Liberalism where: The STUPID really say STUPID things
They have to keep the lies going.
They know it works on their idiot viewers.
Did she ever find out who hacked her account with the homophobic slurs she used to put on her twitter feed...she’s only been looking for them for like 4 years...
Bell Curve much, Joy?
Dear Joe Biden:
You seem to enraged some destructive white people. We would like one of your houses to pay compensation....
Dazzlum & Fleeceum, Attorneys at Law
What other first world countries have news readers with 80 IQs?
So to her, Trump supporters are just terrorists. Lower than Nazi’s? Do I have this correct?
That people like Reid are allowed to use their soapbox to spread anti-white racism is very dangerous to our society. Very. Let’s be honest. There are a large number of people in this country who want to ‘put those evil white people in their place’. They want continued rapid demographic shifts. They want whites to be the minority. And, they want government mandated equality of outcome (actually they want reversal of outcome - in which the successful are punished).
They are driven by very bad human traits, including hatred, prejudice, and envy. Those like Reid are also driven by their narcissistic view of themselves as social justice warriors.
None of these people are addressing the biggest factors in wasting the promise of minority children - the lack of a nuclear family, depraved ‘pop’ culture that normalizes gang-banging and promiscuity, lowered expectations, teenage pregnancy, and pointing fingers at everyone else instead of working from within to fix those problems that steal childhoods and hope.
Reid is the most racist bitch in America. It’s time to deport that large stack of pancakes.
The Biden/Harris version of America is starting to look more like Nazi Germany and the old Soviet Union every day. Congratulations to the “80 Million Ass Souls” who engaged in stealing the election.
They vomit these insane points and know low information people suck it all up.
What this rhetorical vomit does is lead to the mass murder and incarceration of those that are demonized by these insane parallels, accusations and polarizations. Ask anyone from former Communist sh*t holes.
"They're not going to stop," she said.
" This is a movement, I'm telling you, they're not going to stop, and everyone beware because they're not going to stop before Election Day in November, and they're not going to stop after Election Day.
And everyone should take note of that, on both levels, that they're not going to let up, and they should not, and we should not.”
"...a longer version of the exchange posted by the 'Late Show' shows Harris saying that the protests continuing is "critically important" to achieve change.
“much the way that”
this is what you call “stretching the lie”
libtards do this to justify warrantless surveillance, suspension of habeas corpus, and ultimately drone strikes
It was very open ‘Violent White Extremism Much the Way Bin Laden’ Did”, as we welcomed the good black, Latino and Asian folks who participated in celebrating America together with us as one people.
Reid is one of the most irresponsible mouthpieces.
You can’t fix stupid
These fools think to isolate patriotism and demonize it as hate.
Left in the Bain means the brain left.
What a left wing nut.
Stalinists lie. ALWAYS