to you.

Reprinted with permission from TRUE Whole Human.


TOPICS: Culture/Society
KEYWORDS: chinavirusvaccine; covid; crymore; deathvaxxes; dumbingdownfr; freepers; gooutside; liars; loooookatme; profiteers; qvirus; reasonswhynot; scamdemic; vaccine
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To: ebb tide

...”These vaccines were never designed to stop transmission or infection...the primary endpoint (what the vaccines are meant to accomplish) is to lower your symptoms”......

Fewer Hospitalizations.

81 posted on 04/16/2021 12:00:54 PM PDT by caww ( lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold. Matt:24:12)
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To: SaxxonWoods
Yep! I'm still in the ‘wait’ mode. Heck I waited until last year before even getting a flu and pneumonia shot. I figured if I got it these two would lesson the impact.
82 posted on 04/16/2021 12:04:56 PM PDT by caww ( lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold. Matt:24:12)
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To: ebb tide



There are other ways and means to enhance your resistance against viruses including that by now infamous covid-19 virus aside from taking any of these “Quick” developed vaccines utilizing a messenger RNA. So far science has not evolved far enough yet to be certain how the human body will react many month or years down the road once we start tinkering around with our RNA and how our bodies will react should we encounter mutated strains of similar viruses.

Below is a list of vitamins as well as nutrients suggested by a physician to enhance your resistance, they are harmless and even beneficial to your body unless someone goes crazy and over doing it. Even so they will NOT protect you from getting any specific viruses; neither will any of those new “QUICK” developed vaccines. But not only will they make you more resistant but also help you to overcome the effects of such a virus more quickly, should you have bad luck getting it. And once you are over it, your natural immune system will take over and protect you considerably better than any vaccination, this according to a statement by Merck. The CATCH is to have these vitamins/nutrients in your system BEFORE you think you have caught this virus, as time is of essence so your system starts fighting the virus BEFORE it gets a chance to do any damage.

A suggestion to the wise, take some time and read up on each of these suggested components which is freely available on the internet.

Vitamin D — Vitamin D supplements are readily available and one of the least expensive supplements on the market. All things considered, vitamin D optimization is likely the easiest and most beneficial strategy that anyone can do to minimize their risk of COVID-19 and other infections, and can strengthen your immune system in a matter of a few weeks.

N-acetylcysteine (NAC) — NAC is a precursor to reduced glutathione, which appears to play a crucial role in COVID-19. According to one literature analysis,7 glutathione deficiency may actually be associated with COVID-19 severity, leading the author to conclude that NAC may be useful both for its prevention and treatment. For best results should always be taken with two to three times the amount of vitamin C.

Zinc — Zinc plays a very important role in your immune system’s ability to ward off viral infections.

Like vitamin D, zinc helps regulate your immune function8 — and a combination of zinc with a zinc ionophore, like hydroxychloroquine or quercetin, was in 2010 shown to inhibit SARS coronavirus in vitro. In cell culture, it also blocked viral replication within minutes.9 Importantly, zinc deficiency has been shown to impair immune function.

Melatonin — Boosts immune function in a variety of ways and helps quell inflammation. Melatonin may also prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection by recharging glutathione11 and enhancing vitamin D synthesis, among other things.

Vitamin C — A number of studies have shown vitamin C can be very helpful in the treatment of viral illnesses, sepsis and ARDS,12 all of which are applicable to COVID-19. Its basic properties include anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, antioxidant, antithrombotic and antiviral activities. At high doses, it actually acts as an antiviral drug, actively inactivating viruses. Vitamin C also works synergistically with quercetin.

Quercetin — A powerful immune booster and broad-spectrum antiviral, quercetin was initially found to provide broad-spectrum protection against SARS coronavirus in the aftermath of the 2003 SARS epidemic,14,15,16 and evidence suggests it may be useful for the prevention and treatment of SARS-CoV-2 as well. Not only that but quercetin also acts as an ionophore for zinc similar to hydroxychloroquine, in a matter of speaking it will unlock the cells to let the zinc in where it can attack the virus . It is also a good pain killer and better for the human body than Aspirin, what helps to subdue arthritis pain. I is good for sinus infection, in other words if you happen to have a runny nose.

B vitamins — B vitamins can also influence several COVID-19-specific disease processes, including17 viral replication and invasion, cytokine storm induction, adaptive immunity and hypercoagulability.


All components as suggested are individually obtained and freely available and if used with some common sense are not harmful and if anything beneficial to your health. However it is a good idea and highly recommended to read up on each component, as there is plenty of information available on the internet. You may be surprised to find out and learn about the many benefits they provide to your health.
Here is a suggested approximate dosage for each.

Vitamin D 1500 IU

Malatonine 3mg to 6mg suggested about one hour before you go to sleep.

QUERCETIN 500 mg to 1000 mg

NAC 500 mg to 1000 mg

Zinc 50 mg

Vitamin C 1500 mg or MORE !! but always should be to two three times as much as NAC

NAC 500 mg to 1000 mg

Vitamin B complex

So far whoever has been taking this regime of supplements and may have had a brush with this virus, shook it off fairly easily and quickly and the most important thing was that in the process such a person also acquired natural immunity. Not only that but at the same time this regime also helps to ease the effects of the regular flu.

