Nations hostile to US➡️Soros➡️Clintons➡️Democrat Party➡️Press
Does anyone doubt a new war with communism is happening?
Our Ministry of Propaganda is working for the Chinese Ministry of Propaganda.
Yoitube returns Chinese News sources before any conservative sources. Look up German protests and see what sources yoi get. It is absolutely diabolical.
Just another case of yellow journalism.
Sounds like a lot of traitors, also known as domestic enemies of the constitution. In WWII they would have been arrested, tried, then hanged as non-uniformed spies and traitors.
We need to bring back the old ways of handling treason.
Every time an American looked at an item for where it was made in it came from China. Now China’s reliance making everything was being threatened by a change in leadership in America which was a major consumer of those products. When Americans hailed their leaders decision to make many of them in their country US. Their politburo worried.
Worse yet opponents to the Chinese regime in power had its citizens protesting its policies , as in Hong Kong, since that change in American leadership wave the American flag and present Trump’s name when doing so. All of which presented those in power the need to destroy that leader Donald Trump.
Would a runaway plague created by a nation which could threaten populations of an enemy cause them to react by demanding extreme restriction of movement by its population to prevent its spread ? Thus wind up fragmenting its economy and create defeat for that leader’s upcoming election.
Americans better WISE UP/
Key swamp demons were making fortunes when they allowed US companies in a number of industries including pharma, computer; and electrical as well metal fabrication components even bicycles relocate their factories in China . To the point where China was our sole supplier. The money the CCP has now comes from US .If we play our Chinese checkers right we can really turn things around for the better not only here but in China as well.Check out this recent posting in Free which the MSM and social venues will spike;