Posted on 04/15/2021 4:01:36 PM PDT by Jan_Sobieski
Ever the autocrat, Obamacare architect and Biden health-care adviser Ezekiel Emanuel has co-authored a call in the New York Times for vaccine mandates. From, “These People Should Be Required to Get Vaccinated:”
We need to sharply reduce coronavirus infections to turn the tide and quell the pandemic. The best hope is to maximize the number of people vaccinated, especially among those who interact with many others and are likely to transmit the virus.
How can we increase vaccinations? Mandates.
Vaccines should be required for health care workers and for all students who plan to attend in-person classes this fall — including younger children once the vaccine is authorized for them by the Food and Drug Administration.
Employers should also be prepared to make vaccines mandatory for prison guards, E.M.T.s, police officers, firefighters and teachers if overall vaccinations do not reach the level required for herd immunity.
Has Emanuel been asleep the last few months? Doesn’t he know that the erratic performance of public-health officials has cost them the confidence of a large percentage of the population? Does he want greater discord than we are already experiencing?
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
I won't be taking his advice on vaccines or any other types of treatment.
Rahm Emmanuel’s brother can’t let a crisis go to waste.
The probably around 65 million people who voted for Biden contributed to this foolishness. Try to force healthy Americans with close to no chance of falling due to covid to inject in their body a biological agent which is no where near done being tested.
Vaccines with indicator chips in them?
No such friggin thing. We are a long way from having that type of nanotechnology.
amazing how those who never follow rules love to create them for others to follow. obsessive-compulsive
Typical. Arrogance is a disease, but there’s unfortunately no vaccine against it.
Appears the 1/3 desires to force the other 2/3 to do the will of the 1/3
The Nation of Islam is the largest anti-vaxxer organization in America
In answer to the question where has this eugenicist been for the last year?
My best guess is he was holding out for cold, hard cash, and A LOT of it.
His opinion on something so vitally important can’t possibly be given away for free.
Don’t you know the plannedemic and the scary virus can only be defeated by highly paid authorities?
Hey Zeke. My body. And only my body. My choice. SCREW YOU!
Just die Zeke.
This f#cking guy...
My Moderna chip sets off the theft alarm at WalMart sometimes, but I can easily outrun the chubby mask sheriff at the door.
Yes, these things are small enough to inject: but I have yet to hear of someone building a processor out of them.
BS. Its not there yet. I’m a high tech S&T executive and know. All that you are being fed about this is a long way away!
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