One of the user’s comments:

Latest J&J Vaccine Info: Alex Berenson
4/15/2021, 10:49:29 AM • 27 of 28
Chauncey Gardiner to saintgermaine
Good post.
I have been on that same vitamin regimen since April 2020 along with approx 25 friends/family members. All of us socially active...restaurants, church, weddings, travel, etc. In other words, we’ve not changed our lives the past year. Not a one of us has tested positive and not a one has even had a cold. I’ve added hydroxychloroquine 200mg each Sunday starting about 6 mos ago.

83 posted on 04/16/2021 12:09:18 PM PDT by saintgermaine (THE TIME TRAVELLER )
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To: ebb tide

ebb tide wrote: “You apparently didn’t even read LifeSite’s introduction.”

I read the article. It’s BS!

84 posted on 04/16/2021 12:14:16 PM PDT by DugwayDuke (Most pick the expert who says the things they agree with.)
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To: afchief

Sorry, I’m not the one making the imbecilic claim that mRNA vaccines “change the structure of DNA”, you and your ilk are.

So it’s up to you to “prove” those ridiculous claims.

Only you can’t because it’s a an unfounded, ill informed, nonsensical assertion with absolutely NO foundation in fact.

Now quit spreading brainless lies as you unfortunately cause the average American to think that everyone on this forum is an imbecile.

85 posted on 04/16/2021 12:30:37 PM PDT by traderrob6
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To: Joshua

“Which Covid vaccine did you get? As of this morning, none existed.”

Good grief! Stop being STUPID!

And yes, it will take 50 years for us to know the long-term effects! So what? We already know the short-term effects: Excellent protection against catching and spreading COVID.

Life doesn’t come with a money back guarantee. If you don’t want to take the vaccine, DON’T! I don’t give a rat’s rear if you don’t take it!

But here in Arizona, with 80% of seniors vaccinated, the death rate has fallen off the charts. The TRUMP VACCINE is doing what it should - saving lives in the here and now.

86 posted on 04/16/2021 12:52:33 PM PDT by Mr Rogers
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To: ebb tide

I don’t need 18 reasons. It’s nobody’s business but mine why I’m not getting the shot.

87 posted on 04/16/2021 2:35:44 PM PDT by Graybeard58 (The China virus doesn't scare me, Venezuelaism does.)
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To: Mr Rogers
Your latest post above is quite revealing:

And yes, it will take 50 years for us to know the long-term effects! So what? We already know the short-term effects: Excellent protection against catching and spreading COVID.

Who cares about the deliberate murder of a baby girl fifty years ago or the health of babies fifty years ahead. (Pregnant mothers are discouraged from taking the deathvaxx).

It's all about the here and now, for the deathvaxxers.

88 posted on 04/16/2021 2:41:44 PM PDT by ebb tide (We have a rogue curia in Rome.)
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To: DugwayDuke
I read the article. It’s BS!

Care to back it up with facts rather than ranting?

89 posted on 04/16/2021 2:43:37 PM PDT by ebb tide (We have a rogue curia in Rome.)
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To: ebb tide

“Who cares about the deliberate murder of a baby girl fifty years ago or the health of babies fifty years ahead.”

Given knowledge of the future lies with God alone, who cares what YOU think MIGHT happen? I don’t.

In the present, when objective measurements are possible, the COIVD vaccine is helping life. Not death. You can pretend you know it will cause death in the future but you’re just blowing smoke up peoples’ butts!

90 posted on 04/16/2021 2:56:40 PM PDT by Mr Rogers
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To: Mr Rogers

Tell me, Mr. Rogers, why pregnant mothers are discouraged from taking your precious “life-saving” “vaccine”?

91 posted on 04/16/2021 3:08:48 PM PDT by ebb tide (We have a rogue curia in Rome.)
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To: Mr Rogers
In the present, when objective measurements are possible, the COIVD vaccine is helping life.

No one knows that. The deathvaxxes have only been on the market for a few months now.

Talk about blowing smoke; have you met Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates?

92 posted on 04/16/2021 3:11:52 PM PDT by ebb tide (We have a rogue curia in Rome.)
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To: Brilliant
Regardless of whether you think it’s safe, the world will be better off if everyone else gets the vaccine.

Not if it really isn't safe they won't.

93 posted on 04/16/2021 3:29:59 PM PDT by itsahoot (The election was stolen and there isn't a dang thang you can do about it. )
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To: traderrob6; SkyDancer
BWAAAAAHAHAHAHA, that is an unmitigated bald faced LIE.

Is that because you know for a fact it isn't , or because you believe what they told you?

94 posted on 04/16/2021 3:31:43 PM PDT by itsahoot (The election was stolen and there isn't a dang thang you can do about it. )
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To: joesbucks
On a more serious note, why is Trump taking a victory lap about this if all these problems exist?

Even better question is why he jumped on the lockdown band wagon in the first place?

95 posted on 04/16/2021 3:36:55 PM PDT by itsahoot (The election was stolen and there isn't a dang thang you can do about it. )
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To: ebb tide

never trust a government that opens it borders to invaders while demanding its citizens remain lockdowned silently in place...

96 posted on 04/16/2021 3:37:26 PM PDT by heavy metal (smiling improves your face value as well as making people wonder what the hell you're up to... 😁)
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To: Mr Rogers
3,000 deaths out of 125 million over the course of a few months is trivial.

Will that make the dead feel better to know they were just a few anomolies?

97 posted on 04/16/2021 3:42:41 PM PDT by itsahoot (The election was stolen and there isn't a dang thang you can do about it. )
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To: Brilliant
the world will be better off if everyone else gets the vaccine.

That's an curiously religious amount of blind faith in something that is sporting a long trail of red flags.

98 posted on 04/16/2021 3:48:45 PM PDT by Teacher317
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To: sport

She can forget getting her freedom back. She can get the vax until she is blue in the face, but she is still not getting her freedom back. Freedom is like virginity, once it is lost, it is lost forever

I agree with you!

I find a few things notable. I am posting these comments to those I am beginning to think of as “Vax Nazis”...(Those to whom I refer below):

1. Some here seem to be trying to censor alternative views...Just like some did when Trump announced his candidacy in 2015...Oh yes, those of us who were the initial Trump supporters were harassed until FR became Trump Country.

These posters attack articles questioning the vaccines—referring to doctors and researchers presenting any negative information regarding the vaccines as quacks or imbeciles—yet often these posters don’t present their credentials or links substantiating their attacks...

Over and over, I see many of the same names on these threads—those seemingly perched and waiting to attack anyone who posts an article about vaccine issues/concerns/problems or anyone who comments that they are not wanting the “vaccine” or waiting until realistic long-term cost/benefits can be determined.

Yet, I don’t see the “vaccine hesitant” attacking those who want the vaccine. I have some family who have gotten the vaccines. That is their choice—good or bad, and they and I will have to live with it. Getting the vaccine or not getting the vaccine is a major decision, and an individual decision.

Since getting the jab is a major decision, I want information posted here because other media sites are censoring. The more info, the better. Alternative? Sure. Fringe? Sure...What we might have considered as alternative or fringe a decade ago on many issues is not today... Let me decide what I want to read/trust/believe.

And you know what, there is plenty of information out there promoting the vaccines—Mainstream media, PSAs, celebs, pols, CDC, Fauci, etc. You all don’t need to attack in order to promote the vaccine.

2. Some feel that because President Trump initiated Warp Speed, not supporting the vaccines is unpatriotic or not being supportive of Trump (I have seen that posted to me). I don’t agree with anyone about everything...including Trump, but I was part of the “crawl thru broken glass to support Trump crowd” in 2016 and 2020.

Problem is that now Biden et. al. are pushing (very hard push) for everyone including adolescents and young adults to get the vaccines using Carrots or sticks...Vax Live concerts, Celebs and media influencers abound who are proudly displaying their vax experience and pushing the vax. Want to go to ballgame? Show your vax card...Same for some universities.

So it is being suggested that this fall, we are to have our high schoolers get the vaccine. Is this what we should do in the name of supporting Trump’s original initiative? Are we to now trust Biden? Remember Trump went to Fauci for guidance/expertise (a logical choice at the time)...However, we know a lot more about Fauci now than Trump did then... especially as it relates to Fauci’s unauthorized funding of gain-of-function research in Wuhan.

3. Messaging changes and Goalposts seem to be CONTINUALLY moving...Now Fauci wants youngsters to get vaccinated. He won’t define herd immunity percentages, and whether herd immunity includes those who contracted COVID-19 prior to vaccines. Even if one is vaccinated, they are still to wear masks and not dine indoors?! I read that Stanford is starting a Pfizer trial on infant COVID vaccines? Talk about goalposts moving!

BTW, on the campaign trail in 2016 Trump was concerned about the large number of vaccines that were being recommended/required for children...I wonder what his stance would be if he were in the Oval Office today.

4. Perhaps most important, those getting the vaccine seem to be agnostic on the topic losing freedom by tracking and ultimately participating in the CCP vaccine/social credit scoring globalist system. If no one got the jab, the vax pass would be a moot subject.

You all are welcome to get the jab, but please don’t harass posters who are presenting information or are questioning or hesitant.

Have a nice evening.

99 posted on 04/16/2021 5:03:59 PM PDT by Freedom56v2 (If I wanted to live in China, I would move there!)
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To: Brilliant

Regardless of whether you think it’s safe, the world will be better off if everyone else gets the vaccine.
____that requires an assumption that the “vaccine” that isn’t a vaccine actually prevents or minimizes any disease whatsoever.

I was immunized, Moderna, both doses, because i have a need to travel. If i were younger, or female of child-bearing age, i would NEVER get immunized with these scientific toys we are forced to play with.

I am still faced with sheeple wondering why i stopped wearing a mask on my face. My simple question is this, which are you afraid doesn’t work, my immunization, or your mask?

100 posted on 04/16/2021 5:04:49 PM PDT by drSteve78 (Je suis deplorable. WE'RE NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE)
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